Tag Archives: California Republican Party

The Great Northern Menace

The California Republican Party, they of the anti-illegal immigration platform, have decided that some immigrants are here to do the jobs that Americans won’t do – like be their deputy political director.

The California Republican Party has decided no American is qualified to take one of its most crucial positions — state deputy political director — and has hired a Canadian for the job through a coveted H-1B visa, a program favored by Silicon Valley tech firms that is under fire for displacing skilled American workers.

Christopher Matthews, 35, a Canadian citizen, has worked for the state GOP as a campaign consultant since 2004. But he recently was hired as full-time deputy political director, with responsibility for handling campaign operations and information technology for the country’s largest state Republican Party operation, California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring confirmed in a telephone interview this week.

That’s not all, look at the guy who hired him:

Matthews was hired by Michael Kamburowski, an Australian citizen who was hired this year as the state GOP’s chief operations officer. But neither new official has experience in managing a political campaign in the nation’s most populous state — and as foreign citizens, neither is eligible to vote.

In fairness to the state GOP, I don’t think any Americans really WANT to work for them.


What’s funny is that this has caused a bit of outrage on the xenophobic right.

“it’s insulting but also embarrassing … to bring people from the outside who don’t know the difference between Lodi and Lancaster … and who can’t even vote,” said Karen Hanretty, a political commentator and former state GOP party spokeswoman […]

“There are talented Republicans in California, and the message that (party chair) Ron Nehring is sending is that there’s no talent pool here,” Hanretty said.

The state party and its 58 county operations face several challenges, Hanretty said, including “redistricting on the ballot, uncertain legislative races ahead of us … and a number of Republican congressmen who are under federal investigation and are going to be challenged by Democrats.”

“Who will help these candidates?” she asked. “A couple of foreign transplants who don’t know the political landscape and don’t know the history of the complicated politics in California?”

Apparently anyone from Australia or Canada isn’t able to, you know, read a map.  Or a book on California politics.

The crackup on the right over immigration is so gratifying, because at every turn they run into contradictions and hypocrisies like this.  I half-expect to see calls to build a fence around Australia in response to this.

Lonely At The Top

I guess there’s no fun in being post-partisan.  According to the Sac Bee Tom McClintock will NOT ATTEND Gov. Schwarzenegger’s address to the California Republican Party tonight, because he “is so dismayed by the governor’s positions.”

“Many Republicans supported him in 2006 based on the simple, unequivocal campaign promise he made not to raise taxes,” McClintock said. “He broke that promise and proposed the second-largest tax increase in state history. I will never trust another word he says.”

OK, this is the man who ran as the Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor, arguably the second-highest Constitutional office in the state.  It’s essentially Schwarzenegger’s running mate.  This is basically akin to Cheney just leaving the seat behind Bush empty at the State of the Union. (Dare to dream…)


This is just an extension of the disillusionment Republicans have had with Arnold.  Not at the voting booth; the right held their nose and voted him back into office.  But all of his signature achievements last year passed with hardly any Republican support in the legislature.  Tonight he’ll be talking in front of a party which increasingly feels abandoned by him, particularly on taxes.  McClintock is in the dead center of Republican Party philosophy and he doesn’t waver.  He also has lost FOUR statewide races for various offices, and once for the US House.  His vision of the Republican Party is incommensurate with majority opinion in this state.  The CA Republican Party’s idea of a moderate is someone who calls all prison inmates animals.

That’s why there pretty much is no Republican Party in California, and in the post-post-partisan era, virtually nobody appears to be able to mount a statewide run (I mean, who?  Steve Poizner and his $30 million?).  The Democratic Party has its troubles as well, and the progressive movement is trying to fix that from the ground up.  I have always submitted that the increase in “Decline to State” voters here has everything to do with the fact that you have two weak parties, and the one that steps up and starts engaging voters and addressing real needs of the people will have a tremendous opportunity to forge ahead.

CA-Gov: What does $2 Million Buy from the Governator?

(Cross-posted to Daily Kos and MyDD. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

The AP combed the financial records of both state parties.  Guess what? The California Republican Party (or CRaP, as I like to call it) loves those unlimited donations:

The California Republican Party has raised $12.3 million this year, most of it in unlimited donations, according to campaign finance reports reviewed Tuesday.
In June, after the bitter Democratic primary, the Republican Party spent $4.2 million on ads for Schwarzenegger, who has been the party’s main fundraiser.

Since the beginning of the year, the Republican Party received $2 million from Alex Spanos, owner of the San Diego Chargers; $1 million from T. Boone Pickens, the Texas oil tycoon; $1.5 million from A. Jerrold Perenchio, the founder of Univision; $250,000 from Chevron; and $150,000 from Joseph Weider, the fitness magazine owner who is an old friend of Schwarzenegger’s. (LA Daily News 8/2/06)

Check out the flip for more about the CRaPpy Unlimited Donors.

Yup, Mr. Alex Spanos gave $2 million to the CRaP.  And how did Mr. Spanos make his money you might ask?  Well, the Chargers owner was a real estate developer.  Yup, Mr. Schwarzenegger’s good buddy built apartments in Southern California. Oh, and a bonus, Mr. Spanos wrote a book that has a foreword from Rush Limbaugh.  Aww, shucks Arnold, you sure know how to pick your friends.  The praise for the book has some interesting “leaders” besides Limbaugh from sketchy sports owners like Al Davis to business heirs like Barron Hilton, grandfather of Paris Hilton.

Who else gave to the CRaP.  Well, it seems Big Oil loves CRaP.  It seems T. Boone Pickens is interested in Arnold.  You might know him, and love him, from such campaigns as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, to which he gave $2 Million, or Progress for America, to which he gave $2.5 Million.  It seems Mr. Pickens makes quite a bit of money (over $1.6 BILLION last year), mostly off natural gas. 

Right along with Mr. Pickens is good ol’ Standard Oil of California, Chevron.  Chevron invested $250,000 in CRaP.  It’s quite interesting for a governor who claims to be Green to be courting donors for his party from big oil.

Mr. Schwarzenegger promised the voters of California that he would clean up Sacramento.  He didn’t need special interest money.  It turns out the only special interest money from interests that don’t support him are really special interests.  Nope, Arnold & Big Oil…they’re just good friends.

So, remember when you see those CRaP ads proclaiming Schwarzenegger an environmenatlist just who paid for that ad. The real environmentalist is Phil Angelides