Tag Archives: Bill Hillsman

Robin Swanson Derides Netroots

(She’s the Mike McCurry of California. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

From the San Jose Mercury News:

Swanson derided supporters’ glee over the Internet wave washing over the ad.

“Sixteen thousand hits? That’s a drop in the bucket compared to the 4 to 5 million people they’ll need to convince,” Swanson said. “Everyone heralded the netroots as the next great thing, and you saw it propel Howard Dean initially. But when it came to translating it to votes, it didn’t happen.”

The irony is that this story is about an ad from Bill Hillsman and talks about the Lamont campaign, which translated enough votes to win, beating a sitting US Senator.

It really isn’t surprising that Swanson, who is the shill for big insurance and big oil, would bash the netroots.

However, the idea of integrating youtube into campaigns to get exposure is something that is going far beyond politics.

For example, tonight on PBS, Bill Moyers is devoting Now to the topic of public financing of elections. So PBS put a preview on youtube.

The TV insider publication Broadcasting and Cable took notice:

PBS is getting serious about getting more bang for it promotional buck–or make that no buck–via the Internet.

It has set up a “directors account” on YouTube–allowing for longer clips and some other perks–and begun showcasing promos, with a link to the PBS homepage and the show’s site.

PBS President Paula Kerger has said from the get-go that the noncom service needed to be on the cutting edge of getting its programming to where the eyeballs are, and CPB President Patricia Harrison said just this week that programmers “can no longer broadcast to an audience where you last saw them.”

The PBS clips–14 of them so far–include tune-in information, like “check your local listings.”  Kevin Dando, director of education and online communication, for PBS, says it is helping to promote the shows to a huge audience–100 million views a day to all of YouTube. And you can’t beat the price of the screen time: free.

“It’s a great way to get in front of a broad variety of audiences,” Dando says. He points out that the clip promoting a NOW program on “clean elections” is now among the top-50 most viewed recent video posts to the site with 13,600 views to date.

“It’s where the market is headed,” he says.

To increase the chances of getting noticed, PBS loads the clip with tags so that it will come up on a variety of searches–for the NOW show, the tags were “NOW,” “PBS,” “votes,””sale campaigns,” “democracy,” “clean elections,” “election,” “proposition 89,” “vote voting.”

Indeed, it is where the market is headed. Which makes Robin Swanson look extremely out of touch when she bashes us.

The Merc News story quoting Swanson also had some other quotes, from people who actually understand politics:

“I don’t know if we’ll pull this off,” said Bill Hillsman, who created the ad and is the media consultant for Connecticut senatorial candidate Ned Lamont’s insurgent campaign against Sen. Joe Lieberman, “but if the spot goes out enough, people will say this is how I feel, and if for no other reason but this, I’ll go out and vote.”

Joe Trippi, the San Jose State University graduate who helped revolutionize the convergence of politics and the Internet as former presidential candidate Howard Dean’s campaign manager in 2004, said the ad “really captures” the mood of the voter.

“It’s the perfect spot,” said Trippi, a consultant to the Proposition 89 campaign. “It helps create the echo chamber between the Internet and TV that it will need to make that big move. This is getting moved around pretty virally right now.” […]

“We’ve learned from working with underdog and insurgency campaigns that if you do an ad that people are watching (on the Internet),” Hillsman said, “you get a multiplier effect that makes it three to five times worth the amount you paid for it.”

Hillsman’s ad campaign for Lamont was the first political effort to tap into the YouTube phenomenon. YouTube, which was recently acquired by Google, is one of the largest and fastest-growing free video sharing Web sites.

If you haven’t yet, check out the ad and use our tools to email it to your friends.

And check out the youtube promo for tonight’s PBS special on public financing (which I recommend watching).

Reviews of new Prop 89 Ad

Bill Hillsman’s new Stop the Pounding ad is getting play all across the internets, including a post on Crooks and Liars (the most popular political video blog in America). Here is what some people are saying:

“one of the slickest and most engaging political ads in California right now….In this ad, the medium is the message. Rather than targeting corporate donations and their influence on politicians, it attacks television advertising funded by those donations.”Robert Salladay, LA Times Political Muscle Blog

“It is a terrific ad – and an incredibly important campaign.”David Sirota, SirotaBlog

“Watch Hillsman’s ad, which is a remarkable piece of political jujitsu on the practices of political advertising, and has the possiblity to remake them.”Jamie Court, Huffington Post

“hilarious YouTube Video, courtesy of 89now.org and/or Clean Money Elections which just about sums up this year’s election.  I love it how they’ve managed to tie in our fatigue with the campaigning….”Dan Wood, A Progressive Alamedan

“to me there is no single race as crucial as the battle to pass Proposition 89, a huge first step towards cleaning up politics in this state and taking it out of the hands of wealthy special interests. Joe Trippi sent me an ad today that was done by the brilliant filmmaker Bill Hillsman.”Howie Klein, Down WithTyranny

“His new ad for the issue doesn’t even look like a political ad — its production values are too high-end. Polling shows Proposition 89 is in a fierce battle, but as Hillsman’s ad makes clear, the big money interests are actually shooting themselves in the foot. Spending tens of millions of dollars on nasty ad campaigns to try to destroy popular initiatives, these corporate interests are angering voters. Hillsman goes ninja style and turns these frustrations into a powerful argument for campaign finance reform.”Left in the West, AOL News Elections Blog