Tag Archives: Berkowitz

Alaska Congressional Candidate Ethan Berkowitz Coming to LA for Fundraiser, to Dish on Palin

(Sounds like fun! – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

4 Star Democratic Club, Dems for Israel, bloggers such as Dante Atkins (Hekebolos), Todd Beeton and California’s new Democratic National Committeeman Andrew Lachman have come together to organize a grassroots fundraiser for Alaska’s Democratic Congressional nominee Ethan Berkowitz in Los Angeles on Friday, September 19th at 6:30pm at 3077 Earlmar Ave., Los Angeles 90064.  You can RSVP via Act Blue, on Facebook or by calling Anna at (907)947-1628.

Berkowitz, a San Francisco native, worked as a fisherman, Alaska state prosecutor, and minority leader of the Alaska House of Representatives.  The Alaksa At-Large House race is part of the “Red to Blue” program of the most watched races in the country as his opponent, Representative Don Young, barely survived the Republican primary, winning by less than 300 votes.  Young is also under investigation by the FBI for his dealings with the same oil company involved in the indictment of Alaska’s Senator Ted Stevens.  

While Steven’s opponent, Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich is in a very close race, Berkowitz has pulled ahead to a 14 point lead in the recent Anchorage Press/Ivan Moore poll.  This looks like it could be a Democratic pickup.  Also, Berkowitz has debated Sarah Palin before, so he should have some great stories!