Tag Archives: Brian Bilbray

It’s What They Do When It Counts That Matters

Back in the good old days of April 2006, it looked like a Democrat might be elected to represent California’s 50th Congressional District. Republicans were in disarray after their 50th district stalwart, Randy “Duke” Cunningham resigned, confessed and went off to prison. The best candidate the badly split Republicans could cough up in an early April special election was a lobbyist who had never lived one day in the 50th district.

Polls showed Democrat Francine Busby even or ahead of Republican lobbyist and carpetbagger, Brian Bilbray, and it looked like Busby had a real chance for an upset victory despite the huge Republican voter registration advantage in the district. Money and support were pouring in to the Busby campaign and she looked strong preparing for the June 3 run-off that would decided who filled out the final months of Cunningham’s term.

Then in mid-April the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) went nuclear on Busby with a series of attack ads that made the Swift Boating of John Kerry look like a teenage prank video on YouTube. The NRCC threw millions at the race and worked diligently to discredit Busby.

The most egregious ad the NRCC threw up attacked Busby as being soft on child pornography. The rationale for the NRCC charge was that a teacher, who worked in the Cardiff School District, on whose board Busby serves, was suspected of having child pornography on his personal computer at his home.

The teacher in question was under investigation based on information gleaned from credit card records and other personal information.  As soon as the school district administration was informed of the investigation, the teacher was stripped of his teaching credential and he was placed on administrative leave.  He never entered a classroom or had contact with another student from that time forward.  The teacher subsequently resigned rather than face a school board administrative action to terminate him.

The man behind the NRCC advertising that put the Busby campaign in a defensive mode, none other than Representative Tom Reynolds (NY-26).  Reynolds is the head of the NRCC and in April with the Busby/Bilbray race the only congressional action on the table, Reynolds was free to turn all his time and effort to the attack.

Compare the behavior of the Cardiff School District and board member, Francine Busby, with the behavior of the man responsible for the NRCC’s advertising, in the Foleygate page sex scandal.  By his own admission, Reynolds told “his supervisor,” House Majority Leader Dennis Hastert (IL-14) that Representative Mark Foley’s behavior toward house pages seemed inappropriate.  AND, then, Reynolds walked away.  He didn’t follow-up, he didn’t ask his own chief of staff, Kirk Fordham.  Fordham, would have been a good person to ask as he had spent ten years as Foley’s chief of staff before going to work in the same capacity for Reynolds.

Reynolds is attempting to spin the story by offering up his “sincere” mea culpa that he should have done more and suggesting that others dropped the ball and did nothing to protect congressional pages from his colleague Representative Foley.

“Nobody’s angrier and more disappointed that I didn’t catch his lies,” the New York representative says, referring to Foley, in the television commercial that appeared Friday on stations in Buffalo and Rochester. “I trusted that others had investigated. Looking back, more should have been done, and for that, I am sorry.”

Interesting, huh?  When a Democratic candidate does everything possible to protect children, Republicans like Reynolds make up stuff to discredit her.  On the other hand, when a senior member of the Republican leadership is told that one of his colleagues is behaving inappropriately with young men, who are supposedly under the protection of the institution of which Reynolds is a leader, Reynolds passes the buck up and does nothing.

Bringing this back to the 50th district, there are two things to keep in mind here.  First, when Reynolds and crew went after Busby in April, she called upon Republican Brian Bilbray to repudiate the ads and to ask the NRCC to stop running them in his behalf.  Bilbray smirked and said that there was nothing he could do about the ads. 

Bilbray is still smirking as he continues to support Reynolds and Hastert and the rest of the Republican leadership as they twist, spin and lie in an effort to deflect the public from its  perception that they are engaged in a massive cover-up.  Bilbray is just another Republican who has one single interest, reelection.  The needs of the people in his district, the needs of the pages under his protection, none of that matters to men like Bilbray.  Getting power and holding power is what it is all about for them.

Immigration Hearings in San Diego: Nativism’s Road Tour

Back in Congress, Brian Bilbray is trying to make a name for himself…or one of his old lobbyist clients:

Bilbray said the recent debates on illegal immigration show that not enough has been done to find and remove illegal immigrants.

“The United States has not been serious enough about our national sovereignty, defending our neighborhoods,” Bilbray said. “The problem is coming across the border and not being regulated under a mandate by our federal Constitution.” (San Diego U-T) 7/5/06)

There isn’t much of substance to this whole road show.  It’s just a big campaign for HR4437, Sensenbrenner’s nativist bill.  The Senate Bill was livable, but 4437 is not.  More border patrol doesn’t really solve the problem, which is a poor Mexican economy devestated by government corruption. (Also on that note, there has been no determination of Mexico’s new president, with AMLO trailing by less than one percent.)

A real solution to the immigration question is necessary and the theater isn’t helpful.  If the GOP can get past their grandstanding and nativism, perhas we can find real answers.

California Blog Roundup, 7/3/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: Phil Angelides, Arnold Schwarzenegger, CA-50, CA-04, CA-11, Richard Pombo, John Doolittle, Brian Bilbray, corruption, environment, budget, initiatives, salmon, other environment, clean money.

More Initatives. Oy.

Governor’s Race

Bilbray / CA-50

Paid-For Pombo / CA-11

15% Doolittle / CA-04

  • Abramoff pays Julie Doolittle. 15% Doolittle, devout anti-gambling religious Mormon helps out Abramoff’s Indian gaming clients. Move along. No corruption here. 15% Doolittle can’t be bought. He’s an upright man, a family man, a religious man.
  • Dump Doolittle points us to an Auburn Journal piece on the bases of support for the two CA-04 candidates.
  • So here’s how our federal government “works” after 12 years of Republican majority rule: citizens pay our taxes, federal representatives ignore us and our local governments until our local governments use our taxes pay lobbyists, lobbyists give the federal reps campaign donations, fancy dinners, junkets, and jobs, and then our taxes sometimes come back to some of us (less a percentage off the top) on that basis. The Republicans: standing for the right to get rich in government since at least 1994.

Other Republican Paragons





California Blog Roundup, 6/26.06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: Phil Angelides, Arnold Schwarzenegger, CA-04, CA-11, Richard Pombo, John Doolittle, Brian Bilbray, Ken Calvert, health care, corruption, immigration.

Governor’s Race

Paid-For Pombo / CA-11

15% Doolittle / CA-04

Other Republican Paragons

Health Care




California Blog Roundup, 6/21/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: Phil Angelides, Arnold Schwarzenegger, CA-04, CA-11, CA-50, Paid-For Pombo, 15% Doolittle, Jerry Lewis, David Dreier, Brian Bilbray, corruption, immigration, minimum wage, reform.

Governor’s Race


  • CannonFire points us to a Flash movie questioning the integrity of the vote in CA-50.
  • Look, I know that parents are not entirely responsible for their children (though most Republicans differ), but when Republicans persist in using “family values” and other culture war code words to wedgify the American people,one has to ask: what about their kids? And BTW, if Brian Bilbray supports the invasion and occupation of Iraq, I wonder if he’s encouraged his kids serving? I hear the military is short a few folks.
  • Words Have Power adds a fun fact: Bilbray sued the state of California to get in-state tuition for his kids, even though they are residents of Virginia (like Bilbray). Bilbray, however, opposes in-state tuition for the children of undocumented immigrants. It’s a Republican hypocrisy perfect storm: Bilbray engages in lawsuit abuse to change the rules in order to get a government handout of public education for his kids, even while denying the same thing to other children.
  • I’m not sure we want to get into a war of money attrition with the Republicans, but this post by Markos is interesting nonetheless.

15% Doolittle / CA-04

Paid-For Pombo / CA-11

Other Republican Paragons


Helping People

Reform / Miscellany

California Blog Roundup 6/13/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: Phil Angelides, Arnold Schwarzenegger, CA-50, Richard Pombo, Jerry McNerney, John Doolittle, Marcy Winograd, prisons, immigration, biodiesel, redistricting, reform.


CA-50 (Finally, the end of the post-mortems)

Other Electoral


CA-50: One voter at a time

Both candidates are busy fighting for every last possible vote.

At a heavily traveled Encinitas intersection Friday, Bilbray and sign-toting supporters waved at passing cars. Trucks honked. One man pulled up and said jovially: “Hey, I recognize you. You’re the carpetbagger, right?” – a reference to the fact that he moved to his mother’s house in the district last year.
Busby focused this week on meeting commuters as they lined up for the Coaster train. When she approached people Thursday at a Carlsbad Village station, about two-thirds, including Republicans, vowed to vote for her.

“I’m on the right, but I’m going to vote for you anyway,” Art Jensen, a fan of conservative talk radio, told her. “At this point, it’s character that counts.”

Some of the old-guard Republicans – the conservatives who had long defined the 50th District – also were waiting to board the train.  “I’m a Republican and you won’t live long enough to see me vote for you,” one man said with a steely stare. (SD U-T 6/4/06)

Why does the old-guard GOP always gotta have a steely stare? We don’t want voters who gotta use the steely stare anyway.  And hey, if Francine can pick up 1 out of 2 GOP voters, she’ll do well.  There’s going to be more than a smidgeon of voter fatigue in the 50th, so let’s make sure that our voters get out and vote tomorrow.  Please do as much as you can to get out the vote.

CA-50: A collection of the NRCC and Bilbray’s ludicrous ads

( – promoted by SFBrianCL)

I wanted to consolidate some of the ridiculous ads, and the Busby rebuttals.  Most of the links are from FactCheck.org, where you can find lots of info debunking NRCC ads against Busby.  If you can volunteer, donate, or VOTE!  The flip has some info for GOTV Volunteering.

1) Immigration:

NRCC ad(WMV): Bubsy wants amnesty.

Busby ad (WMV): Busby supports McCain (R-AZ) Immigration Plan

2) Gas Tax

NRCC ad (WMV): Busby wants to increase the gas tax

Truth: Busby backed off her support for an increase in the gas tax.

Busby ad: Bilbray took money from Big Oil.

3) Busby on Child Porn Teacher

NRCC ad: Busby praised a teacher arrested for kiddie porn and excercise poor judgement as a school board member.  Here  is the mailer version of that ad.

Truth: Busby expressed shock when that teacher was arrested.

Busby ad: He never taught again after being arrested.


  GOTV June 3rd-6th

  Saturday June 3rd, Sunday June 4th & Monday June 5th

  Door Hangers 10am-8pm
  (Shifts beginning at 10am, 1pm & 4pm)

  Election Day June 6th

  Precinct Poll Checks
  6:00am-9am Door Hangers
  9:30am-8pm Precinct Poll Walks
  (Shifts beginning at 9:30am, 12pm & 4pm)

  Canvass Locations:

  Coastal Canvass
  Headline Graphics Parking Lot
  131 Aberdeen Drive
  Cardiff By The Sea, Ca 92007
  (760) 436-0133

  Southern Canvass
  Carpenter’s Hall
  8595 Miralani Drive, Suite A
  San Diego, Ca 92123

  Northern Canvass
  CWA Escondido Union Hall
  1525 Simpson Way
  Escondido, Ca 92029

  Phone Bank Locations:

  Coastal Phone Bank:
  Busby Cardiff Office
  2121 Newcastle Avenue
  Cardiff By The Sea, Ca 92007
  (760) 479-0114

  Northern Phone Banks:
  CWA Escondido Union Hall
  1525 Simpson Way
  Escondido, Ca 92029

  Nava Residence
  858 Calle Montera
  Escondido, Ca 9202

  RSVP to [email protected]
  Or call (760) 479-0114

CA-50: The perfect storm

(Hat tip to Kos – promoted by SFBrianCL)

Carl Luna, a political science professor at San Diego Mesa College, pens a piece on the San Diego U-T’s blog about CA-50 describing the confluence of events that will lead to Francine Busby’s victory on Tuesday.

Basically, he describes the process as being a perfect storm for a Dem victory: unopposed Dem who can play towards the middle, one corrupt, moderate Rep, running against a bunch of wingers in the primary, who has to play to the right, wingers who don’t go away quietly after the first election, and so on…

1. Run multiple conservative GOP candidates in the primary along with one moderate. This would guarantee that the district’s conservative would be split, giving the moderate a plurality without his winning the hearts, minds and votes of the majority of the party.

2. Have the moderate be a current Washington insider well acquainted with (and tainted by) the DC culture of corruption rather than being a bright new, energetic and well-financed newcomer.

3. Have a Democratic candidate who runs unopposed in the primary and is therefore able—and smart enough– to position herself safely to the middle on all major issues while the Republicans savage themselves to out-right each other.

4. Run a Democrat as candidate who has the charisma of a Kennedy and character of an Eisenhower. Meanwhile, end up with a Republican candidate who kind of resembles Richard Nixon in a speedo. (San Diego U-T 6/1/06)

I think this is a problem for the NRCC.  They are getting so desperate to come up with anything about Busby to attack her on.  The woman is practically your grandmother, and who wants politicos attacking your grandmother? 

Luna continues:

5. Have the defeated conservative Republican candidates not rally faithfully behind the party standard bearer ….

6. Have the moderate Republican nominee run on a hard-right immigration reform plan as his wedge issue…

7. Have a Republican President with an approval rating lower than the average used-car salesman …Throw in a Republican controlled congress that would kill to have an approval rating as high as said President’s.

8. Have both parties’ national congressional committees pour millions of dollars into nuclearly (or is it nucularly?) bombastic negative ads, with the Republican ads being so over the top as to be absurd. …

9. Finally, in the last weeks of the campaign have one of the most divisive figures in Republican national politics come to stump for the Republican moderate to help shore up the district’s conservative base but, at the last moment, have the crown prince of Republican moderation, also planning to stump for the candidate to shore up moderate and independent voters, chooses not to do so in a snit because the candidate has publicly dissed the crown prince’s moderate compromise plan on immigration reform.

Yup, that pretty well summarizes it.  I think that he left out the fact that Busby will ultimately be a far better asset to the district, but we can forgive him for getting lost in the horse race at a moment like this.

CA-50: Bilbray runs pro-Busby ads

~–~ Note there are 5 days until this election!! ~–~

Isn’t it funny how ads and arguments that are supposedly attacks, often only give you more reasons to like a candidate (if you weren’t the intended audience for the ad)? Case in point, some of Brian Bilbray’s ads against Francine Busby.

They are all on his web page, lets take a look.

A TV ad “English” (WindowsMedia, Quicktime)

It plays a video clip from one of the debates, where Busby says she thinks having an official language is a silly idea. It also points out her support for the McCain-Edwards version of immigration reform.

  • On both counts, great!

TV ad “One Clear Choice” (WindowsMedia, Quicktime)

Busby supports letting babies born in the United States, be citizens of the United States. (um, duh!) Bilbray brags about writing the first House bill that would bar some babies born in the United States from being citizens, depending on their parents’ status (Question: does that include the father, because…how would that even work? Also, since just about every country in the world decides citizenship based on being born in the country, would those kids have citizenship anywhere else? Would they be citizens of nowhere?)

  • Needless to say, score 2 more for Busby! Wow, Brian, your ads really are persuasive!

Mail piece: Endorsed by Corky Smith (pdf)

Corky Smith is about as good an endorsement as Mr. 19% Dick Cheney (pics of protest of Cheney’s Bilbray fundraiser). Is someone accused of cronyism and secret dealings with Walmart, who openly mocked the efforts of a bipartisan grassroots group of his own constituents in a local TV news interview, really the kind of person that Bilbray wants to associate himself with at this juncture? (when there are questions about a New Year’s Eve trip Bilbray and his wife took to the Marianas, paid for by Jack Abramoff!)

  • If birds of a feather flock together, this is another big reason to vote Busby.

Mail piece: Had Enough? (pdf)

This one I’m just throwing in for entertainment value. The words “Had Enough?” take up half the page. Isn’t that the Democrats’ theme for November? This one really is a pro-Busby ad ROTFL!!

cross-posted to dkos