Tag Archives: Wi-Fi

July 10, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let us know if I missed anything in comments.

Also, The California Majority Report seems to be experimenting with a daily news roundup. They’re calling it “Fresh Meat“, which is best thought of as a sort of a spun “Rough and Tumble”. I hope they can keep it up — I tried to do that for a month or two in 2005, and it was brutal. Of course, CA Majority Report should be able to, y’know, pay people.

Budgets are Moral

All Politics is Local

Our State and Planet

Other State Politics in
No Particular Order

July 7, 2007 Blog Roundup

Blog roundup on the flip. The labels should be self-explanatory.

Schwarzenegger’s Air
Resource Board Shenanigans

Health Care

California Politics

Local and Labor

Republicans Are What They

San Francisco Wi-Fi Deal

We have yet another instance of a blogger taking to ink and dead wood to write an important piece on a topic that the blogger has written extensively about online. This time, it is Left in SF writer Sasha Magee in today’s San Francisco Bay Guardian. In a follow-up blog post, Sasha writes:

In my fantasy world, Gavin Newsom would read my Guardian op-ed and think, “damn, he’s right. I need to work with the Board on the wi-fi deal.”

Let’s hope that it isn’t just fantasy, because Sasha is spot-on.