Tag Archives: Linda Stender

Calitics: You can help me “pay it forward”…

(OK, sure! : ) – promoted by atdleft)

First off, I want to say that I am looking forward to meeting a lot of folks I’ve only heard about online at the “Blue House at the Brew House” blograiser at the California Democratic Convention next Friday.

Just a few days ago, I went to the YearlyKos fundraiser YearlyKos fundraiser in Washington, DC. You can see some of the pictures from that event, including a photo of me with Dengre, in NYBri’s recommended diary.

As you all know, I defeated Richard Pombo, a seven-term Republican incumbent, and was elected to Congress in 2006 on a wave of grassroots and netroots support. But, what some of you may not know is that I ran in 2004 and lost.

Sometimes, it takes more than one election cycle for voters to realize it’s time for a change. That’s why I am proud to post the following request on Calitics today.

Come over to the other side of this diary for the rest of the story.

When the pundits and power-brokers were telling us we could not defeat Richard Pombo, thousands of Democracy for America supporters pushed back, voting to give me DFA’s 2006 "Grassroots All-Star" endorsement, a crucial turning point that provided our campaign with a major financial boost.

Today, seven excellent grassroots candidates are competing to win DFA’s  first congressional endorsement of 2007. You can help me grow the Democratic majority in Congress in 2008 by voting for your next DFA Grassroots All-Star right now:


DFA’s early endorsement helped me win a seat in Congress, showing that bottom-up, people-powered grassroots organizing works. Your Grassroots All-Star vote changed the race, helping us attract significant early support from the netroots and crucial media attention.

As Charles Chamberlain commented in a diary on Daily Kos yesterday, even the National Journal recognized the power of this endorsement:

Even after McNerney’s impressive primary upset, the DCCC was not sold on his viability. But over the summer, he began picking up extensive “netroots” support and captured the imagination of liberal Internet activists. He also won the “Grassroots All-Star” online voting contest run by Democracy for America, a political action committee inspired by Howard Dean. The group’s endorsement triggered campaign contributions for McNerney from around the country.

Now, you can make a difference again. Democracy for America has put together a list of candidates that came extremely close last year, ran an excellent grassroots campaign, and have already thrown their hat back in the ring. These candidates need your help to finish what they started in 2006. It’s up to you to decide who DFA will support next.

Please vote today for DFA’s 2007 Grassroots All-Star:


Don’t stop there. We won the Grassroots All-Star competition in 2006 because our supporters spread the word about this important competition to their friends, family and neighbors — in the grassroots and the netroots. So, after you vote today, please recommend this diary on Daily Kos and ask your friends to support your candidate.

Getting out the vote is how you took back Congress in 2006 and it’s how we’ll grow our Democratic majority in 2008. You can get the ball rolling now by voting for your DFA Grassroots All-Star candidate today and telling your fellow Kossacks to do the same.

IMPORTANT: According to DFA, the first-round deadline is Sunday at midnight. So, you’ve got three days to GOTV!

Please use this diary to talk up your favorite candidate and why you think they should be the next DFA Grassroots All-Star!

Thank you for everything you do.

Jerry McNerney
Member of Congress
2006 DFA Grassroots All-Star