Tag Archives: Zogby

Angelides within 6pts—-Dispute this one!

For the GODDDAMN doomdayers that are registered as California Democrats, and they were our worst enemy in CA-48’s Special Election last year where I was Staff Communications Director [far more than the Republican in the race], here’s more proof that this race is close.

Last week I quoted on Calistics, a California Blog, that Zogby/WSJ poll had the race within 4pts and was shouted down that it was an interactive online poll and meant nothing. Bullshit.

Here’s a poll that no one can dispute, although the GODDAMN California Democrats will find away to cause trouble instead of getting involved and helping, (Do I sound just a little pissed off?  Sorry):

In California, One Race Close, One Not

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) is maintaining a six-point
lead over challenger Phil Angelides (D), according to a new Rasmussen Reports poll. Schwarzenegger currently beats Angelides 48% to 42%.

Meanwhile, in the U.S. Senate race, Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is crushing state Sen. Richard Mountjoy (R), 56% to 34%.

Hat tip to Political Wire. If you’re not reading Political Wire 3-4 times daily…you’re not in politics.

crossposted at Political Dogfight. A blog with over 430 posts of substance.