Tag Archives: Rasmussen

Good news on dirty ballot initiative in new Rasmussen poll

The latest Rasmussen poll just released this morning has some good news regarding the dirty GOP ballot initiative.

A proposal has been made in California that would award one Electoral Vote to the winner of each Congressional District along with two Electoral Votes for the statewide winner. In a theoretical sense, 47% of California voters think that’s a good idea. Thirty-one percent (31%) disagree while 23% are not sure. However, even that tepid level of support dissipates when voters learn that a change in California could significantly increase the number of Republican Electoral Votes. Once that is factored into the equation, support drops to 38% and opposition increases to 41%.

Excellent.  This is the first poll I’ve seen where opposition is MORE than support when people are informed of the consequences.  But again, no resting on our laurels.  Keep up the fight to educate as many Californians as possible!

Some other numbers from the poll, Arnold’s numbers stand at 46% approve, 53% disapprove.  Meanwhile, Bush is at 28% approve, 69% disapprove, including a whopping 50% of Californians who rate his job performance as “poor”.

And I’ll go ahead and disagree with the 65% of Californians who think term limits for state legislators are a good idea.

Angelides within 6pts—-Dispute this one!

For the GODDDAMN doomdayers that are registered as California Democrats, and they were our worst enemy in CA-48’s Special Election last year where I was Staff Communications Director [far more than the Republican in the race], here’s more proof that this race is close.

Last week I quoted on Calistics, a California Blog, that Zogby/WSJ poll had the race within 4pts and was shouted down that it was an interactive online poll and meant nothing. Bullshit.

Here’s a poll that no one can dispute, although the GODDAMN California Democrats will find away to cause trouble instead of getting involved and helping, (Do I sound just a little pissed off?  Sorry):

In California, One Race Close, One Not

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) is maintaining a six-point
lead over challenger Phil Angelides (D), according to a new Rasmussen Reports poll. Schwarzenegger currently beats Angelides 48% to 42%.

Meanwhile, in the U.S. Senate race, Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is crushing state Sen. Richard Mountjoy (R), 56% to 34%.

Hat tip to Political Wire. If you’re not reading Political Wire 3-4 times daily…you’re not in politics.

crossposted at Political Dogfight. A blog with over 430 posts of substance.