Tag Archives: Whipping Post

Whipping The Assembly And Senate On The Budget Vote

(We should all be asking these questions of our lawmakers. – promoted by David Dayen)

This is a relatively short action diary to gather information on the budget vote currently expected for Thursday.  I agree with David Dayan’s diary earlier today: this budget should not pass.  And if we can’t stop it, at least our representatives should understand that this is not a free vote;  if they vote to pass, there will be consequences not only to the state, but to their careers.

The idea here is one progressives have been using with great impact since the federal Social Security fight in 2005:  using the web as a grassroot’s whipping operation.

A few details below.  

This diary can be used to trade talking points that worked/did not work with the offices of various assembly members or senators, and any information about whether the member agreed to take a stand.

To your Senator or Assembly Representative, you should ask:

  1. Will the member agree to vote against the budget, yes or no.
  2. If the member is undecided, when the member intends to make up his/her mind.

Be firm, but be polite.

If anyone has specific advice for talking points, please add them to the comments.  I’ll try to work them into the main part of the diary.