Tag Archives: Ted Strickland

Strickland Speaks

(DailyKos blogger thereisnospoon offers his commentary. (Dante) – promoted by Dante Atkins (hekebolos))

Strickland speaking tonight:

“Tonight across the kitchen tables of Ohio, American families are worried.”

Says that families are worried about job losses with DHL, loss of lives in Iraq.  Worried that their children coming home from Iraq might have to do out again having trouble looking for work.  While families try to sleep at night trying to stretch their last paycheck, John McCain is sleeping better than ever: he thinks the fundamentals of the economy are strong.

“John McCain has no problem hitting the snooze button on the economy, since he’s never been part of the Middle Class.  Senator McCain, it’s time for your wake-up call.  Because we just can’t afford more of the same.”

He could say that McCain represents four more years of Bush policies, but he doesn’t have to because McCain says so himself.  He’ll continue “stuck in the past” policies that keep Warren Buffett’s comparative tax burden lower than his secretary’s, and he’ll tell you that’s wrong.  McCain’s energy policy is “stuck in the past” because oil lobbyists wrote the policy.  And $10 billion a month goes into the Iraqi economy while bridges and road collapse here at home.

“It was said of the first George Bush that he was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.  But after the surpluses left him by Bill Clinton, George W. Bush came into office on third base and then he stole second.

Beautiful.  Just beautiful.

“And John McCain cheered him every step of the way.”

Double ouch.  Bring the pain, Ted.  Bring the pain.

Moves on to talking about Barack Obama’s middle class tax cuts and ending breaks for companies that send jobs overseas.  Good contrast.

“There are more than hopes in these polices.  There are jobs.

And that’s the key.  If that message hits home all across Ohio, and especially all across America, it’s game, set and match.  Great speech.