Tag Archives: Ventura County Chamber of Commerce

Strickland-Jackson Debates Now Available for Viewing

There were two major debates held this month between Independent Green Republican Tony Strickland and Hannah-Beth Jackson: the first was put on by the right-wing Ventura County Chamber of Commerce on Oct. 3rd at Ventura College, and the second by the significantly more friendly Ventura County League of Women Voters on Oct. 10th at Cal Lutheran in Oxnard.

Both debates were supposed to have been shown live on local CAPS-TV here in Ventura County (and I was going to liveblog them), but were for technical reasons not broadcast or streamed live at the time.  The debates have finally been put in the can to air repeatedly here in Ventura County regularly until election day.  Fortunately, we live in the Internet age, and CAPS-TV has done us the service (finally!) of putting the debates on their website.

They’ve been encoded as WMV files, and thus cannot be embedded here.  If you’re interested in watching, please click on the following links:

Ventura Chamber of Commerce, Oct. 3rd

Ventura County League of Women Voters, Oct. 10th

I haven’t heard anything earth-shattering so far in listening to the debates, but I highly recommend that anyone interested in the race listen and highlight anything newsworthy they may see now that the debates are finally available to all.

In the meantime, I’ll have a photodiary up within a few days about canvassing this last Sunday for Hannah-Beth in Thousand Oaks.  Pretty good results, and there’s good reason to feel confident about this race.