Tag Archives: Virginia Foxx

Wally Herger (R-CA) is also a Virginia Foxx

As stunned as I was to hear Virginia Fox stating it was a hoax not a hate crime…just merely a person that was killed during a robbery…sexual orientation had nothing to do with it.  My representative, Wally Herger, is also on the same page.  But in his case, he claims HR 1913 is a bill that will “persecute.”  Yep…he thinks it is really just those dangerous thought police at work.

He voted against HR 1913 saying “it takes a dangerous course to criminalize thought.”  He stated that the bill would provide federal funding that “will lead to the persecution of pastors, bible teachers and others Christians exercising their right to free speech and expressing their religious beliefs.”

He further stated that “all crimes are hate crimes” and that “all crimes should be prosecuted equally, regardless of the motivation.”

He said “hate crimes eliminated through legislation is unjust and fundamentally un-American.” “…HR 1913 “would afford preferential treatment to a special class of people requiring that only some people be treated equally under law.”  (This sentence is just plain baffling…it makes no real sense.)

He further stated that “this violated the constitutional principle of equal justice under the law and goes directly against freedom of speech and religion.”  Then he said, “Under this legislation, religious leaders or members of religious groups could become subject to criminal investigation or prosecutions for expressing their constitutionally protected beliefs.”

And then, “the bill would separate people based on sexual orientation, gender identity and other vague terms.”  He continues, “the bill was written to be vague so as not to have much limitation.”  “It also means federal funding could be used to implement state hate crime laws and undermine First Amendment rights.”

Well…Wally Herger was always a rubber stamp voter for everything Bush.  Now he voted against HR 1913…a very much needed bill…by saying it will cause persecution against Christians and infringe upon First Amendment rights.

We’ve got to continue to expose these idiots!  So, I guess he believes if you voted Yes on 8 in California, they are gonna be gunning for you.

Wingnutia I tell you…

Wally Herger (R-CA) is also a Virginia Foxx

As stunned as I was to hear Virginia Fox stating it was a hoax not a hate crime…just merely a person that was killed during a robbery…sexual orientation had nothing to do with it.  My representative, Wally Herger, is also on the same page.  But in his case, he claims HR 1913 is a bill that will “persecute.”  Yep…he thinks it is really just those dangerous thought police at work.

He voted against HR 1913 saying “it takes a dangerous course to criminalize thought.”  He stated that the bill would provide federal funding that “will lead to the persecution of pastors, bible teachers and others Christians exercising their right to free speech and expressing their religious beliefs.”

He further stated that “all crimes are hate crimes” and that “all crimes should be prosecuted equally, regardless of the motivation.”

He said “hate crimes eliminated through legislation is unjust and fundamentally un-American.” “…HR 1913 “would afford preferential treatment to a special class of people requiring that only some people be treated equally under law.”  (This sentence is just plain baffling…it makes no real sense.)

He further stated that “this violated the constitutional principle of equal justice under the law and goes directly against freedom of speech and religion.”  Then he said, “Under this legislation, religious leaders or members of religious groups could become subject to criminal investigation or prosecutions for expressing their constitutionally protected beliefs.”

And then, “the bill would separate people based on sexual orientation, gender identity and other vague terms.”  He continues, “the bill was written to be vague so as not to have much limitation.”  “It also means federal funding could be used to implement state hate crime laws and undermine First Amendment rights.”

Well…Wally Herger was always a rubber stamp voter for everything Bush.  Now he voted against HR 1913…a very much needed bill…by saying it will cause persecution against Christians and infringe upon First Amendment rights.

We’ve got to continue to expose these idiots!  So, I guess he believes if you voted Yes on 8 in California, they are gonna be gunning for you.

Wingnutia I tell you…