Tag Archives: Congressional District

CA-03: Durston TV Ads Hit the Airwaves

Dr. Bill Durston (a Combat Vietnam Veteran and Emergency Room Doctor) is the Progressive Democratic candidate for the California 3rd Congressional District.

Dr. Bill Durston is running as the Democratic candidate for House of Representatives in California’s 3rd Congressional District to give voters a choice for change.

Bill is running against an incumbent career politician who is in virtual lock-step with the Bush Administration. Dr. Bill Durston stands in marked contrast as a challenger with combat-tested courage (PDF File), unquestionable integrity, proven leadership, and a vision for a better future.

Bill Durston has just released a two-part campaign ads as part of valiant effort to help us achieve the goals of electing MORE and BETTER Democrats. I urge you to please SUPPORT BILL DURSTON FOR CONGRESS.

Below is the official communication from the Durston for Congress Campaign. Please HELP BY CONTRIBUTING TO OUR EFFORTS to unseat one of the worst Bush-enablers in Congress.

Two Durston for Congress television ads are currently running on cable and network TV stations that broadcast in the 3rd Congressional District. The first ad, “Leadership, Courage, and Commitment,” shows some of the many ways in which Dr. Bill Durston exemplifies these qualities. The second ad, “Business as Usual,” stars Dan Lungren himself and demonstrates his lack of ethics and arrogance as he defends taking handouts from special interests.

Producing and running television ads such as these takes a lot of money, but it’s an effective way of informing large numbers of voters about some of the striking contrasts between the challenger, Dr. Bill Durston, and the incumbent career politician, Dan Lungren. Click on the links above to view the ads, and then make as generous a contribution as you can afford to keep these ads running and to produce others. (We’ve got plenty more material where these ads came from.) Also forward this email and the ads to anyone on your personal contact list who might not already be a Durston for Congress supporter.

Talking to voters person to person is another effective way of informing them that they have a better choice than Dan Lungren for their U.S. Congressman. We hope to exceed the tremendous grassroots field work we did last weekend with even more precinct walking and phone banking this weekend. Click on the Upcoming Events and Action Alert tabs on the right, send Durston for Congress Field Director, Bill Lackemacher, an email, give him a call at 916-812-1794, or drop by the Fair Oaks Office at 4146 Sunrise Boulevard in Fair Oaks to find out what you can do to help elect Dr. Bill Durston to Congress and send Dan Lungren packing on a permanent vacation.

Disclosure:I am an Internet Outreach Coordinator for the Durston for Congress Campaign.

Are You Crazy?

(Another great post from akogun on CA-03. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

CA-03 is a “Safe” District. It is a Republican “stronghold” and the rethugs have a unshakeable stranglehold on it. Are you crazy? Do you seriously believe that your candidate stands a chance against the “shock and awe” political juggernaut of the incumbent? That’s what they tell me.

You are crazy – aren’t you? You are a lunatic, yes you are. You must be a certifiable loco to believe that the 2006 elections would have turned out as posititvely as they did for the Democrats.

30 House Seat net gain? Did you ever think that was possible? If you did, you have more than a few screws loose. Not only that, there is thyme mixed into your bong.

6 Senate Seat net gain? I mean, seriously, that pony you are riding is a unicorn.

You must be crazy to think that the “next big thing since grated cheese”, the inimitable, imposing and everlasting honorable Macaca himself, the next annointed “shoo-in-for-the-Presidency” would lose his seat to a neophyte, a political nonentity.

Too much mushroom mixed in with your free-basing concortion led you to even entertain the possibility that Roach-Man Tom Delay, the inventor of pecuniary lubrication, the super-duper exterminator himself, will not only lose his seat, but also be impelled to ignominously relocate his domicile.

You didn’t listen to your Doctor’s advice not to mix your prescriptions, right? That led you to believe that an uppity farmer from nowhere will be replacing the “Guatemalan importer” and “Abramoffed” Conrad Burns.

That Santorum will be a past tense today?

That the highly-connected Mike Dewine will not only be disconnected, but also won’t be wining and dining with anyone not wearing orange jump-suit?

That all this will come to pass in your life time? And that all you had to do to be a witness to all this is just believe in the efficacy of your own confirmed insanity?

You must be insane. To think that you could move mountains with nothing but the power of your lonesome self. That when your very individually-insignificant self joins forces with other Lilliputians of indeterminate lucidity, you actually make things happen.

CA-03 is a safe, R+7 District, they told me. And I am crazy to think that Dr. Bill Durston – a Vietnam Veteran – can do to the incumbent what Jerry Mcnerney and his loquacious bunch of “rabid rabble rousers” did to the “unbeatable”, never-met-a-forest-I-didn’t-wanna-plunder Richard Pombo.

I am crazy. But I know that I am in the midst of more irredeemable keyboard-analysts. I am surrounded by lunatics who are more lost than I am.

And now, I ask you. Please act crazy. Help me bring some insanity to the equilibrium that dictates that CA-03 is a “safe” district where a Publican can hold sway forever, without any semblance of accountability to the constituents.

More than anything else, please tell your fellow lunaticos about this crazy movement. Have anyone on your IM, mailing list, rolodex, or buddy list in CA-03 ? Rather than Foley’ing around with them, please send them our way. More than your money, the Campaign NEEDS more Crazy and Phony dis-Believers. PLEASE VOLUNTEER

Disclaimer: I do not speak for the Durston for Congress Campaign in ANY official capacity.