Tag Archives: Capitol Action Day


May 25th is the 8th Annual Disability Capitol Action Day in Sacramento. Persons with and without disabilities, some with mobility devises or service animals, will march and roll to the Capitol; allowing our message to be heard by the community as we hold our Education Rally, and then have our legislative visits.

This is probably one of the most important days on the political calender of which you have never heard!

Thirty years ago we whenw e had the first wave of disability rights actrivism with such stalwarts as the late Jane Small

If we care about Disability Civil Rights, and if we understand the importance of more than 10 million Californians affected by disability having a real voice in the political discourse of our state, and if we really believe that California is a state where everyone is treated equally and respectfully, then we must be prepared to speak up, educate, and learn all we can to be an authentic part of the most important civil rights issue of this decade.  

fari education, but also explaining and cajouling our sentaros and assemblymemerbs to try and understand teh real needs of Califnirnas approximately 10 million people who have some sort of a a   research money for various diseases and disabilities, advocating for staem cell research, and trying to persuade fonvcen cothese folksr epresent a wide range of organisaions who ae lobbying of disabiliteis and organziaions meet inside iwththeir legislators.10:00AM – 3:00PM – Resource Fair

Dozens of outdoor booths will be set up with information regarding disability rights and accessibility

1:30 – 3:00PM – Legislative Visits

All participants are encouraged to make an appointment with your legislators

May 25th, 2011 is Capitol Action Day in Sacramento. Not only will there be hundreds of people using wheelchairs and other mobility devises or service animals hanging out on the Capitol steps, but there will be folks inside speaking with their representatives.

These  conversations will range from lobbying for the best deal we can get for MediCal and fairer education.