Tag Archives: Sonoma

Redistricting leaves Marin and sonoma with no Senator for two years

Marin and Sonoma Counties are currently represented by State Senator Mark Leno.  As of last week, maps show the District split at the Golden Gate Bridge, which is what we were hoping for, however, watch out what you wish for. As of this weekend, San Francisco has been given an odd-number. This means they will have a Senate election in 2012. Mark Leno, as the “odd numbered” Senator, will run for re-election in that race. However, even numbered District have no elections until 2014.  In the new numbering scheme, we will be District 2, even, and hence no election until 2014.

But will that mean we have no State Senator until 2014, since our current Senator, Mark Leno, will now represent San Francisco?  The current Senators representing a part of the new District (which goes all the way to the Oregon border) are Noreen Evans, Dem, Santa Rosa, and Doug LaMalfa, Republican from Butte County, thankfully not in the new District.  I’d be happy with Noreen, but I think she’s in the part of Santa Rosa north of College Avenue and out of the new District.  Does this mean we get a caretaker appointed Senator until 2014? Anyone know this? Weird huh?  

SD-03 Debate in Sonoma County LiveBlog

I’m blogging live here from Sonoma County, Rohnert Park to be exact. Sen Carole Migden was, as always, very excited about making her presentation. She spoke for quite awhile about her various accomplishments. The speech was a bit rambling and disjointed, but was well received over-all.  Asm. Leno spoke in a practiced, well-rehearsed tone. He spoke of his efforts on foster care. Again, it was well-received by this very well behaved crowd of all ages.

Flip it for some questions.

First, a question was asked about Sen. Gil Cedillo’s driver’s license bill. Sen Migden says she supported the bill, and encourages immigrants to learn English to get the best jobs.  Asm. Leno spoke of his co-authoring of the bill, and how we need to approach the issue of immigration.

The next question was about paper ballots. Asm. Leno says that SoS Bowen has done a terrific job. Sen Migden seconded the support of Ms. Bowen.

The next question was about affordable housing. Sen Migden says she wants people to live near where they work, and should be able to live near where they grew up. Asm. Leno praised Habitat for Humanity, and pointed out Asm. Noreen Evans in the crowd for her support. He further discussed the 3-legged stool of housing, beginning with developers. We also need to invest in public support of housing, through bonds. Supply must meet demand. Finally, the federal government has ignored the community.

Why I’m running

(I was there, and here are my photos from the event. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

Today, at events in Marin and San Francisco, I announced my candidacy for State Senate in 2008. I am running to offer voters a change and give voters a choice. The issues confronting us today are huge, from climate change to health care for all. We need new ideas, new leadership, and new approaches.

That’s why I want to reinvent the office of State Senate. I want to bring together communities of interest to work on solutions. To that end, this month I’m going to initiate and lead a series of online discussions, what I’m calling “Communities of Interest Policy” talks. These talks will bring together citizens from Sonoma, Marin, and San Francisco to exchange ideas for addressing a variety of important issues, including transportation, the environment, housing, education and health care, among others.

I also believe people deserve a responsive, respectful legislator. I believe strongly not only in what I do but the way I go about it. Collaboration, respect, inclusion have been the hallmarks of my personal life and political career. And during my announcement, I will outline a series of pledges to back this up. Bringing people together — not tearing them down, dividing them or belittling them — is the only way to accomplish lasting, meaningful results and change.

A few have asked me: Why are you running for State Senate? “It’s because you’re out of a job,” they say. “It’s because you have a grudge against your opponent.” Neither is true. Democracy is best served when voters have a choice. Without choice there’s no accountability; without accountability there’s no responsibility. We need accountable and responsible leadership. A contest of ideas, styles, and substance can only help, not hurt the process. If I have anything to do about it, this campaign will not divide our community. Indeed, I believe we will only come out stronger. I’m going to run a positive campaign. I challenge my opponent to do so as well.

So the race is on. Election campaigns come and go, politicians are replaceable, but our cause endures. I want to thank you for your help and ask you for your vote and your support. I invite all of you to join with us.