Tag Archives: James Dobson

Dobson Caves to Evangelicals Who Call Glenn Beck a Cultist

x-posted from Stop The Mormons

Admittedly, I got busy with the holidays and fell behind in my reading at some of my favorite websites.  I figured I could bookmark, spend a couple days getting reacquainted with the wife and kids, and then catch up later.  

Later was apparently too late:

No longer available?  Now that’s disappointing.

What happened?  

After the success of the Evangelical-Mormon lovefest otherwise known as Prop 8, I was really looking forward to reading what Glenn Beck might write over at James Dobson’s place.  Would Glenn use the opportunity to ask Dr. Dobson about that time back in 2004 when Dobson’s wife, Shirley, excluded Mormons from the National Day of Prayer?  And would Glenn suggest that maybe, in the afterglow of Prop 8, now was a good time for Dr. Dobson to offer an apology to Mormons for not letting them use the word “Christian” to describe themselves?  And would it be an apology as heartfelt as the one that Beck delivered to Dobson on-air in 2007?  And, considering how successful the Mormons were at helping the Evangelicals keep the word “marriage” all to themselves out in California, would Dr. Dobson perhaps finally be moved to graciously begin sharing the “C” word with the Mormons?  I mean, Beck and Dobson are both good “Christians” right?  

The potential was there for an absolutely riveting read.

So, what happened?

Well, it turns out that apparently Dr. Dobson has agreed that the “C” word does apply to Mormons.  The problem now is that it’s that other “C” word.  See if you can spot it while I try to sort out the story behind this gripping tale of a dead link.

December 19:  A story goes up on Focus on the Family’s CitizenLink website promoting Mormon TV host Glenn Beck’s latest book, “The Christmas Sweater.”

Later that same day, a Christian blogger pens a brief diary under the title Focus on the Family Embraces Mormonism.

December 21: Another Christian blogger weighs in, this time in a post titled Focus on the Family Implicitly Affirms Mormonism that includes this advice:

I strongly discourage you from giving money to any religious organization that is so committed to a social agenda that they are willing to ignore the vast difference between biblical Christianity and the cult of Mormonism … When Christians yoke up with unbelievers in order to promote a common social agenda, we display a gross lack of discernment, feed religious pluralism, and end up doing all kinds of wierd [sic] and sinful things in hopes of restoring the Andy Griffith moralism of the 1950s …

December 22: A press release goes out over the ChristianNewsWire announcing that Focus on the Family Promotes Mormon Glenn Beck at CitizenLink and that:

Clearly, Mormonism is a cult. The CitizenLink story does not mention Beck’s Mormon faith, however, the story makes it look as if Beck is a Christian who believes in the essential doctrines of the faith … to promote a Mormon as a Christian is not helpful to the cause of Jesus Christ. For Christians to influence society, Christians should be promoting the central issues of the faith properly without opening the door to false religions.

Later that same day, John Schroeder, the Christian half of the Evangelical-Mormon blogging duo over at Article VI responds with Embarrassed By My Brethren … and writes:

This move [promoting Glenn Beck] by the Dobson organization should be applauded loudly and long.  Nobody can swing more evangelical votes than James Dobson – NOBODY. … Of course, if we are lucky, this blog will be the only outlet in the world to pay attention to this press release [slamming Dobson’s promotion of Beck on the CitizenLink site].

December 24: No such luck.  And our unlucky Article VI blogger, noticing that the Glenn Beck article has been pulled off the CitizenLink website, posts this woeful update:  ARRGH!:

… the Dobson organization has caved …

The absolute worst part is that in California we have just witnessed what is possible if Mormons and Evangelicals and Catholics unite politically – so how does the leading Evangelical public figure (although Dobson is rapidly being supplanted in that role by Pastor Warren) respond?  By caving to the slighest pressure from a few grossly over-zealous types.  Which does what?  It weakens an already very weak and formative bridge between.

Shame on the Dobson organization.


And now I’m wondering why they even need two bloggers over at Article VI?  John Schroeder’s obviously got serious talent when it comes to generating a passionate debate with himself:

Nobody can swing more evangelical votes than James Dobson!  Dobson is yesterday’s news, all hail Rick Warren!  The Dobson organization should be applauded loudly and long!  Shame on the Dobson organization!


And now that Dobson has scrubbed his site of Beck’s Mormon taint, it’ll be interesting to watch and see if Lowell Brown (the Mormon half of Article VI) has anything more to say on the subject.  What say you, Lowell?  For all your hard work on Prop 8, what gift were Mormons like yourself hoping to receive from Evangelicals who consider yours a false religion and your church a cult?  

Whatever it was, you need to wake up and go check your Christmas stocking:  Santa Dobson has done delivered your lump of coal.  

Chino Blanco

Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) Makes News in Palm Springs, CA

Well, well, well.  It seems that the breaking story about the latest Repugnant sex scandal occurred in Palm Springs, CA recently.  The male escort whose assertions re Ted Haggard, former leader of the National Association of Evangelicals, lead to Haggard’s resignation and to James Dobson’s de-gayification boot camp, now asserted on a Palm Springs radio station that Sen. “Toe-Tapping” Larry Craig (R-ID) also sought his services.

Haggard resigned from the mega-church that he had founded and as the leader of the National Association of Evangelicals in November 2006, after Mike Jones of Denver made allegations that Meth- and Escort-Loving Haggard paid him for sex and used methamphetamine with him.

Jones appeared on the Bulldog Bill Feingold Show broadcast on KNWQ-AM on Wednesday night, October 3, 2007, according to NBC’s www.9News.com (see NBC 9News.com.  Jones was appearing during his book tour, and, during a commercial break, reported that Toe-Tapping Larry Craig scheduled a toe-to-toe…er…head-to-head…er…face-to-face (I give up) session with him in Denver in 2005.

More below the toe-tapping flip…

Craig is the Repugnant homophobic and apparently self-loathing U.S. Senator from Idaho who plead guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct charges earlier this year in MN after his arrest in a Minneapolis airport bathroom for propositioning an undercover police.  And this week, Toe-Tapping Larry renegged on his promise to resign from the U.S. Senate if his appeal was denied and reported that he will serve out his term.  You just cannot make this stuff up!

Fortunately for the late night entertainment shows and for progressive bloggers everywhere, a news photographer from the ABC-affiliate KESQ-TV in Palm Springs, kept filming as Jones discussed his meeting with Craig.

Feingold asked Jones if Toe-tapping Larry met him at a hotel, and Jones responded, “No, he came to see me.”  No comment from this writer, as that was hysterical.  I wonder if the pun was intended.

Jones did not indicate whether or not he had had sexual contact with Toe-Tapping Larry.

Reportedly, Toe-Tapping Larry’s office told KESQ-TV that “Mike Jones’ allegations are completely false.”  It was not substantiated whether the Senator’s office had said that he “Was not gay, and never had been gay” though.