Tag Archives: quezada

A Grassroots Response to Prop 8: Not on our turf!

The Yes on 8 campaign brought about 30 people to the corner of Cesar Chavez and Mission in San Francisco today, trying to build support for the proposition in the Latino community.


The corner happens to be a block and a half from the Eric Quezada for Supervisor office, and we could not let them spew hate unchallenged.

No on 8

Over the next hour, No on 8 people showed up one by one and or two by two. By the time the bigots got tired and left, they were outnumbered by people with official and hand-made No signs.

There was a pretty sharp racial divide in both the two sides of the protest and the reactions of passing drivers. Many of the No protesters were white, but almost all of the Yes people and the drivers who honked in support were Latino or African American.

There were exceptions, of course, like Eric’s mom, a grandmother against Prop 8:

Eric Quezada's mom and friend