Tag Archives: Bob Mulholland

Bob Mulholland Gets Cheeky with RNC

fundraiser12Longtime Democratic consultant, activist cautions Republican leaders about local club

by Brian Leubitz

Bob Mulholland rarely misses a chance to poke a stick at a gathering of Republicans, and an upcoming RNC meeting is no different. If you don’t recall the references, a RNC staffer was fired by Michael Steele at the nightclub reference below because of a 2010 incident.

H/t to Josh Richman/Political Blotter

To: Reince Priebus, RNC Chair

Jim Brulte, Ca Republican Party Chair

They’re Not in Kansas on Wednesday

Just some friendly advice since you have a RNC meeting on Wednesday (9AM) at the Loews Hollywood Hotel, located at 1755 North Highland Ave.

Your meeting is only a 2.3 mile Taxi ride to the Voyeur West Hollywood Club, an erotic bondage-theme sex simulating club, located at 7969 Santa Monica Blvd. in W. Hollywood, so you might want to assign Monitors (or GPS anchor bracelets) on your RNC Members, especially those from Kansas, Nebraska, Idaho, etc., if they don’t have their wives with them.

Just ask former RNC Chair, Michael Steele, who tried to explain why the RNC paid $1,946.25 for an “outing” at the Voyeur (2/4/10) by RNC people. Never did read if the RNC was reimbursed for that wild night of “relaxation.”

Stick to your meetings and avoid the “extra entertainment” options.

However, if some members need to get out and “experience” a Club, not seen at home in Kansas, Bruce Herschensohn and I would recommend the Seventh Veil at 7180 Sunset Blvd in Hollywood. Bruce always thought it was a discreet Club, and less than a mile from your meeting.


Bob Mulholland

Art Torres to Embarrass Speaker Karen Bass Tonight

Disgraced California Democratic Party Chair Art Torres apparently intends to attend a small dollar fundraiser with Speaker Karen Bass this evening and make our Speaker look ridiculous by asking for Democrats to give $50 on actblue while the CDP is wasting $450,000 not electing Democrats. Those attending Reggie Jones-Sawyer’s home will be in the awkward situation of having wasted a contribution to the CDP while the latest scandal is being ripped on the editorial page of the LA Times:

Meanwhile, the Sacramento Bee reported that the California Democratic Party used $250,000 of its contributors’ money to pay the legal expenses that Perata (D-Oakland) has racked up defending against a criminal probe by the FBI.

It’s all perfectly legal, but it sure stinks. […]

As for Perata, Democrats not just in his district but anywhere in the state must wonder what their party is doing. They have every right to expect that contributors’ money will be pumped into districts where Democrats are locked in tough election fights with Republicans, or into struggles with the GOP over the budget. Instead, it’s paying the legal bills for Perata, who simultaneously is leading the fight against a redistricting measure on the November ballot.

When politicians demonstrate contempt for Californians, Californians respond in kind. Term-limits reform, badly needed to fix the state’s broken political system, lost at the ballot box in large part because voters mistrusted Perata, Nuñez and Schwarzenegger, and with some reason. The notion that elected officials are paid by the public to do the public’s work has become distressingly quaint.

This is clearly indefensible, which is probably why Bob Mulholland chickened out on debating the issue with Rick Jacobs on KPFA this morning. According to the host, Perata’s flacks also refused to go on the show. With today’s editorial rightly blasting the CDP, the press is trying to get people on record and the word on the street is that the CDP and Perata’s team are refusing to try and defend the indefensible. Props to any press organization that can get the CDP or Don Perata to debate this in public.

There isn’t a debate because there is no excuse for this waste of money. Don Perata needs to immediately refund all $450,000 and Art Torres must resign in shame before tonight’s fundraiser to avoid making a fool of Speaker Karen Bass. And then both should apologize to Hannah-Beth Jackson and every Democrat on the ballot this fall for having such contempt for the concept of trying to win elections.

[UPDATE by Dave]: The problem here is transparency, and it’s not limited to funding.  Watch palace courtier Bob Mulholland respond to the fact that his boss essentially lied about Sen. Feinstein and the FISA bill:

So I contacted the party today to see if Torres would comment on today’s votes. I got a callback from party political advisor Bob Mulholland, who noted Obama voted for immunity today too as a compromise. “Our attitude as a political party is, let’s win the election and we can start cleaning up the constitutional mess Bush gave us,” Mulholland said.

In other words, shut up and trust us, we know what we’re doing.  I think it would be easier to win the election if they weren’t laundering half a million dollars to the Senate leader’s legal defense fund and embarrassing the entire party.  Speaking of which, why IS he still the Senate leader?  Why haven’t there been immediate caucus leadership elections in the wake of this?  Nuñez at least had the sense to step aside.

Day 1 Recap: Bob Mulholland & A whole lotta hollering

Well, Day 1 of the CDP convention is pretty much wrapping up at this point, well, save for the hospitality suites. The caucuses went pretty much as you would expect them. Steve Westly was at the computer caucus, Karen Bass made an appearance as the Speaker-elect in the Progressive Caucus, and Carole Migden was pretty much everywhere with two people with signs following her everywhere. It was all rather royal entrance-ish (Disclosure: I do some work for Mark Leno).

The progressive caucus recapped all of the committee work for the past few months. The election integrity is working hard to have the back of Secretary of State Debra Bowen as she fights for elections we can trust. Marci Winograd discussed the massive prison bond package, and the subject of Bob Mulholland came up again. In fact, the ProgCauc passed a resolution urging the party to distribute a list of alternate press contacts, including several members of the ProgCauc’s board.

Mulholland must be loving life. I think for Mulholland, every time somebody talks about him, he grows another fraction of a millimeter. And if nobody talks about him? He slowly shrinks in his own eyes. Yup, Bob does the job of attracting fire, and he’s pretty darn efficient at the task.

Other topics at the ProgCauc included education, the war (of course) and the normal litany of bills and legislators. Dave Jones talked about a new healthcare bill, which Shiela Kuehl called the “2nd most important healthcare bill”. Not bad praise, really.

I stopped by the Youth Panel, although, at least one of the presenters didn’t get a chance to talk. But, I learned some interesting facts, like Asian-American youth are now going, in vast numbers, to Democrats. Over 45% are registered Dems, while only 16% are Republicans.  Or something like that. (Sorry, Claire, if I messed that up). At the LGBT caucus, we saw several LGBT candidates and electeds. Some are either termed out, or otherwise not returning. It should be interesting to see how many LGBT officials we have next year to continue the fight for full equality and civil rights.  I’m hoping that the marriage fight will already be concluded by the time these new officials get sworn into office, though.

Enjoy the video of the rally cries. Even 2 months after the election, a few people still have lungs to scream “Yes We Can” and “Hill-a-ry.”  Good times.  Save some of those lungs for the general, my friends. And for yelling “NO ON 98!”

A public response to Bob Mulholland

( – promoted by Dante Atkins (hekebolos))

First and foremost, I appreciate Mr. Mulholland’s words of regret for his dismissive characterizations of bloggers and activists.  And secondly, I appreciate his and his family’s service to this country, as well as his sincere commitment to ending the occupation of Iraq.

I agree sincerely with Bob’s desire to end the war in Iraq–it is a goal that we all share as Democrats and progressive activists.

Where we disagree is on princples of scope and methodology.

More below.

To begin with, I must take issue with the fact that Bob Mulholland’s seemingly sole focus for both the Congressional election and the Presidency is the occupation of Iraq.  At the California Young Democrats retreat in South Lake Tahoe, Bob Mulholland expressed the opinion that no other issue mattered to voters besides Iraq; that the economy did not matter, that global warming and environmental concerns did not matter, that the energy crisis did not matter.

I disagree with this in the strongest possible terms.  Iraq–as well as Aghanistan and a potential impending strike against Iran–are obviously enormous issues, and voters are judging our Congress by its effectiveness in reining in the Bush Administration on issues of military foreign policy.  But I think it goes without saying that we ignore all the other areas of failed Republican domestic and foreign policy at our own peril.

But even when it comes to the objective of ending the occupation of Iraq, I completely disagree with the idea that standing up for Democratic values and encouraging our politicians to support the values the Democratic Party stands for–such as obeying the Constitution, for instance–hinders our ability to win back the White House in 2008.  This could have been a legitimate argument back in 2002 and 2003 when the traditional media was comfortable with calling Democrats who had concerns about the policies of the Bush Administration traitors or other such inflammatory terms, but I strongly believe that standing up for our values can only help our chances of winning back the Presidency in 2008 now that the public trusts the Democrats on just about every single issue around, including national security and taxes.

Even if it were true, however, that standing up for our values could potentially harm our chances in 2008, the things at issue are far bigger than just the Iraq occupation.  The fight we’re waging here–and the reason that we as grassroots and netroots activists put so much effort into the resolution to censure Senator Feinstein–is a fight for the future of our democracy, and what the values of the country will be.  Try to picture, if you will, an Attorney General being confirmed by the U.S. Senate who publicly professed that torture was legal and that the President is above the law before 9/11.  What we’re fighting for is to restore our country’s respect for the constitution, for equal rights, and for equal representation before the law.  We’re fighting to make sure that the the co-equal branches of government are actually co-equal, which will go a long way to making sure not only that we can end this occupation, but also that no president will have the executive poewr to singlehandedly start such a war ever again.

And when America sees a Democrat being a prime enabler of torture and of executive power, it has the effect of normalizing these concepts in the minds of the American public, and blurring the distinction between Democrats and Republicans that will be essential to the chances of Democratic victory in 2008.

And that is precisely why it is so important for us, as the Democratic base, to oppose those who, like Senator Feinstein, grant an air of acceptability to these notions put forth by the Republicans that are, in fact, in complete opposition to traditional American values.  It’s nothing personal, really.  But if our Democratic politicians will not draw a contrast with Republicans, then we as Democrats must draw a contrast with them.

A Message From Bob Mulholland

So, as long as we are in the Bob Mulholland phase, here’s an email that he sent to at least one activist, Michael Jay, who is featured in the Courage Campaign video regarding the Guardian story about DiFi. So without ado, over the flip you’ll find that email.

Michael– and others-  my father due to economic needs in the Depression made it thru only the 10th grade. But he and mother’s generation became the Greatest Generation by winning WW 11. He made it thru the Battle of Bulge ( General Patton’s Army) then his outfit was the first to get to the Mauthausen concentration camp (Austria)  and saw the  horrow of what the Nazis had been doing for years but were able to save hundreds of people including  Simon Wiesenthal. I became proud of my father but knew little of it growing up since most of the WW 11 veterans did not talk about it to their kids.

While I was drafted into the US Army I volunteered for the paratroopers and for Vietnam. I was there during one of the most difficult times ( 1967-68)- the Tel Offensive( over 2,000 Amereicans killed in Feb 1968 alone- 70 a day), LBJ announcing he would not run again, then the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr, followed by riots in over 100 American cities, then the assassination of Bobby Kennedy with more and more American youth being sent to Vietnam. Most of whom were either high school graduates like me or like my father- finishing 10th or 11th grade.  While I was seroiusly wounded it was the loss of  friends and so many Vietnamese who paid the ultimate price that made me disillusioned with that Vietnam Folly.

Today there are over 58,200 names on the Wall in DC. I try to stop by the Wall when I am in DC, sometimes at  midnight. I don’t stop asking-why?  Now in 2007 it was the American people who  gave Bush Jr a second term and the Iraq Folly continues and it will until America elects a Democrat to the White House. Everyday I think of our troops in Iraq and their families. I have a sense of what they are going thru- there is no light at the end of the tunnel except for a locomotive coming at us. In 1968 Nixon told the American people he had a secret plan to end the war. Four years later George McGovern said he would end it- McGovern lost 49 states. 

My top priority is to help elect a Democrat to the White House on Nov 4,2008. I know that if our Democrat wins the White House big we will add Democrats to the US House and the US Senate and then we can end the war in Iraq. So I have little patience for any  issues other than the presidency.  I regret the use of my words in the Guardian. I want all Democrats to focus on electing Democrats on Nov 4,2008. While in Vietnam I don”t think any of us talked about what was going on in Congress.

Bob Mulholland

Lord Help Us

Please tell me this is a joke:

[Phil Angelides] had just finished a four-hour meeting with his three closest advisors – media guru Bill Carrick, campaign manager Cathy Calfo and Democratic Party strategist Bob Mulholland. Everyone had thick binders under their arms. […]

The meeting at the 33rd Street Bistro was to plan his comeback in California politics, which seemed sort of astonishing to the people at my table. Isn’t he, like, a loser?

Mulholland came over and suggested Angelides would be a candidate in 2010 for governor or another higher office (U.S. Senate, if Barbara Boxer leaves?). He mentioned other politicians who lost big elections – Bill Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Alan Cranston – and then came back to win higher office. Cranston, Mulholland said today in a telephone conversation, announced immediately after losing reelection for state controller in 1966 that he would run for U.S. Senate in 1968. Reporters dismissed him as crazy – he was, after all, a loser – but Cranston won.

Mulholland said Angelides has been active in Democratic politics for 15 years and “still has another good 15 years in him.” He said he wants to play a big part in getting a Democratic president elected in 2008, and would look to something for himself in 2010. “Phil will not be running for Board of Equalization, let’s just put it that way,” Mulholland said. “I will guarantee that you will see a very active Phil Angelides in politics.”

All of this seems sort of delusional to me.

Me too.

Arnold rejects Bush’s “request” for additional National Guard troops

( – promoted by SFBrianCL)

Arnold Schwarzenegger has rejected the Bush administration’s request for more troops along the border, but some Dems wonder if that’s the whole story. 

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s office said Friday that he turned down a White House request to more than double the number of California National Guard troops that will be deployed to the border, fearing the commitment could leave the state vulnerable if an earthquake or wildfire erupts.(LA Times 6/24/06)

More on the flip.

The Bush administration this week asked California to send an additional 1,500 National Guard troops to the Mexican border, but Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger denied the request, two California National Guard officials said Friday.

The National Guard Bureau, an arm of the Pentagon, asked for the troops to fill recruiting shortfalls for the mission in New Mexico and Arizona. But Schwarzenegger said the request would stretch the California guard too thin if an emergency or disaster struck.

The overall deployment for the border mission would remain at 6,000, the guard officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.  Schwarzenegger’s communications director, Adam Mendelsohn, said the governor felt sending more troops was an inappropriate burden on the state and would disrupt the guard’s training schedule. (MSNBC 6/23/06)

Well, I thought this was the case with the first 1,000.  But I guess this was some sort of straw that broke the camel for Arnold I suppose.  My bigger problem with the National Guard on the border is the effectiveness issue.  Are they really doing anything that’s worthwhile of our resources?  Has anybody explained to the American people what the hell they are doing there?  Well, to my satisfaction, the answer is no.  Our National Guard is already overburdened with Bush’s War, we don’t need to have them down on the border with some vague non-strategy.

UPDATE: The LA Times  also has a story about this. (H/t to It’s My Right to Be Left )  Some Dems have an interesting, and not too unlikely, take on this.  This “request” was really just an opportunity to give Schwarzenegger some political cover for the first 1000 troops. It’s a little conspiratorial, but doesn’t it just sound like a Rove/Schmidt tactic?

Schwarzenegger is running for reelection this year — at a time when his support among Latino voters is sagging. Recent polls show Schwarzenegger has the support of 25% of Latino voters — 7 points below what he received in the 2003 recall election
Assemblyman Hector De La Torre (D-Southgate) said of Schwarzenegger, “This is a way of letting him have it both ways — having the National Guard there, but at the same time letting him be the bulwark against placing additional troops on the border.”
Bob Mulholland, an advisor to Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides, said: “This so-called request [from the White House] was a phony political request to try to give Schwarzenegger political cover: ‘Look it. I’m standing up to Bush.’ But last week Schwarzenegger was a French poodle in Bush’s lap — authorizing 1,000 stressed-out, overextended National Guard members to spend weeks and months at the border, even though many of them have done two tours in Iraq.”(LA Times 6/24/06)

Yeah, it’s a bit cynical, but isn’t that really the problem?  We’ve been forced to cynicysm by manipulative administrations, both in Sacramento and Washington.