Tag Archives: Mormons

Prop. 8: The Relay Fast

It’s hard to get a handle on the efforts of the Yes on 8 people because they’re so haphazard.  They vow to produce a million yard signs but then get delayed because the signs are “in route” from China.  They try to make their campaign seem to be about ordinary couples who want their traditional aw-shucks marriage, and then the virulence of their intolerance is revealed, over

I am a Mormon High Priest.  My bishop is a long-time family friend, and he has come to see me a couple of times recently, but each time he has come by assignment of his church supervisor.  On the first visit, my bishop offered me a chance to resign my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  When I declined, he told me a church disciplinary council would be held.  On the second visit, just a couple of days ago, he brought me a letter informing me that I am charged with conduct unbecoming a member of the Mormon Church, and being “in apostasy.”

…and over again

Turns out the aptly-named “Church of the Divide” in faraway Placerville had sent a group of hate-mongering protesters to the church where (Sacramento mayoral candidate Kevin Johnson) and his family worships, complete with signs blaring “SODOMY” (and worse), to protest Kevin’s decision to oppose Prop 8. They also flew in Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson from Los Angeles as their Rent-A-Hack.

What has become cleear is this: the Yes on 8 movement is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the fundamentalist right, an alliance of various religious sects who are coming together to try and impose their will on the people of California.  They’ve certainly been successful financially, outraising the no side to this point.  To be sure, there are liberal religious leaders coming out against this measure, like the California Faith for Equality coalition.  But the level of participation by many groups, particularly the Church of Latter-Day Saints, is profoundly unsettling:

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have contributed more than a third of the approximately $15.4 million raised since June 1 to support Proposition 8. The ballot initiative, if passed, would reverse the current right of same-sex couples to marry […]

The top leadership of the Mormon Church, known as the First Presidency, issued a letter in June calling on Mormons to “do all you can” to support Proposition 8.

Mormon donors said they weren’t coerced. “Nobody twisted my arm,” said Richard Piquet, a Southern California accountant who gave $25,000 in support of Proposition 8. He said Mormon Church leaders called donating “a matter of personal conscience.” Some Mormons who declined to donate said their local church leaders had made highly charged appeals, such as saying that their souls would be in jeopardy if they didn’t give. Church spokesmen said any such incident wouldn’t reflect Mormon Church policy […]

The prominence of Mormon donors in the Proposition 8 fight has also led to alliances with evangelical Protestant groups and other Christian religions, some of which have deep theological differences with Mormons.

Jim Garlow, pastor of the evangelical Protestant Skyline Church near San Diego and a leading supporter of Proposition 8, said, “I would not, in all candor, have been meeting them or talking with them had it not been for” the marriage campaign. Rev. Garlow said he had developed a “friendship” with the Mormons he met, although he feels the theological differences remain “unbridgeable.”

Certainly there is a broader movement among the religious spectrum beyond just the Mormons; the Family Research Council is heavily invested in the measure, and is spreading lies about the consequences of same-sex marriage to their members (Christians will be jailed!!!).  But what is going to be the focus of their efforts to get out the vote and pass the proposition?  Apparently, fasting and praying (I don’t buy the 100,000 figure below, by the way, it sounds like more bluster):

Hundreds of pastors have called on their congregations to fast and pray for passage of a ballot measure in November that would put an end to gay marriage in California.

The collective act of piety, starting Wednesday and culminating three days before the election in a revival for as many as 100,000 people at the San Diego Chargers’ stadium, comes as church leaders across California put people, money and powerful words behind Proposition 8.

Some pastors around the state and nation are encouraging their flocks to forgo solid food for up to 40 days in the biblical tradition.

Well, not quite.  In a remarkable catch by skippy, this 40-day fasting period, scheduled to begin today, would be somewhat unusual.

the gathering, called the call, will conclude a 40-day fasting period for california that begins sept. 24. christians are being asked to fast in some way, either the entire 40 days or perhaps by using team relays to cover the entire 40 days. running parallel to the 40-day fast is a 100-day prayer effort, which was scheduled to start july 28.

Um… team relays?

Let me get this straight.  If I last from lunch to dinner without a morsel, then tag off to my partner in prayer, I can go ahead and eat dinner then?  Is that really a fast, or is it, I don’t know… just not snacking?

Well, the religious right can’t be the only ones to get in on this fun.  That’s why, starting today, I am calling on every liberal and progressive to take part in a counter-fast for equality.  The goal is to get enough people involved that we only have to chip in about 15 minutes or so of fasting apiece.  I’m blocking out September 29, 4:30-4:45.  I’m not eating a thing.  We’re talking commitment!!!

More on this tomorrow. For now, sign up in the comments with your fasting interval.  Together, we can show these guys what a fasting relay team is all about!

The Floundering Yes on 8 Campaign: One Million Missing Lawn Signs Found in China

This past weekend the Yes on 8 campaign had talked up passing out ONE MILLION lawn signs.  It was going to be their big splash event, something big and bold to get a bunch of earned media.

To counter that push, the No on 8, Equality for All campaign organized a bunch of visibility events for the media and to raise the public face/profile of the campaign.  Then shuttled the the volunteers back inside to do the work that will bring this election home: calling undecided voters.  

But a funny thing happened….  There were no lawn signs, no big events from the Yes side.

I started hearing rumors that they had trouble with their vendor.  It turns out they were stuck in China.  Yes, China.  Here is an email from a one Gena Downey, producer of the cult hit Mormon film (I’m joking about the cult and hit thing) God’s Army.

The YES on Prop 8 yard signs have been delayed in route from China. We expect to distribute them within the next two weeks. I will email you as soon as they arrive so we can make sure you have one immediately. In the interim, please continue to take note of any friends or family who would like one as well.

So, the Yes campaign, rather than purchasing some good old fashioned union made in America lawn signs, they went to some cut rate producer in China who blew the delivery date by at least three weeks.  What, they couldn’t afford traditional American signs?

That seems to have worked out well.  Why does the Yes on 8 campaign hate America?

Love America. Volunteer for the No on Prop 8 campaign.  

Donate via the Calitics ActBlue page, so we can make up ground on the Yes campaign, which is beating us, the $100k from Speilberg to the No on 8 notwithstanding.

[UPDATE] by Julia Aravosis has more.

Meanwhile a friend emailed Gina to inquire about the signs and she responded back excitedly.  I guess she hasn’t figured it out that her email has been forwarded around.

The signs are not in yet. They are coming in from China and have been delayed but as soon as they arrive I will have them at my place in Burbank. That’s great news and I can get them up to you as soon as they land. Wow, so good to hear this!

Prop. 8: Mormons v. Brad Pitt

The newest major donor to the No on Prop 8: Equality for All campaign is one Brad Pitt.  It comes at a key time in fundraising over the initiative that would take away the right for gays and lesbians to get married.  The Yes side is seeing a major surge in donations, flooding into their coffers.  In fact, they are out raising us right now, Brad Pitt’s donation included.

The Mormon church is getting heavily involved in the campaign.  It looks like about 35% of contributions to the other side have come in from Mormons, or at least that is what they are claiming over at this Mormons for 8 website.  A high percentage of the large checks are coming from Utah.  

Here is the question: is a religious institution trying to buy this election and change the California Constitution?

They aren’t just donating.  They are fueling their GOTV activites.  Mormons have been invading neighborhoods en mass.  They are not using walk lists, but rather descend in large groups to knock doors and try and pass out the million yard signs they think is going to win them this election.  It’s flat out creepy.  It freaks out entire communities and usually the No on 8 campaign hears within a few minutes where the Mormons have decided to invade on any given day.

Look, I don’t have anything specific against Mormons.  It’s just that when a specific religious institution decides to play a large role in a political battle, it weirds me out.  Separation of chuch and state….

I know many of you have seen the polls and think we are going to win the battle over fundamental rights here in California.  But I have news from you.  The other side is winning the fundraising battle.  They are energized with volunteers and are counting on a sort of Bradley effect to put them over the top.  This is from an email from Dale Bankhead, the campaign manager for No on 8 (flip it):

You’ve probably heard that the polls show our side ahead. Some are saying that victory for our side is a sure thing. Don’t be fooled! This race is too close to call. The ugly truth we have learned from defeat after defeat in states across the country is that people lie on polls, especially about how they feel about LGBT people. In contest after contest, from Wisconsin to Colorado, we have gone into election day with polls showing our side with 7 to 10 points more support than we actually received at the ballot box.

This thing is close.  Want anecdotal evidence?  Key campaign staffers and leaders within the gay community are somehow squeezing their long awaited personal weddings in right now.  They are not running the risk that they will not be able to get married after the election.  So they are taking time out of working on the campaign to get married themselves.

The No on 8 campaign needs your help.  This is THE biggest campaign in California and we can’t win it without money and volunteers.

So give via the Calitics ActBlue page directly to the campaign.  And sign-up to volunteer.  They need people in their offices making calls and IDing voters.  This weekend there are a ton of field activities to participate in, as the Mormons and others on the Yes side try and pass out their million lawn signs.

[UPDATE] by Julia: Here is the quote from Pitt.  It’s a good one.

Because no one has the right to deny another their life, even though they disagree with it, because everyone has the right to live the life they so desire if it doesn’t harm another and because discrimination has no place in America, my vote will be for equality and against Proposition 8.

As Larry points out in the comments on the dkos version of this post, the Yes side is outraising us 3 to 2 right now.  So give if you can.