Tag Archives: Dianne Feinstein

Senators introduce bill to restrict Internet, cable, and satellite radio recording

(grrr arrrgh – promoted by juls)

There has been plenty of good news coming out of both houses of Congress recently, so this might surprise you and if you care about consumer’s fair use rights then you’ll want to take action and call your senators on this one.

Ars Technica has a good piece on it, and an bipartisan coalition of Senators is introducing a bill called the Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act (PERFORM).

A new bill introduced in the US Senate this week would force satellite, digital, and Internet radio providers (but not over-the-air radio) to implement measures designed to restrict the ability of listeners to record audio from the services. Called the “Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act” (PERFORM), the bill is sponsored by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Joseph Biden (D-DE), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

Yes thats right, two Democratic Senators are behind this as well Joseph Biden (D-DE) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) (links go to their contact pages).

Who is behind this?  The RIAA of course.  It was originally introduced in April of 2006 but it died in committee.

Here’s what it does according to the Ars Technica article:

Like its predecessor, the new legislation would require content protection on all satellite radio broadcasts along with cable and Internet broadcasts. Broadcasters would be required to “use reasonably available and economically reasonable technology to prevent music theft.” But that’s not bad for consumers, says Sen. Feinstein, who tells us that “consumers’ current recording habits” will not be inhibited as they will still be allowed to record by time period or station. However, they would be prevented from automatically cherry-picking all the Shakira songs from the services.

The bill would also get the government into the business of price controls, with content providers required to pay a predetermined “fair market value” for the use of the music libraries. If another company decides to enter the unprofitable satellite radio market in the future, it too, would be forced to pay the same rates as XM Radio and Sirius.

Ironically this comes at the same time that an endangered GOP Senator, John Sununu, is proposing something to permanently remove the “broadcast flag” from play which is the right side of the issue in my opinion.  Here’s an article on his legislation.

So please do contact Joseph Biden (D-DE) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and let them know this isn’t the kind of legislation you support and that a Democratic majority should not be caving in to the desires of the RIAA.

Neutron voting guide.

I figured this might be a nice thing to share, since a lot of people don’t know some of the downticket races and props so much… again these are my views, and not that of Calitics.

Hi everybody, so I filled out my absentee ballot and already sent it in, it’s the only way to fly in Oakland since our know nothing Elections Supervisor bought a bunch of Sequoia systems fraud machines despite popular outcry… anyway here’s how I voted:

Partisan Offices – statewide
Governor – Phil Angelides
Lt. Governor – John Garamendi
Secretary of State – Debra Bowen
State Controller – John Chiang
State Treasurer – Bill Lockyer
Attorney General – Jerry Brown
Insurance Commisioner – Cruz Bustamente (with waffling)
United States Senate – (blank) or Diane Feinstein (see below)
United States Representative – Barbara Lee
State Assembley – Sandre Swanson
Judges – re-elect
Statewide propositions.
Proposition 1A-NO!
Propositions 1B-1E Yes.
Proposition 83 – NO!!
Proposition 84 – Yes
Proposition 85 – FUCK NO!!!
Proposition 86 – Yes
Proposition 87 – HELL YES!
Proposition 88 – No
Proposition 89 – YES YES YES! HELL YES!!
Proposition 90 – NO!

City of Oakland

Measure M – yes
Measure N – YES!
Measure O – YES YES YES!

The “why’s” are below the cut.

Partisan Offices – statewide
Governor –
Phil Angelides

It’s an easy decision really, Arnold has been playing the part of a moderate ever since he got his ass handed to him in the last “special election”. Phil Angelides, has the brains, the know how, and the plan to lead this great state, and it’s the rare case where the establishment backed candidate is actually the best one of the bunch. It breaks my heart that his idiot campaign manager is such a fool and might blow it.

Let’s be clear, no Democrat or Independent should vote for Arnold… Period.

oh and Pete Camejo used to be cool, but is kind of a dick now.
I voted for him over Gray Davis, and would gladly do so again, but the Democratic Nominee is a Pragmatic progressive, what the hell is Pete doing in this race anyway?

I really hope Phil can pull it off, but rather then just hope, i’m going to canvass and call for him this weekend.

Lt. Governor –
John Garamendi

Tom McClintock is an asshole. One of the biggest assholes in CA.
Garadmendi is kind of “eh.” but has his moments. I’m not his biggest supporter like some folks, but he’s good… I like Phil a hell of a lot better personally. He’s big on stem cell research… so am I, ’nuff said.

Secretary of State –
Debra Bowen

uh… Verified Voting activist/superstar vs. Arnold’s Diebold loving appointee?
no fracking contest. I am totally all about Debra Bowen, and you should be too.

State Controller –
John Chiang

He’s a good dude.

State Treasurer –
Bill Lockyer

I could make a statement about the statewide office “revolving door”, but i’ll save that for my buddy Cruz.
Lockyer has done a decent enough job as AG, why not let him handle the money?

Attorney General –
Jerry Brown

I had my issues with him as mayor of my city, and it bugs me that he’s so adamant on the very Draconian Death Penalty, but Poochigian is far worse and has way more of a douchebaggy name. ha ha! I guess Jerry’s plan is to hold every office in the state before he dies…

Insurance Commisioner –
Cruz Bustamente

I literally felt dirty in the recall after I voted “NO” (esp. since Gray Davis was an ass and I wanted him gone, just not that way), and then voted for Bustamente, even though I really wanted to vote for Arianna. I have rarely felt “dirty” after voting except for when I voted for that useless waste of flesh. The ONLY thing I can think of that he did that I liked was the lawsuit against Enron after the rolling blackmail… which was admittedly heroic and kind of awesome. Otherwise… he’s a jackass! And… it seems like you see the same 6 or 7 names every cycle as they all play this game of musical chairs changing positions. Totally lame. Ugh, a tactical vote at best… but at least i get to vote FOR Phil and Debra this cycle.

United States Senate –
Oh DiFi! DiFi, DiFi, DiFi… you bum me out, i’m glad this will be your last Senate term, as you are a constant source of elitism and frustration. I hate that you are so beholden to big business, you’re most “reliable” when it comes time for the one liberal boilerplate issue I am most mushy on… gun control. I hate that you embolden torturers, and need to have crushing amounts of public outrage before opposing real a-holes like John Roberts confirmation. There are a few things you are ok on, but overall, the only reason to vote for you is because Democrats need to take control of the Senate to keep checks and balances and such around. I may vote for you, I may not… I wrote myself in for the primary, because quite frankly, I could do a hell of a lot better job. If I do vote for you, it’s because Dick Mountjoy, while a wonderful pr0nstar name would be a absolutely horrid Senator, not because you are worth a damn at all.

United States Representative-
Barbara Lee

One of my top 10 politicians ever, and my representative, if half of the congresspeople out there had even a quarter of her integrity and guts we’d be a lot better off.

State Assembley-
Sandre Swanson

Seems like a good dude, smart progressive type, and Babs likes him. Besides what am I going to do, vote “Peace and Freedom”? It’s Oakland baby!

re-elect all… got caught with my pants down on this one, but since I don’t have any beefs rightn ow, i’ll just be ready next time.

Statewide propositions.
Proposition 1A

I already have to do the legislatures job a couple times a year because so many props like this have the budget locked down.
fuggit. Transportation funding is vital, but mandatory amounts are dumb, and i’m sick of it, and having to research these stupid things.


Propositions 1B-1E

I’m still pissed that this somehow has turned into “Arnold’s issue” when he had to be dragged kicking and screaming into it just in time for election season. But whaever… infrastructure is important.

Now again, don’t we elect a fracking legislature for this crapola???

Proposition 83

A Blatant sop to get out the religious types that are always concerned about “focusing on the family” as well as authoritarian a-holes. Look, I think sex offenders are horrible too, but this is Draconian! GPS monitoring for life?
That’s a slippery damn slope. All of the empty posturing that goes over sex offenders sickens me almost as much as the offending itself. Ok, not really… but still… come now. The standards are fine now.

Proposition 84

Bond measure make me curl up my lip like Billy Idol, because the mantra seems to be “borrow, borrow, borrow”, but this is about water safety and flood control. Every week in rainy times when I drive to Roseville and I see the Delta swelling, I get images of the levees and New Orleans.

no thanks.
It’s a begrudging yes, but a yes, nonetheless.

Proposition 85

Yet again another winger “base turner outter”, a “waiting period and parental notification before termination of a minor’s pregnancy”. Right, because it’s far too easy to have this horrible operation performed now right? I am for personal freedom, and that includes a woman’s right to have dominion of her own body, including minors.
I cannot emphasize FUCK NO, enough.

Proposition 86
(with some waffling)
Sorry smokers! Try to see beyond the pocketbook on this one.
I’m all for everybodies personal freedom to fuck up their lungs and give themselves cancer, but we still don’t have real education about the drug that is tobacco and we need that.

a few concerns have been raised by some friends of mine on this… mainly that it goes to private hospitals and adds stuff into the constitution, which bums me out… but still, i’m a soft yes.

Proposition 87

Reduce dependence on foreign oil? Reduce air pollution?
Wait, why would anybody be against this again?
Oh yeah… the oil companies.
Screw them!

Proposition 88

It sounds good on first read, property tax to pay for more funding for schools right?
It creates a bad amount of bureaucracy, and who decides what are “academically successful” schools anyway?

Proposition 89

This is the public financing of elections, if you are going to vote for only two things this year… well… then you are being silly, but the key is to vote for Phil Angelides and this. Because god damn… I mean GOD DAMN… this will fix soooo many of our problems. Not the least of which is that you need to be an eccentric billionaire to win a statewide race in this damn Nationstate of ours called CA.

Proposition 90

Uh… dude? Why are NY Libertiarians writing propositions for California?
Eminant domain is BS, but so is this:
From speakout:

This measure has so much to dislike that it brings together in opposition one of the most unusual alliances imaginable. Joining virtually every environmental group in the state in opposition are taxpayers rights groups, the California Chamber of Commerce, consumer groups, scientists and public health agencies and even the California Farm Bureau.

That a-hole Tom McClintock likes it too, so that should be reason enough to vote no. A good rule of thumb is if the left and right both agree on something, there’s probably something significant happening.

Pretty much everybody agrees this one is BS.

City of Oakland

Measure M

Whatever. Some BS about the polce and fire retirement board… just reading about it made my attention wander, there’s no argument against, no penalty. If it wasn’t about peoples retirement I wouldn’t have voted either way at all.

Measure N

Kick ass new library at Henry J. Kaiser center?!

edit: and also more funding for critical library infrastructure and other things my librarian friends can tell you more about.

Measure O

If you are against this Measure you are truly against Democracy… come on… ranked choice voting! Who loses? We’d be looking at city council member Aimee Allison if this already went through!
besides less elections = better in my book.

Field Poll on CA-Sen, CA-AG, and CA-LtG

The Field Poll (PDF) continues to dribble out.  In today’s installment, we get numbers for CA-Sen, CA-AG, and CA-LtG.  First of all, I must add the caveat on all of these down-ballot numbers.  Most people generally aren’t that informed about down-ballot races and don’t even care to get informed all that much.  Consider the numbers with a grain of salt. 

Oh, and CA-Sen isn’t a race.  Why people even bother to poll this one is beyond me.  Feinstein is ahead of Crazy Dick Mountjoy 57-29. I guess if that shows us anything, it’s how messed up that Datamar poll was that showed this as a 11-point race.  Datamar really needs to work on their likely voter model.  It’s like they think that the entire state has the same voting model as San Diego.  It doesn’t.

CA-AG Jerry Brown v. Chuck Poochigian

Jerry Brown’s lead shrank down to 15 points over Chuck Poochigian.  (July)

Brown(D)  45(54)
Poochigian (R) 33(30)
Other  8(1)
Undecided  18(12)

Interestingly enough, the gains weren’t really to Pooch, but rather to Undecided and Other.  I guess that may be a function of Pooch pretty much running a negative campaign without much in the way of positive ads.  Pooch’s name ID is pretty low, so he better get to getting his name out there or the new, tougher Jerry Brown model will nameID him to death.

CA-LtG: John Garamendi v Tom McClintock

This race tightened up a bit.  Here are the numbers (July)

Garamendi(D)  41(48)
McClintock (R) 39 (38)
Other 8 (1)
Undecided 12 (13)

Garamendi is leaking some Dems to third party candidates.  So, tell your friends…there will be no 3rd party voting on Lt. Gov.  We really don’t want Tom McCrazytock getting anything of a platform.  McClintock still has a bunch of residual name ID from the recall. However, I think low-40s his really his ceiling.  He really is just too conservative for this state.  When people see his positions they get a bit queasy on voting for him, whether or not he can dish out some “straight talk”.

I’ll be updating the Poll HQ with these numbers after all of the down ballot numbers are released.

No Torture: Call Your Senator

The United States Senate is about to debate a Republican-sponsored bill which would retroactively legalize torture, legalize secret trials, and eliminate eight hundred years of the right of habeas corpus.

California’s Democratic Senators have not yet declared their opposition to this bill.  Call them and tell them you oppose it.  Here’s roughly what I said to the nice folks who answered the phones and took my comments:

I am a Democrat and a constituent of the Senator’s and I want to know how she plans to vote on the legalization of torture and elimination of habeas corpus.

[The senator is reviewing the bill and has not taken a position.  Can I take your comment?]

Yes.  This is the defining issue for me as an American and for my support of the Senator.  If she does not oppose the legalization of torture and elimination of habeas corpus with every tool she has, she will never see one dime from me, she will never again receive a vote from me, and I will do everything in my power to see that she has a primary challenge the next time she runs.

I know this is not California politics, but we are Americans, not just Californians.  Numbers below the fold.

Dianne Feinstein:

Washington: 202/224-3841
San Francisco: 415/393-0707
Los Angeles: 310/914-7300
San Diego: 619/231-9712
Fresno: 559/485-7430

Barbara Boxer:

Washington: (202) 224-3553
San Francisco: (415) 956-6701 fax
Los Angeles: (213) 894-5000
Sacramento: (916) 448-2787
San Diego: (619) 239-3884
Fresno: (559) 497-5109
Inland Empire: (909) 888-8525

CA-Sen: Dick Mountjoy, wingnut extraordinaire, inches towards a real race

In the most recent Datamar poll, Dick Mountjoy is within 11 points of Diane Feinstein.  Now, I’ve pointed out the flaws of the Datamar poll here, however this is a bit scary.  The man is totally insane.  And I mean that.  Totally. Insane.

I’d like to point out a few positions from this California Republican icon. Let’s start with immigration

Dick Mountjoy is the author of Prop 187, the proposition which cut off most benefits from people who could not show proof of legality.  His official position:

If we’re to protect our nation, we must control our borders.  That’s why, as our U.S. Senator, I will work to immediately strengthen our border with improved barriers and beefed up law enforcement.  I will also fight against any attempt to give illegal immigrants government funded services, and I will oppose ALL amnesty schemes.[(Mountjoy for Senate) If we’re to protect our nation, we must control our borders.  That’s why, as our U.S. Senator, I will work to immediately strengthen our border with improved barriers and beefed up law enforcement.  I will also fight against any attempt to give illegal immigrants government funded services, and I will oppose ALL amnesty schemes.]

On gay rights:
Anti-gay would be putting it mildly.  Check out this lecture from an anti-gay rally:

Some notable quotes from this video:

“They have been taught to not tolerate the sin, but tolerate the sinner.  They have been taught that these acts are sins no doubt about it…They say “it’s ok’.  You know Papa, you’ve taught us a Christian way of life.  My teacher says it’s ok.  Well, it’s not ok.”

“Separation between church and state, which is not really true.”

And there are a lot more of fun quotes.  Listen people, if this Datamar poll is even close to being accurate, we need to make sure that we get to the polls.  I know DiFi isn’t perfect, but would you really want to risk moonbat over there being in the Senate?

Political insiders create blog, film at 11!

Interesting that the tradtional media only seems to pay attention to “events” when they are officially sanctioned and have the “right people”. It reminds me of the rock world, where a band can be instantly famous if they have the right “members of…” in the group, whether the music is any good or not. Check out this article in the Sacramento Bee over a political website created by insiders that is launching on tuesday:

Thirty Democratic operatives — pollsters, consultants and spokespeople — will launch the “California Majority Report” at midnight Tuesday at www.camajorityreport.com. The big launch party is Tuesday night at Mason’s in downtown Sacramento, complete with a “special guest,” former Gov. Gray Davis.

Oh wow! Gray Davis… (*yawn*), how exciting. Heh, I guess it’s good that he’s keeping busy, anyway, the site CA Majority Report is billed as an alternative to the right wing Flash Report. Which is fine, I mean i’m all for more voices being added to the discussion, but it is interesting that the story acts like it’s coming out of a vaccuum and totally ignores the previously existing California blogosphere.

more on this below, including some action:

It’s a known fact that grassroots politics in California is a tough business.
If any grassroots groups are recognized at all, (rare) frequently it’s to be called Kos Kidz, blogonistas, you name it… and that’s from the people on “our” side.

Don’t even get me started on the Republicans.

Now i’m sure some people may decry this as sour grapes since GovernorPhil.com is still relatively new. But i’m not trying to court the WAAAAAAAAAH vote here, just pointing out some serious omissions. It reminds me of the fawning coverage of Pajamas media. Which, if you had believed the hype, you might even believe was the first such site in existence, totally ignoring the work of the rest of the established blogosphere.

Dan Ancona’s letter to Kevin pretty much says it all:

Hi Kevin,

Just a quick note on the Democratic weblog that’s about to launch; your
report made it sound like this was the first lefty weblog focused in
California, but really it’s just the first one by insiders. The insiders
have been behind the curve, but us outsiders have been pretty far in
front of it! These six sites are already out there and doing great:

Speak Out California
California Progress Report
Alliance for a Better CA
PowerPac Blog
Courage Campaign

There’s also http://governorphil…. – a grassroots site supporting
Phil Angelides, in the mold of the LamontBlog and RaisingKaine, two
grassroots sites that have made big impacts in CT and VA races. We’re
happy to have another site with news from the inside, of course – we’re
expecting CAMajorityReport to be a terrific addition to the expanding
and vibrant discussion already in progress.


Dan Ancona
Director of Internet Operations
Speak Out California

Right on man, couldn’t agree more:
If you agree and feel like writing as well, (i’m writing now), e-mail [email protected]

Or… even better… a Letter to the Editor:

The Sacramento Bee
2100 Q Street
P.O. Box 15779
Sacramento, CA 95816


CA-Gov: DiFi’s speech introducing Phil

DiFi gave a great speech here in SF.  She talked about all the great things that Phil’s done for the state both while he was CDP Chair, as Treasurer and as a businessman.  She gave the crowd a lot of reason to be excited for the main course of Phil’s speech.  She discussed Phil’s help in getting both her and Barbara Boxer elected.  She also discussed his commitment to the State and the hard-working people in it.  But don’t trust me, watch the video!

It’s official: Sen Feinstein to appear with Phil this afternoon in SF

I won’t say this is a result of the pestering of Conan and his diaries about , but I’m sure it helped inspire Sen. Feinstein.  Good work, Conan.

The event in SF will be at 2 p.m (the Campaign requested that you arrive early to help them organize), Jeremiah’s Pick Coffee Co., 1495 Evans Ave. Google Map here..  Come say hi if you’re going to be there too!

Feinstein’s campaign co-chair endorses Arnold, gets put “on notice!”

I found this tidbit in the comments of our still brand spanking new people powered site GovernorPhil.com. It looks like Dianne Feinstein (who is up for re-election this year, and somehow managed to squeak by without getting Lamont-ed), has a problem. Namely that her campaign co-chair Angela Bradstreet, just
mouthed off to the press about how she is not going to vote for Phil Angelides in the fall… and why? because she’s sick of paying taxes! Ohhh… boo hoo…

“Quite frankly, I’m also sick and tired of paying taxes,” she said. “And that’s Angelides’ solution — raising taxes.”

If I may quote the great and wise philosopher Plato: “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!”
Angela Bradstreet, you are officially “on notice”.

(quotes and more below the cut)

“A number of my Democratic friends, who have raised lots of money for Democrats, have said they cannot support Phil,” said Angela Bradstreet, a well known San Francisco attorney and co-chair of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s re-election campaign. “This is the first time I can remember it being so pronounced.”

Bradstreet, a Democrat who said she is voting for Schwarzenegger, argued that the governor has re-established himself as a moderate who has shown strong leadership on economic issues.

Well quite frankly i’m sick and tired of so-called Bloomberg “democrats” constantly wanting to have the world and not pay for it. It’s like the guy who always excuses himself to go to the bathroom whenever the bill comes. Pathetic.

Boo fucking hoo!
Taxes are the dues you pay for living in a modern civilized society.
If you don’t like the idea of paying taxes, then talk to Enron and the other energy companies that absconded with 9 Billion of the states money in the Rolling Blackmail. In fact talk to Arnold about that, as his buddy the departed Ken Lay was one of the people who benefited from that, which instigated the recall that got him into office.

Phil Angelides is the only candidate to say what needs to be said.
We need to be responsible and pay the debt off, that means tightening the belt a little.

Arnold just plans on borrowing and borrowing and borrowing until the states debt becomes insurmountable, much like Bush’s plan for the US.

Also the idea of Arnold as a moderate is simply laughable, and I wouldn’t call a policy to borrow, and borrow until the states debt becomes insurmountable, “strong leadership on economic issues.”

I can’t believe this waste of flesh is on Feinstein’s re-election committee.
Hey, she’s free to vote however she wants, but if you ask me, she should keep her trap shut, less it affect her candidates election chances.

If this infuriates you as much as it does me, feel free to send DiFi (who’s up for re-election this year) an

DC office:
  Phone: (202) 224-3841
  Fax: (202) 228-3954
  TTY/TDD: (202) 224-2501

write a local office here

here’s the info for the SF office:

Jim Molinari, State Director
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
TTY/TDD: 415/249-4785

Write a letter
Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Campaign office:
Feinstein for Senate
P.O. Box 67457
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 556-VOTE (8683)

Also Angela Bradstreet… You’re on NOTICE!


update: hat tip to MJB

DiFi appointed Angela Bradstreet to the “Northern California Federal Judicial Advisory Committee”, which recommends nominees for federal judgeships in northern California to the California senators and the White House.

Feinstein’s appointees on this committee ought to be loyal Democrats.

You know damn well that Bush is only appointing loyal Republicans to judge-picking committees — he would never give such a plum job to any Republican who endorses Democratic candidates.  So why should the Democratic seats on this committee go to fake Democrats like Bradstreet, who work to re-elect Republican governors?

When you call Feinstein’s office, ask that she demand that Ms. Bradstreet immediately resign her seat on the Northern California Federal Judicial Advisory Committee.

update: Well I had to call Dianne’s campaign again to get an official answer back, (so much for that call back eh?) but this time the guy I talked to was prepared with a statement.

The official word is that Angela Bradstreet speaking in a personal capacity and not for the campaign. That Dianne Feinstein was an early and enthusiastic supporter of Phil Angelides and continues to be so.

No word on if there is going to be a press release, public repudiation or other atonement on the part of DiFi, yet. Or for that matter of Bradstreet will continue to be involved with the campaign.

DiFi on Flag Burning Amendment

From Marc Cooper:

More good news: Not all Democrats, apparently, are pantywaist apologists for the current epidemic of flag immolation. The stalwart Dianne Feinstein, the U.S. Senator from California who is virtually unchallenged in this fall’s election, took a bold public stand by forthrightly stating:

“I rise as the main Democratic sponsor of this amendment. I have given this a lot of thought for a long time. I believe what we have before us is language that is essentially content neutral. It is on conduct–not speech.”

Yeah, yeah, she’s a decent Senator in that she’s no Joe Lieberman, but she’s no Barbara Boxer either.  And thankfully, this is more than likely the last time she will run.  Picture it, the year is 2012, Phil Angelides is halfway through his second term, and California’s two Senators, Villaraigosa and Newsom, are working for passage of Universal National Healthcare.  Sounds good, huh?