Tag Archives: Katrina Foley

Meet Three Women Who Have Changed Orange County

Former Huntington Beach Mayor Debbie Cook stopped bad developments in parks and beaches, and led the efforts to clean up the water off Orange County’s coast. In the meantime, she became a national leader on energy issues.

Costa Mesa City Councilwoman Katrina Foley has led the fight to improve her city’s quality of life, fought for better parks and increased opportunities for her city’s youth as others on the Costa Mesa City Council were more concerned with ugly immigrant bashing.

Irvine Councilwoman Beth Krom helped to create Orange County’s visionary Great Park, and her leadership has made Irvine a model of sustainable planning, green building and environmental stewardship.

You can meet them this Saturday, Feb. 28 as they join the Orange County League of Conservation Voters for a roundtable discussion on building a green political farm team for Orange County.

Environmental Roundtable

“2010 Goal:  Progressive Change in Orange County”

Saturday, February 28, 2009

9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Santiago Creek Wildlife and Watershed Center

600 E. Memory Lane, Santa Ana

To RSVP contact Robin Everett at [email protected] or call 949-338-5356

(cross-posted from Orange County Progressive)