Tag Archives: fires

Feds Say California’s Fires Aren’t a Disaster

The numbers are staggering – 1,400 wildfires burning around the state. Over 70 homes destroyed and 7,800 under threat. President Bush has declared the fires a federal emergency and released $50 million in federal aid, announced by FEMA administrator David Paulison – surely a sign that the feds are fully engaged in the fire aid effort, right?

Not so fast. There is a difference between an “emergency,” which frees up something like the $50 million in firefighting funds, and a “federal disaster” declaration, which frees up the full range of FEMA assistance to fire victims, including relocation shelters and financial assistance.

According to the Monterey Herald the federal government has refused to declare the California fires a disaster:

But assistance from FEMA for fire victims has not been approved because the fires have not been declared a federal disaster.

Paulison said a preliminary damage evaluation will be done to determine if more declarations are needed.

Rep. Sam Farr, D-Carmel, said he was told it does not appear California’s wildfires qualify as a federal disaster because the level of destruction has not been great enough.

It’s conservative government in action – the stingy nature of FEMA assistance that was revealed to the world during Hurricane Katrina continues to dominate the Bush Administration’s approach to disaster relief. As a Daily Kos diarist has explained FEMA is screwing around with Midwest flood disaster relief and of course, FEMA’s initial reaction to last fall’s fires here in California was to host a news conference where its employees posed as actual reporters and lobbed softball questions at FEMA administrators.

California’s fire season is going to be long and difficult. As the Big Sur and Goleta fires show, a rapid response by firefighters is necessary to saving homes and lives. Unfortunately a combination of drought and a lack of firefighting resources is intensifying the fires.

Understaffing is one of the main issues facing firefighters, as the Firefighter Blog makes clear:

“Fire has jumped a southern containment lines and crews are attempting to hold a secondary dozer line with limited resources. Structures, heavy fuel loads due to sudden oak death, . Active fire behavior on the southern end and north of Pfeiffer State Park is becoming a challenge to containment actions. East Zone: Numerous structures and improvements located in the proximity to Carmel Valley Road and Tassajara Road areas. Limited access. Extremely steep and rugged terrain with continuous heavy fuel loading. HEBM is needed for military assets.”

It seems improbable this fire could move that far north but Commander Deitrech has a tired army under his watch. Under “normal” conditions he would already have the necessary resources to mount a proper attack. Like all the other fire commanders statewide he is simply understaffed.

If this is a problem now, one shudders to think of what will happen this fall when the Santa Ana winds kick up across a bone-dry Southern California. FEMA’s stinginess and the lack of adequate firefighting resources are both the product of conservative opposition to government – the only body in our society that’s capable of managing a response to disasters of this magnitude.

Tracking Air Quality As California Burns

This will be a short diary, since it’s more a request for information than a source of it.

While today’s weather in much of Northern California is cooler (especially here on the Central Coast), as of this morning, Cal Fire lists 29 uncontained, major fires (PDF) as of 7AM this morning.  And with these fires, we are getting large amounts of fine particulates in the air.

Though the Bay Area Air Quality Management District has no plans yet to lift its health advisory, weather forecasters are predicting ocean breezes will start clearing out the haze Monday. Children, the elderly and people with heart and lung diseases are advised to limit outdoor activities.

The district issues alerts when airborne particulate levels are expected to exceed federal standards, an average of 35 parts per million over eight hours. Friday’s preliminary average in San Jose was 42 ppm, with levels peaking at 65 ppm, said air district spokesman Jim Smith. Saturday saw considerable improvement, with a preliminary average of 24 ppm, he said. Still, that’s nearly five times the reading a year ago of 5 ppm.

This is important news, but the catch is this: I’m finding it hard to get up-to-date information on whether this alert is still on, or what areas it affects. Anybody have better info?

Here’s a bit more information concerning the health risks, from a post up on KSBW’s site:

Air pollution readings in Northern California were two to 10 times the federal standard for clean air, said Dimitri Stanich, spokesman for the California Air Resources Board. Some areas experienced the worst air quality on record, with the smoke hanging like a fog down to ground level.

Air quality agencies from Bakersfield to Redding are especially concerned about high readings of small-particle pollution. The tiniest particles can penetrate past the body’s immune defenses, traveling deep into the lungs and into the bloodstream.

“When you have it on the scale we are seeing now, it is very dangerous to the general public health,” Stanich said. “This is a very serious problem.”

Stanich advised people to stay inside and keep physical activity to a minimum. Children, the elderly and people with heart and lung problems are particularly vulnerable, but pollution levels are high enough to affect healthy adults.

Health officials have reported an increase in people complaining of eye and throat irritation and coughing. The poor air can also trigger asthma attacks and bronchitis.

They said surgical masks, wet cloths and bandanas are not enough to filter the smoke. Only N95- and P100-rated masks filter out the smallest and most dangerous particles.

Some veterinary offices said pet owners were bringing in dogs and cats with symptoms ranging from weepy eyes and irritated skin to difficulty breathing or unusual lethargy. Vets were advising that pets remain inside until the smoke clears.

Here in Santa Cruz, the air does not seem all that bad, although the color of the sky is “off” somehow. But there is very little up-to-date info to find out how bad the risk is out here.  It would be nice to know, based on the above articles.

CA-42: Caught In The Wildfires

My column at Capitol Weekly about Ron Shepston’s experiences during the Southern California wildfires is up here.  It’s really a pretty amazing story.

As the flames closed in, and evacuation was recommended, Ron and his family packed up. One of his neighbors, a 37-year retired battalion chief with the Orange County Fire Authority named Mike, had plenty of experience with fighting fires, and with the limited official resources, he thought he could help protect the community if the fire engulfed the canyon. The problem was that his body was beaten from years of service. After escorting his family to safer ground, Ron told Mike he was willing to help. “I’ll be your legs,” he said.

Ignoring a mandatory evacuation, Ron and Mike went to work, setting up hoses, hooking into hydrants, watering down wood structures, and clearing fuel away from danger. They also provided assistance to federal, state and local firefighters about prime lookout spots to view the progress of the fire, and the local terrain. This lasted for 10 days, a non-stop firefighting effort in an attempt to protect the community. “I could hear the roar of the flames on the ridge,” Ron said, “There were flames rising 100 feet.”

Go throw me a bone and read the whole thing.  There’s some discussion of Orange County’s failure to protect its residents by gutting firefighting operations, as well as the stark contrast between a leader like Shepston and Gary Miller, who has yet to make even one public statement about the fires.  This will be an issue in the campaign.

November 3, 2007 Blog Roundup and Open Thread

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed in comments, or just use this as an open thread.

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Read These

Dianne Feinstein is
Principle-Free or Actively Pro-Torture:  You make the call.
(With Bonus Jane Harman Posts)

Reflections on the SoCal



All the Rest

October 31, 2007 Blog Roundup and Open Thread

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. I’m experiencing some ennui this evening, so it’s just a link dump. Let me know what I missed in comments, or just use this as an open thread.

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Do Not Play With Matches

The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department has stated that the Buckweed fire, which burned 38,000 acres and 21 homes last week in Agua Dulce and Santa Clarita was started by a young boy playing with matches. The L.A. times is reporting that the boy has admitted to playing with matches. He’s been released to his parents. The Sheriff’s Department will not release his name, age or location. The case has also been referred to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office.

“We have identified a juvenile boy as the person who started the fire,” said Steve Whitmore, a department spokesman. “Arson investigators interviewed the young man, and he acknowledged he had been playing with matches and
accidentally started a fire.”

emphasis in quote is mine.

Firefighters are still battling fires across the State and expect to have them contained by the end of the week. They’re being aided slightly by cooling temperatures and rising humidity. And as a closing admonition. Please be careful with matches. Store them out of reach of children.

October 30, 2007 Blog Roundup and Open Thread

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed in comments, or just use this as an open thread.

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Wildfire Coverage Winding

Local News


Health Care

Everything Else

October 29, 2007 Blog Roundup and Open Thread

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed in comments, or just use this as an open thread.

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Southern California is
Still Burning

Randy Goes To Campaign
Class And a Candidate Forum


Housing Market



Everything Else

Our “Opposition Party” Senator

Here’s something to make your eyes bleed next time you think about our great victory in 2006.  One of those winners was Dianne Feinstein (D-Establishment).  And here’s what she had to say about the President after sharing a plane with him to California to survey wildfire damage, apparently a reward for shepherding through the confirmation of Leslie Southwick to the federal bench.

With a 7:40 a.m. Thursday departure from Andrews Air Force Base, Feinstein found herself seated in the rear of the plane with a handful of Southern California congressional representatives. After a breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage and French toast, Bush popped back for what the senator described as a frank two-hour conversation, mostly about foreign policy […]

“I found the discussion extraordinarily positive,” Feinstein said. “I came away with a very different view about him.” […]

As for the president’s performance on the ground?

“It was a wonderful thing to see, to be candid,” Feinstein said. “I saw a warm, caring human being.”

As the link above shows, during the 2006 election Feinstein was talking about removing all US forces from Iraq and serious Constitutional crises.  But when allowing a far-right loon to serve on the federal bench gets you all the Presidential mints and fluffy pillows you want, why bother being anything but gracious?  After all, everyone in Washington is so nice and personable!

Fuego en California, Arde Irak…

Este artículo es de la Proyecto Guerrero Azteca  by  Fernando Suarez del Solar

El sur de California arde, se ven columnas de humo con llamas por doquier, los residentes de varias comunidades son evacuados, y reciben atención médica, y alimentos necesarios, el gobernador declara zona de emergencia el sur de California y mas tarde, el Presidente Bush hace lo propio.

El condado de San Diego es el mas afectado con estos siniestros, el norte del condado, donde habitan miles de trabajadores del campo también se ve envuelto entre las llamas, tienen que salir de sus humildes viviendas en Ramona, Valley center, Escondido, Etc. Etc. Y se refugian en un estadio, donde creen que encontraran las mismas condiciones de ayuda que estan recibiendo otros miles de vecinos de otras areas menos marginadas, muchos de estos evacuados, son , como les llaman algunos, indocumentados, tienen temor de salir de sus casas, pero ante el peligro eminente del fuego, no tienen otra opción que hacerlo, y la sorpresa que se llevan es que ,dentro del refugio, los encuentra la migra, y detienen a  algunos y son deportados,, ante estos inmorales hechos, muchos salen huyendo de esa otra amenaza, tal ves mas peligrosa que la lumbre, la migra, y se ven obligados a esconderse entre la jungla de cemento, y los escombros de las llamas.

Es maravilloso ver como la población se une ante los siniestros, es muy loable ver como todos ayudan a todos, sin importar color, religión, sexo, nivel económico., los californianos dieron una muestra de solidaridad inmensa, ,grupos defensores de derechos humanos, iglesias, y muchos mas, se unieron en una sola fuerza y se prestaron a dar el apoyo necesario y dentro de las posibilidades de cada uno, pero algo mancho estas loables acciones, algunos grupos racistas que aprovecharon que en el Chicano Park la comunidad Chicana se presto como un solo hombre a dar donativos a los hermanos en desgracia, hasta alla llegaron estos dementes insultando, provocando a la población de bronce, y esta, haciendo gala de sus raíces,  de su herencia, no cae en las provocaciones y logra ayudar a muchos hermanos.

Durante estos siniestros me vi afectado en mi hogar,  estando en mí casa viendo las terribles noticias, sonó el teléfono,  la policía de Escondido, diciendo que teníamos que evacuar de inmediato nuestra casa, preparamos una maleta con documentos y alguna ropa, salimos, pero nunca nos indican donde es el refugio mas cercano, me quedo en un estacionamiento donde ya se encuentran cientos de carros, RV’S, camionetas, con familias acampando, y es cuando vienen a mi mente algunos pensamientos.

En Diciembre del 2003, en mi visita a Irak, me encontré ante otra catastrofe mas terrible aun, la Guerra, aquí en California se perdieron 14 vidas, 1470 casas y hay un costo de 1 billón de dólares en pérdidas materiales, pero en Irak quien ha contabilizado los muertos? Las casas? El daño material a casas, comercios, museos, monumentos, etc.?

En medio de la catastrofe en California el Sr. Bush pide al congreso mas y mas millones de dólares para continuar una guerra inmoral basada en mentiras, mientras aquí, se queman personas, se destruyen casas, se desboronan ilusiones. Y todavía, en un acto por demas falso, hipócrita, se atreve a visitar las zonas afectadas con un dispositivo de ultra seguridad que insulta a los residentes de esas areas.

Ya basta de tanta hipocresía, ya basta de tanta insensibilidad ante el dolor humano, si aquí en California, la población y los medios de comunicación se aterraron ante la tragedia, porque no lo hacen con una tragedia mayor aun, el genocidio de Irak. Por que?.

Ya han muerto mas de 3838 soldados Americanos, entre ellos mi hijo, y la población aun no se conmueve ante esta estratosferita cifra,  nos asustamos y lamentamos por 14 muertes en los incendios, y que decimos de las miles y miles de muertes por las balas criminales de Bush en Irak?

Nos lamentamos por el costo billonario de la tragedia de las llamas, y quien se lamenta por el costo multimillonario que nos esta costando la guerra inmoral de Bush?

Nos lamentamos por las construcciones destruidas por el siniestro, y quien se lamenta por los museos, obras históricas y las casas de los pobres en Irak?

Ciudadanos del mundo, los invito a reflexionar sobre el dolor ajeno, ante las desgracias naturales nos unimos y ayudamos, porque no ante las obras criminales de un demente, que esta costando mas vidas que el fuego?

Irak esta ardiendo, no ante las llamas de un siniestro natural, esta ardiendo ante las bombas, las balas y las mentiras de un demente inmoral, y nadie se da cuenta, ACTUEMOS HOY!!!