All posts by akogun

CA-03: Durston TV Ads Hit the Airwaves

Dr. Bill Durston (a Combat Vietnam Veteran and Emergency Room Doctor) is the Progressive Democratic candidate for the California 3rd Congressional District.

Dr. Bill Durston is running as the Democratic candidate for House of Representatives in California’s 3rd Congressional District to give voters a choice for change.

Bill is running against an incumbent career politician who is in virtual lock-step with the Bush Administration. Dr. Bill Durston stands in marked contrast as a challenger with combat-tested courage (PDF File), unquestionable integrity, proven leadership, and a vision for a better future.

Bill Durston has just released a two-part campaign ads as part of valiant effort to help us achieve the goals of electing MORE and BETTER Democrats. I urge you to please SUPPORT BILL DURSTON FOR CONGRESS.

Below is the official communication from the Durston for Congress Campaign. Please HELP BY CONTRIBUTING TO OUR EFFORTS to unseat one of the worst Bush-enablers in Congress.

Two Durston for Congress television ads are currently running on cable and network TV stations that broadcast in the 3rd Congressional District. The first ad, “Leadership, Courage, and Commitment,” shows some of the many ways in which Dr. Bill Durston exemplifies these qualities. The second ad, “Business as Usual,” stars Dan Lungren himself and demonstrates his lack of ethics and arrogance as he defends taking handouts from special interests.

Producing and running television ads such as these takes a lot of money, but it’s an effective way of informing large numbers of voters about some of the striking contrasts between the challenger, Dr. Bill Durston, and the incumbent career politician, Dan Lungren. Click on the links above to view the ads, and then make as generous a contribution as you can afford to keep these ads running and to produce others. (We’ve got plenty more material where these ads came from.) Also forward this email and the ads to anyone on your personal contact list who might not already be a Durston for Congress supporter.

Talking to voters person to person is another effective way of informing them that they have a better choice than Dan Lungren for their U.S. Congressman. We hope to exceed the tremendous grassroots field work we did last weekend with even more precinct walking and phone banking this weekend. Click on the Upcoming Events and Action Alert tabs on the right, send Durston for Congress Field Director, Bill Lackemacher, an email, give him a call at 916-812-1794, or drop by the Fair Oaks Office at 4146 Sunrise Boulevard in Fair Oaks to find out what you can do to help elect Dr. Bill Durston to Congress and send Dan Lungren packing on a permanent vacation.

Disclosure:I am an Internet Outreach Coordinator for the Durston for Congress Campaign.

Durston for Congress Campaign Holds 9/11 Remembrance

Sacramento, California – September 11, 2008 – Grammy Award winning native American flutist, Mary Youngblood, will be performing  and Dr. Bill Durston will be speaking at a special Durston for Congress gathering on Thursday, September 11, from 7-9 PM at the home of Bill and Nancy Myers, 10300 Sheldon Road, in Elk Grove.

Media representatives and all members of the public who are concerned about the “war on terror” are invited. Refreshments will be served. The event will be held outdoors, so bring a folding chair or blanket to sit on. Call Bill or Nancy Myers at 916-689-6943 to RSVP.

Dr. Bill Durston is the Democratic candidate for Congress in California’s 3rd Congressional District. Dr. Durston is a decorated Marine Vietnam combat veteran and an emergency physician.  For more information about the Durston for Congress campaign, call 916-622-VOTE (8683) or go to the Durston for Congress website.

Dr. Bill Durston’s complete Special Comment on today’s sobering anniversary is below the fold:

September 11, 2008, marks the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Dr. Durston states:

It is appropriate that we should pause today to mourn the deaths of the almost 3,000 victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and to honor those who lost their own lives trying to save them. At the same time, we must reflect on the opportunity we had on September 12, 2001, when virtually the entire world was in sympathy with our country, to say to the rest of the world, ‘We will seek security, we will seek justice, but the vicious cycle of violence must end here.’ Unfortunately, though, our leaders chose to continue that cycle of violence, and today we must also mourn the deaths of over 4,000 U.S. service men and women as well as the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq.

At the same time that we mourn the tragedy of September 11, 2001, and its aftermath, let us seek to regain the opportunity of September 12, 2001, to work constructively and within the rule of  law with the rest of the world toward ending terrorism and its root causes.

Disclosure: I am the Internet Outreach Coordinator for the Durston for Congress Campaign –

Do you live in CA-03? We need YOU

Because they say Charity begins at home and all politics are local, I have volunteered to serve as the Internet Outreach Co-ordinator for California 3rd Congressional District’s Democratic Candidate – Dr. Bill Durston – for the rest of this electoral cycle.

Here’s Bill Durston’s Progressive Positions on various issues.

Dan Lungren – hard to tell apart from Dooltittle – is the Republican incumbent we are trying to replace – with your help.

If you live in this district and have a FaceBook Profile (if you don’t, consider creating one), please add BILL DURSTON to your “Friends” list.

Are you on Myspace? Bill Durston is there, too, and would appreciate your joining us there.

I am very reluctant to impose upon your generosity here (knowing how much you have all individually done to date), but I would like to request that you PLEASE help by making a DONATION (however little) NOW. TODAY. To the Durston for Congress Campaign. I will consider this a VERY PERSONAL favor, and I will be very grateful for the generosity and support.

If you don’t live in the district but would still like to support us in whatever capacity, we welcome all the assistance you can offer.

Equally important (or even more so, given our various commitments), if you are scheduling or participating in any outreach/GOTV/Voter Registration/etc events anywhere in the CA-03 area, please PROMOTE BILL DURSTON in (and invite the Campaign to) ALL your events.

Let there be no confusion, my new undertaking will NOT interfere with my passionate support and advocacy for our Presidential Candidate – Barack Obama. It will not dissipate my energy and enthusiasm to see us elect our candidate of Hope and Change, and, NO, it will not stop me from filling your inboxes with my occasional SPAM.

On the contrary, I believe that my closer relationship with the Durston for Congress Campaign will enable me to better contribute to the larger cause of not only electing Barack Obama as President, but also electing a MORE AND BETTER Democratic majority to help him actualize his stated goals, once elected. CA-03 is a “lean-Republican” district gerrymandered for Republican candidates, but that has not dissuaded our immensely-qualified, Vietnam Combat Veteran, Emergency Room Physician and Local Resident Dr. Bill Durston from stepping up the plate and answering the call to help us take back our Democracy from the vagabonds who have been despoiling it for the past eight years.

Dr. Durston has put himself forward to champion a cause on our behalf, and I feel that we have a responsibility to rally round him and help him overcome the seemingly insurmountable odds of defeating one of the worst Bush-enablers in Congress today. After all, overcoming insurmountable odds is what we are known for. With your able assistance and support, and your warm welcome of Dr. Durston into the “Yes, We Can” tent, I am very sure that we can collectively achieve the “impossible”.

Please join me in this quest.

Can’t DONATE money? No problem – we need other things as equally valuable as cash – PLEASE VOLUNTEER HERE

Let’s welcome Dr. Durston into our fold, and let’s adopt a BETTER Democrat to send to Congress.

Dan Lungren: I cannot say Waterboarding is Torture

In a rare moment of unusual candor, a wanton display of unrestrained recklessness, an attempt to wag his “strong-on-Terra” manhood (or a combination of some or all of the foregoing), the absentee chickenhawk congressman of the 3rd congressional district of California reached into the darkest crevices of his soulless   being and bravely declared as follows:

I cannot say, per se, that waterboarding is torture.

Edit: Watch more Dan Lungren’s defense of torture

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, your taxes at work  – this is the congressional representative of the people of CA-03. Watch and weep (barf bag highly recommended).

Presented below is the response from Dr. Bill Durston, the Democratic challenger who (with your support and able assistance) will defeat this congress critter in the next election and help restore the needed sanity and prestige to the United States’ Congress.

Please meet Dr. Bill Durston (THE Prescription for Change), in his own words:

Lungren “Cannot Say that Waterboarding is Torture”

By Bill Durston, M.D.

At a town hall meeting in Folsom, California, on November 28, Congressman Dan Lungren was asked, “What’s your position on waterboarding?”

Lungren replied, “I cannot say, per se, that waterboarding is torture.”

Waterboarding, which has been used since the Spanish Inquisition, involves restraining a captive on his back on a board while water is repeatedly poured over the subject’s face. Although waterboarding may leave no lasting physical injury, it can result inhalation of water into the lungs and death. Even when there are no lasting physical effects, waterboarding causes extreme and often prolonged mental distress. Subjects are rarely able to tolerate the agony for more than a few seconds before begging their captors for mercy.

Waterboarding  has long been regarded as a form of torture by most military and legal experts. Torture is prohibited by the U.S. constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment, by similar provisions in U.S. military law and the Geneva Conventions, and by the United Nations Convention Against Torture. U.S. soldiers who have been caught waterboarding enemy captives have been prosecuted by the U.S. military as long ago as the Spanish American War and as recently as the Vietnam War.

Waterboarding came to public attention in 2005 when ABC News reported that terrorism suspects in U.S. custody were being subjected to waterboarding during interrogations. Congress reacted by passing an amendment to the 2006 Defense Authorization Act prohibiting torture of detainees. Republican Senator, John McCain, who was himself subjected to torture while a prisoner of war in Vietnam, authored the amendment. McCain described waterboarding as “very exquisite torture.”

The November 28 Folsom Town Hall Meeting was not the first time that Lungren has faced questions about torture. Lungren voted against the prohibition on torture in the 2006 Defense Authorization Act. During his re-election campaign in 2006, Lungren was asked in a debate in Elk Grove about his position on torture. Lungren replied, “Some people confuse the question of torture and aggressive means of interrogation.”

The same night that the question on waterboarding was posed to Lungren in Folsom, the question was posed to Republican presidential hopefuls on a nationally televised debate. Senator McCain re-emphasized his position that waterboarding is torture and expressed astonishment when Mitt Romney, like Lungren, equivocated. During Senate confirmation hearings earlier this month, Attorney General Michael Mukasey also refused to characterize waterboarding as torture.

Senator McCain knows what torture is. As he has repeatedly stated, waterboarding is torture, plain and simple. Like other forms of torture, it is illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional. It is also an ineffective method of gathering reliable intelligence. Most tortured subjects will tell their captors whatever they believe their tormentors wish to hear. In an extensive report published in December 2006, the Intelligence Science Board concluded that the information gathered by the torture of subjects held in U.S. custody in the 21st century was just as unreliable as the information gathered by torture during medieval times.

The fact that candidates for high level government positions in the United States of America are being asked in 2007 about their positions on torture, and that some of them do not condemn it, is an indication of how traumatized our country remains following the September 11 terrorist attacks, and how far we have strayed from the principles upon which our country was founded.

These are frightening times, and the threat of terrorism is real. But torture is both morally reprehensible and forensically unreliable. A ban on cruel and unusual punishment is one of the key principles upon which our country was founded. In difficult times, we should return to these principles, not abandon them.

As you can see, there is no doubt that Bill Durston’s position contrasts vividly against the pernicious and glib response given by his opponent in the referenced video. There is no doubt that a majority of humanity agrees with Bill Durston on this and that a change is warranted, given what we know about his opponent. We are working assiduously to make this change happen in the next election cycle and we implore you to please help draw the needed attention to this race by contributing, volunteering or just talking about it. We are not merely looking to make this a “competitive” race this time around – we are determined to (and confident that we will) WIN it outright. But we cannot do so without your support.

So, we ask you to please:

Give Dr. Durston some mojo

Volunteer for Bill Durston for Congress Campaing.

• Share these videos as you wish.

• Leave a comment here and talk about it wherever you can.

HRC Demands Exclusive Inclusiveness

UPDATE: Gospel singer says he is not anti-gay

My Comments are at the bottom of the Diary.

I don’t see anything about this on The Human Rights Campaign’s website, but if the report of HRC’ “Ultimatum” to Senator Barack Obama is true, then it is my considered opinion that all well-meaning Democrats ought to be outraged at the apparent incongruity of an organization devoted to the advocacy of “inclusiveness” demanding that the same consideration be not extended to another person or entity with which it disagrees.

According to HRC, the very existence of the organization is dedicated to “…..HRC envisions an America where GLBT people are ensured of their basic equal rights….”

That HRC is demanding that Senator Obama cancels his scheduled campaign appearance with an ostensibly unpalatable character in order to pacify an organization that many others regard as equally unpalatable is, again in my opinion, the height of hypocrisy. Does HRC not believe that other people have equally pressing needs and opinions, and that those needs and opinions are also “Rights” worth protecting? Is HRC stating that when someone else’s rights collide with their members’ then only their members’ rights deserve to be protected? Does one not have a right to hold opinions and beliefs, however lunatic and extreme those opinions might be? Isn’t there a constitutional right for a stupid person? Or does stupidity make one less entitled to rights worthy of protection?

Let it be said that the Democratic Party is deemed (rightly so) to be the party of inclusiveness. We like to tout the fact that we have a bigger tent and accommodate more shades of characters than the other major party. We do not strive to create outcasts or discriminate against individuals or entities based on their “differences”.

HRC cannot be advancing the interests of one segment of the society, asking that they be treated as the equal part of the society and at the same time be DEMANDING that the same rights and platform they seek for their constituents be denied others. That is reversed discrimination, and it not does not positively help advance HRC’s causes.

The Democratic Party needs the maximum support and inclusiveness it can get from every part of the society. Yes, this position opens up the possibility that we will have amongst us a number of people, beliefs and opinions with which a large part of “Big Tent” will disgree, and with which they will be uncomfortable. But, that is what inclusiveness is all about. The diversity of opinions and beliefs creates a fertile ground for us to understand our differences and work towards reconciling them. The other major has made the art of pitting several segments of the society against one another its exlusive purview. I say let them continue to do so. We do not need to emulate such discrimination and divisiveness. Much as it may distress many within the Democratic Party, the evangelicals in this country are viable, strong and, yes, Americans. They vote, too, and they have voices that also need to be heard.

We cannot and should not seek to silence people with whom we disagree. If HRC truly believes in equal rights for ALL (and not just for their GLBT constituents), then it must be willing to work with others to advance that cause, rather than seeking to ostracize people it deems antagonistic to its cause. I suggest that, rather than DEMANDING that our candidates (nay our party) not work with others it doesn’t like, HRC can do better and find more sympathetic ears by actively championing the expansive inclusivness that having those people within the tent presents.

Politics is about elections. Elections is a numbers game. Sinister as that might sound, it is a fact. We cannot continue to cede the religious grounds to the other party – there are too many of us in the Democratic Party who are truly religious and would like to have our positions and concerns listened to. I am a Democrat because I believe that it is the better of the two major parties when it comes to diversity of beliefs and opinions. HRC is not doing us any favor by striving to stiffle that diversity – it is what makes us better than the “other side”.


On discrimination:
“I don’t believe that even from a religious point of view that Jesus ever discriminated toward anyone, nor do I. Most of the things that were said were totally out of context and then other things weren’t true.”

Does he mean that this is all a manufactured outrage? I hope someone gets back with documented facts that debunks this assertion.

On what he’s doing hanging with Obama:
“My only concern is to be in place with Sen. Obama in unity and bring all the factors together for the sake of change…..That’s my only thing. Of course some agents have twisted it as though he [Obama] were embracing a racist or a Nazi, and that is anything but true.”

Hmmmm…… maybe the facts will show otherwise.

A believer?:
“‘I believe in his stance. I believe in his platform and his agenda. So when they asked me if I would be a part of it, there was no problem,’ said McClurkin, who has performed at both parties’ conventions and identifies himself as a Democrat. ‘We don’t have to agree on everything, but we do have to agree on the main thing: that there needs to be change and I believe he is the candidate to bring it.'”

Why so anti-gay?:
…..his ministry is open to those who say they no longer want to live as a gay person. What he doesn’t do, he says, is crusade against homosexuality.”

On “curing homosexuality”:
“There’s never been a statement made by me about curing homosexuality. People are using that in order to incite anger and to twist my whole platform on it. There’s no crusade for curing it or to convert everyone. This is just for those who come to me and ask for change.”

Will this pacify HRC and its supporters? What? Not even if we add the fact that there is now an openly-gay Minister on the same platform, providing a counter-balance to the damage that McClurkin (regardless of his protestation to the contrary) may be doing to the GLBT community?

For the sake of sanity and objectivity, I hope it does.

Are You Crazy?

(Another great post from akogun on CA-03. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

CA-03 is a “Safe” District. It is a Republican “stronghold” and the rethugs have a unshakeable stranglehold on it. Are you crazy? Do you seriously believe that your candidate stands a chance against the “shock and awe” political juggernaut of the incumbent? That’s what they tell me.

You are crazy – aren’t you? You are a lunatic, yes you are. You must be a certifiable loco to believe that the 2006 elections would have turned out as posititvely as they did for the Democrats.

30 House Seat net gain? Did you ever think that was possible? If you did, you have more than a few screws loose. Not only that, there is thyme mixed into your bong.

6 Senate Seat net gain? I mean, seriously, that pony you are riding is a unicorn.

You must be crazy to think that the “next big thing since grated cheese”, the inimitable, imposing and everlasting honorable Macaca himself, the next annointed “shoo-in-for-the-Presidency” would lose his seat to a neophyte, a political nonentity.

Too much mushroom mixed in with your free-basing concortion led you to even entertain the possibility that Roach-Man Tom Delay, the inventor of pecuniary lubrication, the super-duper exterminator himself, will not only lose his seat, but also be impelled to ignominously relocate his domicile.

You didn’t listen to your Doctor’s advice not to mix your prescriptions, right? That led you to believe that an uppity farmer from nowhere will be replacing the “Guatemalan importer” and “Abramoffed” Conrad Burns.

That Santorum will be a past tense today?

That the highly-connected Mike Dewine will not only be disconnected, but also won’t be wining and dining with anyone not wearing orange jump-suit?

That all this will come to pass in your life time? And that all you had to do to be a witness to all this is just believe in the efficacy of your own confirmed insanity?

You must be insane. To think that you could move mountains with nothing but the power of your lonesome self. That when your very individually-insignificant self joins forces with other Lilliputians of indeterminate lucidity, you actually make things happen.

CA-03 is a safe, R+7 District, they told me. And I am crazy to think that Dr. Bill Durston – a Vietnam Veteran – can do to the incumbent what Jerry Mcnerney and his loquacious bunch of “rabid rabble rousers” did to the “unbeatable”, never-met-a-forest-I-didn’t-wanna-plunder Richard Pombo.

I am crazy. But I know that I am in the midst of more irredeemable keyboard-analysts. I am surrounded by lunatics who are more lost than I am.

And now, I ask you. Please act crazy. Help me bring some insanity to the equilibrium that dictates that CA-03 is a “safe” district where a Publican can hold sway forever, without any semblance of accountability to the constituents.

More than anything else, please tell your fellow lunaticos about this crazy movement. Have anyone on your IM, mailing list, rolodex, or buddy list in CA-03 ? Rather than Foley’ing around with them, please send them our way. More than your money, the Campaign NEEDS more Crazy and Phony dis-Believers. PLEASE VOLUNTEER

Disclaimer: I do not speak for the Durston for Congress Campaign in ANY official capacity.

CA-03: This time, it’s P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L

(I love hearing about people working in the trenches. – promoted by David Dayen)

I do NOT officially speak for the Bill Durston For Congress Campaign.

I am only one of the multitude of constituents in the California Congressional 3rd District volunteering time and efforts to a very inspiring and grassroot-supported campaign to wrest this district from the stranglehold of an absentee representative. I also happen to be a “blogger” with a strong conviction that this District (nay, our country) deserves able representation by people of integrity, virtue and passion imbued with strong desire to lead us out of the political quagmire that has beset our country for the past several years.


CA-03 is one of the ostensibly “Red” and Rethuglican “Safe” districts, and the incumbent is one of the most apparently-privileged “untouchables” you find in such “safe” districts.

A little background on CA-03:

A little note on the GERRYMANDERING that put people like Dan Lungren in power.
Not since CA-03 was redistricted to compensate Dan Lungren after his disastrous loss in the 1998 gubenatorial elections to Gray Davis has Dan Lungren ever faced any serious political threats to his sense of entitlement. He even represented the CA-03 for a long time without bothering to actually live in the District, and sparingly bothered to engage the constituents at all. That changed in the 2006 elections.

Although the Bill Durston For Congress campaign in ’06 did not get into serious gears until very close to the elections, the grassroot support and the efforts of so many volunteers who wanted to do everything possible to effect changes in the District ensured that the results were competitive. In the previous election, Dan Lungren won by a whopping 28% margin (62% of total votes), even without the benefit of incumbency. In 2006, however, Dan’s margin had been reduced to 22% (59% of total votes). – this in spite of the power of incumbency and the treasure chest of campaign funds he had amassed in the two years he had been in congress.

How did this happen? You may ask. It happened because of people like the ones I present to you below – the enthusiastic volunteers who crave real change, believe in the 50-state strategy, do not agree that there is a “safe” Republican district that cannot be made competitive and wrested away from the enablers, and who are will to put their time, money, feet, fingers and all they have in a movement to turn ever RED part of California BLUE this time around.

Why are we starting early this time? Well, one of the lessons learned from our last campaign is that we started late, and played catch-up all the way through, garnering momentum all the way to election night. Because we started late, the “mo” couldn’t carry us all the way.

This time around, it’s personal. Personal as in YOU. If You live in CA-03, or have the ability and capacity to reach out and help out, the campaign NEEDS YOU NOW. The campaign needs you help spread the word about our veteran candidate and to help level the monetary playing field by ACTING BLUE.

More importantly, IF you live in CA-03, the campaign NEEDS you to help do what the selfless individuals listed below are doing for the BILL DURSTON FOR CONGRESS campaign. The movement is afoot, please hop onto the train and pitch in however you can.

Now presenting……the able volunteers from BILL DURSTON FOR CONGRESS campaign’s call-a-thon held today (October 13th, 2007):

Dr. Bill Durston himself.

Diane – Bill’s wife.

Marilyn (Chief of Staff) – and David.

Ali, the magnanimous (and very passionate) host of our Call-A-Thon and several other events.

Susan – Ali’s wife, without whom many of us will probably neven have been brought together to rally around our extremely strong candidate.

The rest of the gang, in no particular order of preference:

Chow Time – did I mention that Ali is the best cook in town? Just checking 🙂