Tag Archives: House Appropriations Committee

Second Verse, Same As The First

You may remember that John Doolittle stepped down from his seat on the House Appropriations Committee because of the ongoing scandal into his ties with convicted felon Jack Abramoff.

The GOP leadership, sensing that there’s an almost unlimited well of corrupt California Republicans who can replace Doolittle, decided to call up one from the minors.

Yesterday, the House Republican Steering Committee voted to seat Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) on the Appropriations Committee, “filling the vacancy left by embattled Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA),” who is under investigation by the FBI for his longstanding ties to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Named one of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington’s “20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress,” Calvert has a history of abusing his power just as much as Doolittle.

This is part of the Law of Conservation of Conservative Californians – corrupt GOP Congressmen from this state can neither be created or destroyed, always remaining in equilibrium.  Until we retire them.

Calvert’s rap sheet on the flip…

Made huge personal profits off his own earmark. Calvert pushed through an earmark to secure over $9 million for freeway and commercial development near property he owned in California. After the development of the area, Calvert sold his property for a 79 percent profit.

Personal firm received commission from earmark. “In another deal, a group of investors bought property a few blocks from the site of a proposed interchange, for $975,000. Within six months, after the earmark for the interchange was appropriated, the parcel of land sold for $1.45 million. Rep. Calvert’s firm received a commission on the sale.”

Rewarded K Street firm under investigation with pork projects. The Copeland Lowery lobbying firm is currently “enmeshed in a federal investigation of Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA).” “Rep. Calvert has helped pass through at least 13 earmarks sought by Copeland Lowery in 2005, adding up to over $91 million.” The lobbying firm has been Calvert’s largest campaign contributor.

Traveled to Saudi Arabia with convicted Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-CA) in 2004. They were accompanied by Thomas Kontogiannis, an alleged co-conspirator in the Cunningham controversy.

And Calvert is rewarded for this sterling record by getting his hands closer to the earmark cookie jar, on Appropriations.  I’m guessing he won’t be able to help himself.

Citizens to Schiff/Dreier: STOP funding the WAR! (+ pics)

(great recap of the event. – promoted by dday)

Yesterday citizens took to the streets in front of Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff’s Pasadena, California offices to send him a clear message. STOP funding the WAR.  This afternoon, the anti-war protest briefly became a two-front effort, (see update below) at the offices of Schiff and Republican David Drier. Why Adam Schiff, and why now?  Schiff sits on the powerful House Appropriations Committee soon to decide on legislation that could result in Bush being allocated another 200 billion US taxpayer dollars to pursue the illegal occupation and war in Iraq.  Schiff states that he is opposed to Bush’s escalation – but is that enough? Schiff voted for the Iraq War resolution, and year after year he voted to give Bush billions upon hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to keep our soldiers in Iraq to kill and be killed in an illegal war. Schiff now says that he opposes Bush’s policy, but rhetoric does not equal action.  Congress can bring the war to end by cutting off the flow of cash.  There are lives in the balance, and there is already enough money in the pipeline to bring our troops home safely.

[Please follow me below the jump for updates, photos and video]

Update: Marcy Winograd, Linda Milazzo and other protestors, briefly expanded to two fronts,  they moved east to Congressman David Dreier‘s district office – 2220 E. Route 66, in Glendora – where they planned to issue a citizen’s arrest for funding an illegal war and committing taxpayer fraud. Earlier today, Rep. Dreier championed escalation on the floor of the House. He consistently refuses to meet with constituents who oppose the occupation of Iraq, and today was no exception.  The delegation was phsically evicted from Dreier’s office – luckily a videoagrapher from Free Speech TV was there to document the assault – let’s hear it for responsiveness to constituents – the delegation returned to  Schiff’s office and joined forces with those who had stayed behind. Further details in CalifSherry’s comment, below.

Mimi Kennedy
Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles

The protest will continue until 6PM today, and is scheduled again for tomorrow between the hours of 11AM and 6PM.  Southern Califonian are cordially invited to join the ranks:

Adam Schiff’s office is located at 87 North Raymond, Pasadena, California 91103

If you can’t make it to Pasadena, here’s contact info for  Adam Schiff:

  * call his office at 626-304-2727 or 202-225-4176 


  * send a fax to 626-304-0572  or 202-225-5828

Thanks to oracleoflosangeles for this short, rough video taken at yesterday’s protest:

In it you get a feel for yestday’s citzen action.  It contains a heartfelt statement from Marcy Winograd, and others answering the question: Why Schiff, and why now?

Some Democrats already get it – many opposed the war from the beginning.  Today in Washington, Democrats from California to Vermont are speaking out for against the war:

“Our military is already stretched to a breaking point…Bring this war to a close”

Representative Doris Matsui

“We must end this war”

Representative Peter Welch

Yesterday a delegation of activists went upstairs to Adam Schiff’s offices.  Tim Goodrich from Iraq Veterans for Progress and Iraq Veterans Against the War put it convincingly:

“Cutting off funding will not imperil our troops”

Here are some more photos from yesterday’s action:

Sandra Williams, Frances Westerfield and Lupe Lujan

All three of thses women work with the Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools (CAMS) and are actively involved in providing counter recruitment information to high school students through out the greater Los Angeles Area

Maureen Cruise
Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools (CAMS)

The sign reads: “Our House will be a very, very fine house when you bring the troops home.”

I hope to return later with updates from today’s action – will protestests occupy Adam Schiff office and show him what it feels like to be occupied?  That is the question.

Crossposted from Daily Kos, mydd, and My Left Wing  – stay tuned.
