Tag Archives: Goals

Hey CDP – What’s the Plan?

(Check out the comments. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

The main points of Art Torres’ 2007 “58-County Strategy” for the California Democratic Party (CDP) are cited below.  Following each heading from the 58-County Strategy text are comments and/or questions on specific goals.  I would like to know what they are.  I posted this yesterday on a discussion list for delegates to the California Democratic Party (on which lurk Party brass).  No responses so far.  Can anyone fill in the gaps?


1.  What are the 2008 Statewide numerical goals for:

  A. Number of new Democratic voters to be registered, and

  B. Number of Decline to State voters to be re-registered as Democrats?

2.  How many California voters does the California Democratic Party intend to contact by phone in 2008?

3.  How many California voters does the California Democratic Party intend to contact in person in 2008?

4.  How many voters will the California Democratic Party contact by mail in 2008?

5.  Whose job is it to assure the 2008 goals (if they exist) are met?

1.  What voter contact system will the California Democratic Party use in 2008?

2.  Will Democratic volunteers have the ability to created targeted lists for voter contact?

3.  Will Democratic volunteers have the ability to update the voter contact system with notes on voters, updated contact information, etc.?


The California Democratic Party’s commitment to train local Democrats on financial requirements is commendable.


The CDP’s “liability insurance program” for county committees and clubs to cover events, fair booths, fundraisers and other organizing activities is very helpful.


Will the California Democratic Party provide an online interactive feedback service so that average Democratic volunteers can get answers to their questions and offer feedback on best practices?


Does the California Democratic Party have specific goals for numbers of people to attend campaign training in 2008?  For example what are the specific goals for training of the following groups:
1.  Local candidates for non-partisan offices
2.  CDP Regional Directors
3.  CDP County Chairs
4.  CDP County Committee members
5.  Democratic Club Chairs and officers
6.  CDP Delegates from ADs
7.  Appointed CDP Delegates
8.  Grassroots Volunteers
9.  Netroots volunteers


1.  Does the California Democratic Party have a commitment to recruiting and supporting a Democrat for every partisan office in the State?

2.  Does the California Democratic Party have a commitment to run a Democrat in a certain percentage (or even 100%) of non-partisan races in which there is a Republican incumbent or a retiring Republican?

In short, we need clear goals and lines of responsibility in order to:

· Build the Democratic brand,
· Obtain a veto-proof majority in the State legislature,
· Infuse California State Government with our professed values, and
· Do our part to obtain a veto-proof majority in the US Congress.

In solidarity with all California Democrats,