Tag Archives: Bill Richardon

Updated: Pick Your President: Online Progressive Poll

(full disclosure: I work for the Courage Campaign)

The Courage Campaign in coalition with five other progressive state groups have launched PickYourPresident.org, as the name suggests it is an open primary poll.  Yes, you can vote for both Democrats and Republicans, though the response rate as one would imagine is exponentially higher for the Democrats.

Edwards had been leading in almost all of the states, but in the most recent update that flipped nationally and most of the other states.  His lead has narrowed here in California, so supporters of either, it’s time to get to voting.

Obama’s supporters have turned the tide in California.  He is now leading in CA and nationally.  Will the Edwards supporters rally back?  Or will the Obama folks keep up their momentum and put it out of reach?

Here is the current order:

1. Sen. Barack Obama

2. Sen. John Edwards

3. Rep. Dennis Kucinich

4. Sen. Hillary Clinton

5. Gov. Bill Richardson

6. Sen. Mike Gravel

Only one vote per person please, though do pass it on to your friends and family members.  This is a great opportunity to do some person-to-person outreach on behalf of your favorite candidate.  It’s a good icebreaker to start the conversation.

And here is the national order:

1. Sen. Barack Obama

2. Sen. John Edwards

3. Rep. Dennis Kucinich

4. Sen. Hillary Clinton

5. Gov. Bill Richardson

6. Sen. Mike Gravel

Have some fun with the poll, but start some serious conversations with it.