(Let’s keep this up top for the time being. – promoted by Julia Rosen)
I’m back. Hung out for a while at our Drinking Liberally event here in Santa Monica. What I’m seeing nationally is essentially a draw on the Democratic side. A good roundup here. Hillary got California and that’s very big. She won huge among Latinos and Asians. I was in Little Tokyo in LA last weekend, and all of the signs were Hillary. I didn’t know her strength in the Asian community was that great, but maybe I should have known. The Asian community was completely forgotten in this talk about the state.
Obama won blacks and, apparently, whites, and lost the state. All I can say is wow.
I’ve tried to delve a little bit into the district-level races to see what I can see. Based on the big wins in the ethnic communities I can see Clinton getting a lot more 3-1 splits in the 4-delegate districts than I expected, but we’ll see. It’s unclear where these votes are coming from thus far. CA-01 looks to be going Clinton. CA-05, Clinton. CA-29 (Schiff’s district), Clinton but it’s early. CA-50, Clinton but it’s early. Obama is running well in those heavily African-American districts in SoCal, except for CA-36 (Long Beach).
I should note that almost NOTHING is in from the Bay Area yet, so this will tighten.
UPDATE: Frank Russo:
The actual vote totals available on the California Secretary of State’s site as of 9:30 p.m. are not at all representative of the state and are skewed towards the smaller counties. With 15% of the California vote in, for instance, there are no votes at all from San Francisco and from Alameda County. Los Angeles has only 8% of precincts reporting, and it is virtually impossible to tell how many of the votes shown are from vote by mail ballots versus precinct day of election ballots.
Clinton will win, but the number will not be what you’re seeing right now. 10 points would be the high end. 5 points sounds more like it, when everything is counted. I see hillary maybe getting 10-20 delegates more than Obama out of this. But that won’t be known for days.
[UPDATE by Julia] 10:30 PM Speaking of Alameda, I hear they kept the polls open until 10 PM, because they ran out of ballots and had to print more. But how is a voter to know. That has to be really rich Obama territory given the demographics of the county.
[UPDATE by Dave] 10:50 PM People need to hold up. There aren’t a lot of districts that have massive numbers yet. A spot check showed that only CA-01, CA-03, CA-05 (Clinton) and CA-23 (Obama) could be called. Without most of the Bay Area in, I think we have no clue what the delegate breakdown will be. Clinton is doing better than I expected, and looks to be able to clear the 63% threshold in some of the Latino districts. But CA-23, on the Central coast (Santa Barbara), is an interesting bellweather. If some of those wine track districts break for Obama we could have a delegate draw.
[UPDATE by Dave] 10:59 PM There’s a little trick in statewide California politics that San Benito County is the bellweather for how the state will go. It’s almost all in. And Prop 93 is down by a couple percentage points, almost totally in line with the totals as it stands right now.
For your consideration.
[UPDATE by Dave] 11:29 PM The more I look at this, the more I think that Clinton may have had a far bigger night than expected. We’re still seeing a lot more early votes than day-of-election votes, but the margins in Orange County and the Latino districts in LA and Riverside and San Bernardino are pretty darn big.
I still think it will tighten, but I’m going to go ahead and up the win to 20-30 delegates. Of course, we shall see. Obama’s holding in CA-33, CA-35 and CA-37, up in CA-23 and CA-06 and CA-08, and I expect a blowout in CA-09. But almost everywhere else he has some catching up to do.
[UPDATE by Julia] 11:32 PM Following up on Dave’s point about the delegates. Chuck Todd on the TeeVee tells me that Clinton is hoping for a 32 delegate lead based on the numbers they are seeing. Obama says it is more like +18 lead for her. That is right in Dave’s range. National delegate lead for her will be less than 100, most likely around 60. This is close big picture wise.
[UPDATE by Julia] 11:45 Facebook tells me that my friend “Debra Bowen says: if the SOS website is slow for you, close your browser and start it again. We solved the problem an hour ago, but you may have to restart your browser.” Good to know.
[UPDATE by Dave] 11:55 Holy crap! I hadn’t been looking in on this, and I don’t know if this is being reported on the teevee, but John McCain is winning EVERY Congressional district right now. Every one, except the two in Alameda that haven’t been counted yet. Only a few are even that close right now.
Every Congressional district on the Republican side is winner-take-all. McCain may SWEEP California. That should give him what he needs to take the nomination, no?
[UPDATE by Dave] 12:10 Obama is catching up in a lot of key districts. Keep an eye on CA-04 (now an 8-point spread), CA-30, CA-36, and the San Diego County districts. Obama is starting to move there, but he has a long way to go. He’s still getting buried in those Latino districts in SoCal.