Tag Archives: courage and consequence

Karl Rove: Courage and Consequence – the Record! Help bum out Rove. Release 3/3/2010

Hi everybody!

Last time I checked in, was right after the East Bay Express article about Project: Courage and Consequence. Our grassroots funded LP/Digital Download record with the same title as Karl Rove‘s book, set to come out the week before.

Well, we did it.

Over $3,000 raised, and the records are on their way. If you want to check it out you can download it right now in any format you’d like.

The attention from Calitics was well timed and much appreciated.

however, we still need your help!

For one thing, if you live in the bay area, you can attend the record release show at the Elbo Room on wednesday:

Also, we are now to the FUN PART, where we get to mess with Karl Rove big time.

More under the cut:

Dear Internet User and Karl Rove Hater,

By now we figure you’ve either bought the album, are not going to ever buy

the album or are waiting for payday to buy the album so this isn’t a push

for record sales or downloads. It’s also not a push for you to attend the

vinyl release show at the Elbo Room on March 3rd – we know you’ll be there

if you can make it. No, this is a letter asking for help in the real mission

of this project. We hope that you can take a small amount of time out of

your day to seed the name and website of this compilation on as many places

as possible around the internet.

You see, the real mission of this project is to fill up search results for

Karl Rove’s book Courage and Consequence with our vinyl compilation of songs

of the same name. Maybe even confuse a few right-wingers to buy it out of

curiosity or their lack of reading comprehension. Since the mp3s are free to

, we are offering something as well.

I guess in some way you could say that every band, project, art show, etc

needs promotion like this in this internet age and you’d be right – but this

time our fish is big and evil and his book is an insult and he needs to be

fried. It may not seem like much but we sincerely hope it works. It also depends on you and people like you.

Here are some very easy things you can do. If you want to. If you’re still

reading this. Oh please, please keep reading this. I worked so hard on it.

Do you frequent a forum? Please use the appropriate area in your forum to

post information about the compilation (an example is provided below) and

links. Do you have a Reddit, Digg, Tumblr, Stumblr, Total Fark, Something

Awful, Last.fm, Google Buzz, Notcot, Wonkette, TPM, Freep (you sick puppy), or

De.li.cious account? It would help quite a bit if you could post and/or rate

our website link in these different areas. (links for some provided below).

There’s no reason you can’t sign up for these accounts just to rate these

links, either. It takes very little time and you do not generally have to

put in any personal info. Ask your fellow web 2.0 buddies to up rate, thumbs

up and like as well. They like you, they’ll do it. If there are other sites

you frequent around the web that allow open posts to promote a project or

share interesting stories – please feel free to do so. Don’t ask for permission, just do it!

Do you like the YouTubes? Below is a list of links to fake videos of each

of the compilations songs
. Please log in and rate these videos Awesome! and

even favorite them if you like. Google runs youtube now and they weight

their video results by views and by rating so please! it only takes a moment

to do this, and when this inevitably hits the radar of the right wingers, we all know the comments will be a battleground anyway.

If you’re some sort of weirdo and do not like the songs, rate

them Awesome! anyway. Don’t worry, the internet police won’t know.

Hey, I bet you have a blog. Do us a favor and make an open post containing

some or all of the information below. I’m sure your readers will be thrilled

at the content you are providing them.

Facebook. Yeah, yeah, we’ve already done a lot on facebook – it helped us

receive at least 50% of the funding (and music and ideas) for this project.

Frankly, we are a little worried about FB fatigue and are therefore

reluctant to keep posting on OUR pages about it. But you! You hardly ever

post anything – why not do us a solid and make a post linking to the main

web page. In fact, if you’re an infrequent Facebook user, it would help a

lot. If you’re worried about conservative family members or friends getting

offended well…that’s just a bonus.

Are you an e-mail forwarder? I’m sorry. I really am. BUT, in this instance

it might help us. Forward away. Hell, forward this email as is and maybe

more people will join in the fight to push Karl Rove’s book Courage and

Consequence to the 2nd page of Google results. A person can dream, can’t


Final request. Let us know what you’ve done! Send me an email or message

with a link to your post or forward so that I may add your efforts to the

list and keep them going. Especially let us know for sites that allow

ratings and I’ll add those links to this email and the website.

Thank you and screw Karl Rove’s book.


http://www.karlrovebook.net – Official site

http://karlrove.bandcamp.com/ – Bandcamp page / sales

http://cdbaby.com/cd/krove – cdbaby

http://seismicwave.net/project… – root of official site

http://twitter.com/bookkarlrove – Project Twitter

http://www.electrical.com/phpB… – Electrical Audio Forum Discussion

http://courageandconsequence.b… – Courage and Consequence Blog

http://www.kickstarter.com/pro… – Fundraiser site (successful)

http://www.last.fm/music/Death… Last Fm

Bandcamp links:














Songs on last.fm:















http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… pitch video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… Mike Malloy

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… Heavenly States – A Man For Our Times

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… Rival Dickens – Forget the Naughts

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… HaveSpecialPower – A Rove By Any Other Name

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… Lambs of Abortion – New American Century

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… We’re Gonna Fight The Eskimos Next – Don’t Praise the Machine

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… Cartographer – The Biggest Asshole In The World

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… Death Dream – Karl Rove Let’s Get Dirty

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… Generalissimo – Swarm

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… Cold Lake – Courage and Consequence

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… Hurry Up Shotgun – Car Bomb

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… The United Sons of Toil – Invention VS Innovation

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… Victory and Associates – Lies, and the Lying Liars That Sell Them



http://www.theheavenlystates.com The Heavenly States

http://www.rivaldickens.com/ Rival Dickens, Rick from http://posterchildren.com/ Poster Children

http://www.myspace.com/thelagsf Have Special Power

http://www.lambsofabortion.com/ Lambs of Abortion

http://www.myspace.com/weregon… We’re Gonna Fight the Eskimos Next

http://www.feedbackloop.net/ca…  Cartographer

http://www.myspace.com/deathdr… Death Dream

http://www.generalissimo.mu/ Generalissimo

http://www.myspace.com/coldcol… Cold Lake

http://hurryupshotgun.com/ Hurry Up Shotgun

http://www.unitedsonsoftoil.com/ United Sons of Toil

http://www.victoryandassociate… Victory and Associates

Karl Rove-3 days to go and an article in the East Bay Express

(neutron is a long-time friend of this blog, and a talented musician to boot. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

Wow! It’s been a crazy month, but with 3 days to go, we are 47 pre-orders away from funding Project: Courage and Consequence COMPLETELY on grassroots funding. The fun part is coming…

Karl Rove is coming out with a memoir called “Courage and Consequence”. We are putting out a compilation LP by the same name that is coming out before his book. Songs about, pertaining to, or answers to Karl Rove specifically. We are going to culture jam his memoir and wreck his special day by dominating google results, amazon sales, etc.

We also are making a hell of a compilation.

This is a completely grassroots effort funded by donations and pre-orders.

If you would like to help, please go to http://www.karlrovebook.net

$948 or 42 pre-orders of $20 each to go! There is still time.

Great article in this weeks East Bay Express (I’m even on the top right of the cover) about the Project.

All of that below the fold.

Thanks to the East Bay Express’s Rachel Swan for the excellent feature article in this weeks paper.

I big feature article in the East Bay Express about this record just came out.

Warning: plenty of explicit language within.


Bands of Courage and Consequence

by Rachel Swan

Indie rocker Conan Neutron has colorful ways of describing George W. Bush’s former Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove. He offered a few examples over beers at the Uptown Nightclub: “Master of lies and manipulation.” “A man with blood on his hands.” “Shameless tactician.” “Lying salesman.” “Gandalf behind the scenes.” “Unconscionable, soulless asshole.” That’s only the beginning. Neutron also faults Rove for “all these wars that we’re still embroiled in, our economy being screwed, and gay marriage being used as a wedge issue.” Then there’s that “porcine face,” which, according to Neutron, resists even the softest lighting or the finest airbrushing techniques.

“Did I say ‘cocksucker?'” he added, his voice rising to a crescendo. Mere mention of the name “Karl Rove” is enough to get his blood boiling, and spur another fusillade of insults.

Neutron’s well-entrenched animus stems from eight years of watching Rove serve as “Bush’s brain,” by issuing terror warnings and launching warrantless wiretaps, among other offenses. Like many of Rove’s detractors, Neutron blames the erstwhile Chief of Staff for engineering our current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet, what really got Neutron was Rove’s recent comeback attempt, in the form of a new, self-aggrandizing autobiography. The title was the real clincher, Neutron said: “Courage and Consequence? Are you kidding me?”

Even as the ink dries on the pages, Neutron is planning his own project to coincide with Rove’s March 9 book release. Originally, he wanted to create a one-off band that would perform songs about Karl Rove, and show “what the book should actually be about.” The idea was to create a “Google bomb,” like the one that Richard Kim and Betsy Reed created with their Sarah Palin parody, Going Rouge. When Neutron broached the subject with friends, their response was so overwhelming that he decided to take the idea one step further. He devised an entire compilation of songs that go against the Rovian grain. He named the album Karl Rove: Courage and Consequence, in the hope that it would steal hits on Google and perhaps even trick right-wing book-buyers into purchasing the wrong product. Barring a lawsuit for copyright infringement, Neutron says his main goal is to mess with the retired politician “in some small way” – even if it only amounts to a few less book sales, or a slightly lower Google ranking.

To Neutron, Rove’s memoir and book tour is the equivalent of playing a show at the Hemlock Tavern: “You pump the show. You set it up. There’s a solid routine to it that basically includes a lot of people kissing your ass.” Thus, he continued, even a beleaguered politician can find ways to steer clear of critics. There’s a real danger that Rove could successfully reframe history, or at least capitalize on a legacy of bloodshed and domestic surveillance. It’s enough to get an activist rock musician hot under the collar. “He needs to be answered, and I don’t see that happening from anyone else,” said Neutron. “So I’ve elected myself curator of that.”

In fairness, he has all the right job qualifications. Thirty-one-year-old Neutron grew up in Modesto, where he was the small-town misfit with blue hair, guitar skills, and erudite parents – they named him for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (He added the Neutron part in 1996 and won’t reveal his real surname.) At age seventeen he moved up to the Bay Area, took a job in IT, and started the first in a series of offbeat rock bands, called Replicator. As frontman and lead guitarist, Neutron gave the band its distinctive nerdy stamp, writing songs with odd meters and Philip K. Dick references. Replicator enjoyed an eight-year tenure in the local club scene, and paved the way for Neutron’s second band, Mount Vicious (which broke up in August). In 2004 Neutron helmed Bands Against Bush, a precursor to the Rove project with its own, similarly seditious compilation. Neutron said that Bands Against Bush landed him on a federal watch-list. He was sure of it, he said, because in 2005 all his parking tickets went immediately to collections, and he received jury duty notices about every six weeks. He couldn’t pass through an airport security checkpoint without getting pulled out of line.

To complete Courage and Consequence in time for Rove’s book tour meant Neutron had to follow a pretty aggressive timeline. He hatched the plan on November 29, which allowed him four months to corral the bands, record the songs, mix the album, and set the marketing campaign in motion. Neutron also formed a new band, called Victory and Associates. Thus, he got to contribute an anti-Rove ditty of his own, entitled “Lies and the Lying Liars That Sell Them” (a spinoff of Senator Al Franken’s new book). Victory and Associates will perform its first show on March 18 at the Hemlock, several weeks after Courage and Consequence hits the streets.

It seemed improbable: a protest album with no financial backing, no promotional machine, and a deadline that brought everything down to the wire. But Neutron saw himself as a fearless David ready to fight Rove at all costs, even if it meant selling plasma to press up a thousand copies of the LP. Even he was surprised by the sudden onslaught of support. Thirteen bands signed on, ranging from local favorites (Heavenly States, Poster Children), to relative unknowns (Lambs of Abortion, We’re Gonna Fight the Eskimos Next). Some came so late in the game that Neutron had to request a prerecorded, premixed track. Even more shocking was the response from fans, who made pledges on Neutron’s web site to help fund the album. Neutron responded, in typical fund-drive fashion, with a tiered gift system. Five dollars guarantees a digital download, twenty dollars gets a digital download and copy of the vinyl LP. The sky’s the limit, he said. “Donate a thousand dollars and you get to write something in the liner notes, a kiss on the forehead, dinner with me – I don’t know.” As of last week, the album was already 34 percent funded by outsider donations, enough to give Neutron a little courage and consequence of his own. Or as he put it, “It takes a village to fuck an asshole.”


not bad! not bad at all.

42 preorders to go.

1/3 of the way to bumming out Karl Rove, and how you can help

It’s pretty simple. Karl Rove is a treasonous jerk, and he’s putting out a memoir pretty soon. So you are going to be seeing good ol’ Turdblossom all over every talk show spreading his lies. Here’s what we’re doing.

Remember this:

Pretty cool, right?

Well we’re doing the same thing, with this:

Help wipe that smug smile off his face, but not by a competing book, it’s a rocking compilation LP and digital download album OF THE SAME NAME coming out BEFORE his book.

We need about $3000 to do this right, we’re 1/3 of the way there at the time of this writing, and YOU can help.

Help support us producing this compilation of songs and have it released the same day as Karl Rove’s memoir of the same name, “Courage and Consequence”.

(not actual cover!)

The original idea was a “one off band” that wrote a bunch of songs about how lame/bad for America, and the world, Karl Rove is, release it at the same time and Googlebomb the whole internet to sow as much chaos into his book release as possible. Success would be measured by the amount of disorder brought to him, and by nothing else. Even if it never went further than our group of friends it would be worth it.

However, the response was overwhelming, and soon enough enough fantastic bands were interested that it only made sense to do as a compilation. It made sense to create something positive from this. The idea is to release free downloads of the record via the website, with participants, friends, fans, and the internet linking to it and raising its google search results, and a beautiful QUALITY vinyl record for audiophiles and those with the desire for a physical product. Additionally the artwork, for both, should be very similar to the book. (Ala: Sarah Palin’s Going Rouge vs. Going Rogue)

It is a little known fact that most conservative books go to the top of the best seller list and quickly fall off because they are purchased en masse by right wing think tanks and churches and then given away for free.

We believe that by getting this project ready by the time Karl Rove’s disgusting memoir is released we will be able to garner considerable attention (and maybe even confuse conservative book buyers) and, while it will be artistically viable on its own, will be a wonderful example of culture jamming.

Many more established and older artists such as Bob Dylan and Neil Young have called out wondering where the political voices are in music today. They are here but because of the nature of the current music industry we need some help to do anything that gets over the signal to noise ratio.

We stand against Karl Rove, his tactics and what he has wrought, and reject, in its entirety, the idea that turdblossom should get to do his victory lap unanswered.

So we’ve started the process in place to pay for this darned thing.

We’re really hoping we don’t have to pay for the whole thing out of pocket.

If you can repost the link to your social networking groups/mailing lists/internet forums, etc.

that would be wonderful.

If you can

contribute/buy an advance copy, even better!

Any additional money not going to the production of the physical compilation will be going directly to the bands and artists involved in this project, split in an even manner, to recoup recording costs. We do not plan on taking one cent of money as profit.

Costs for pressing of this record and digital distribution are just shy of $3000, there is mastering, laquer pressing, processing costs, labels, shrinkwrap, inserts and jackets… and that’s just the physical production, not including the actual recording costs which are mostly handled by the bands.

We’re 1/3 of the way there, exactly… with $1000 pledged.

My qualifications for this:

I was the international head of Bands Against Bush, whose only crime was registering young voters, yet it still got me on a “watch list”. I also used to be a front page writer on a blog about California politics that started with a “C”. 🙂

I have played in rock bands for over 10 years, completed 5 US tours, and countless smaller ones, and independently released and distributed 5 full length albums, multiple eps and online singles.

We people of the netroots are used to CONSTANTLY being asked to contribute to causes and political candidates. Some who prove worthy, some who do not. I am asking you now to contribute to a cause and also to a good old fashioned culture jam, AS WELL as to create something that should be pretty great creatively as well. Good music and good old fashioned protest.

At the level of a $20 contribution you get a physical copy of the LP AND high quality digital downloads. You get a lot more the more you can donate.

Plenty of other rewards besides that as well.

(the minimum is $1 BTW, and I’m guessing even the poorest readers have that)


Do you know the bands on here?

Well, it’s possible, my guess is probably not though, but they are all quality acts.

The Heavenly States


Victory and Associates


Cold Lake

United Sons of Toil

Death Dream

Have Special Power

Assistant Cobra

We’re Gonna Fight the Eskimos Next

Poster Children

Bottomless Pit/Tim Midgett (from silkworm) (perhaps!)

And more!

Many people have been super supportive about this and have glowed about what a fantastic idea this is. Well, we can only do this with a little help from our friends.

This is a way that you can help us realize this if you are so interested.

Consider this a massive excercise in free speech and an earnest attempt to ruin a man’s day that has directly wrecked so many lives.


The fact that we’ve put together a quality product is almost inconsequential (but it will be a quality product)

Because I can guarantee that just based on our friends/personal networks and hopefully with a little help from the Netroots, we are going to bum Karl Rove out on his special day.

Go here to help out