Tag Archives: Proposition 1F

Torrance Democratic Club endorses NO on all May 19 Propositions

At the Torrance Democratic Club meeting held tonight, the club voted to endorse the No position on all of the ballot propositions.  Attendees had the benefit of hearing from three speakers covering different views of the ballot propositions.  Represented at the meeting were the California Teachers Association, the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of California, and the progressive netroots (in the person of David Dayen).  Following an informative presentations by the speakers and a question and answer period, club members voted to oppose all the ballot propositions above the necessary 60% threshold to have the club endorse the No positions.  

Most of the discussion focused on Proposition 1A and 1B – and despite broad agreement that education was definitely suffering, the votes against the propositions indicated that members didn’t think this was the solution.