CBS Affiliate Channel 2 GM Sued for Engaging in Illegal Kickbacks/Political Activity for Channel

It appears that the local CBS affiliate, Channel 2, and its General Manager, may have engaged in illegal activity involving advertising rebates to political campaigns.  A recently-terminated employee has issued a ‘nasty lawsuit’ against the CBS affiliate and its GM.

Case # INC-071909
Posted 11/2/2007 3:21 PM

If it turns out to be true, and it sounds like there could be a paper trail that can prove the allegations, the station could be in big trouble with the FCC, the CBS network, local advertisers and who knows who else.  And, I wonder how many other media enterprises are similarly engaged in illegal activities in other parts of the State.

The Udcoff vs. Desert Television complaint states “Desert Television wrongfully terminated Mr. Udcoff shortly after he objected to and reported ‘reasonably based suspicions’ of illegal activity.”  The allegations of illegal activity involve advertising rebates owed to political candidates, political advertising revenue, revenue reported to CBS Corporate, and redirecting the KPSP main signal.

It’s pretty dicey industry stuff and, if the allegations are found to be true, it could mean big problems for the GM, not to mention the station itself and the station owners, beloved local philanthropists Jim and Jackie Lee Houston, who will have to deal with the fallout of their GM’s actions.

Jim and Jackie Lee Houston are known in the Palm Springs area for the Houston Gala at the Palm Springs International Film Festival.  I checked with the Huffington Post Fundrace 2008 and could not find political donations given by either a James Houston with a Palm Springs-area address.  However, Jacqueline Lee Houston, Homemaker, Self-employed, residing 345 N Via Las Palmas, Palm Springs, CA gave a $12,501 contribution to the RNC in Q1 2004.  She is also listed for another $2,500 contribution to the RNC in also Q1 2004.

The lawsuit is online at Click on Online Services to Search Court Records to Civil cases to Indio Civil Court & Small Claims Court and enter “guest” and log on and click on case number and type in the case #071909, then look for Udcoff vs Desert Television and click on the case number.  There you have it. Click on “images” and then click on the camera symbols to read the complaint filed.

Steve Pougnet for Mayor of Palm Springs: Campaign Updates

The following is a partial list of Steve Pougnet’s endorsments for Mayor of Palm Springs.

In its ringing endorsement of Pougnet, The Desert Sun stated:

“Steven Pougnet captured Palm Springs’ attention in 2003 when he was elected to City Council and through hard work and strategic thinking, he has held it ever since…

“…The lack of several strong, experienced competitors, or even another clearly prominent challenger, indicates voters tend to be comfortable with the leadership Pougnet has demonstrated on the council.

“We believe his best is yet to come, and we urge Palm Springs voters to elect Pougnet mayor and allow him to continue to revitalize Palm Springs and protect its quality of life.

“Pougnet’s challenges as mayor will be to continue to resolve downtown development issues and be innovative in planning for future development citywide.

“The Fashion Plaza will likely be one of the greatest issues facing the next mayor because it’s tied to so much of the city’s planned future growth. Palm Springs needs a mayor who has the type of experience Pougnet has in working with developer John Wessman. If development stalls, Pougnet also will need to be able to recognize when it’s time to consider other options. He has said he is willing set a deadline and is not afraid to mention eminent domain, though we are not sure that makes sense.

“No doubt he has the experience and leadership to face those challenges and more. Bottom line: He would make a great mayor.

Re full disclosure, BlueBeaumontBoyz is a supporter of Steve Pougnet for Mayor of Palm Springs City Council

More below the flip…

The following is a partial list of more of Steve Pougnet’s endorsments for Mayor of Palm Springs:

  • The Palm Springs Fire Safety Unit Local 3601 
  • Palm Springs Police Officers’ Association
  • The Palm Springs Fire Management Association
  • Building Industry Association Desert Chapter
  • Desert Stonewall Democrats Democratic Club
  • Palm Springs Democrats Democratic Club
  • Riverside County Democratic Central Committee
  • The Victory Fund

Remember to either deliver your Vote By Mail to your local voting precinct on Election Day, November 6, 2007, or vote in person at your precinct (it is now too late to snail mail your ballot in order to have it arrive in time to be counted on Election Day).

John Williams for Palm Springs City Council: Campaign Updates

John Williams Endorsed by
Prominent Associations and Community Leaders

September 26, 2007

Below is a partial listing of associations, business and community leaders who have endorsed Williams for City Council.

  • Palm Springs Police Officers Association
  • Building Industry Association of Southern California (BIA), Desert Chapter
  • San Bernardino/Riverside County Central Labor Council
  • Service Employees International Union (SEIU) /United Healthcare Workers West
  • Palm Springs Democratic Club
  • Desert Stonewall Democrats Democratic Club

Re full disclosure, BlueBeaumontboyz is a supporter of the John Williams for Palm Springs City Council Campaign.

More below the flip…

Below is a partial listing of associations, business and community leaders who have endorsed John Williams for City Council.

Sidney Williams, Chair Palm Springs Historic Site Preservation Board
Michael Stern, Chair Palm Springs Public Arts Commission
Robert Elsner, Chair Palm Springs Airport Commission
Barbara Barrett, Palm Springs Human Rights Commission
Sidney Craig, Palm Springs Human Rights Commission
Bill Scott, Palm Springs Planning Commission
Leo Cohen, Palm Springs Planning Commission
Doug Hudson, Palm Springs Architectural Advisory Committee
Lance O’Donnell, Palm Springs Architectural Advisory Committee
Christopher Sahlin, Palm Springs Architectural Advisory Committee
Ed Torres, President Palm Springs Economic Development Corporation
Lawrence Rael, Developer of Port Lawrence Project
Mike Hutchison, Owner Contempo Homes
Joy Meredith, President Mainstreet Downtown Merchants Association
Michael C. Green, President Palm Springs Hospitality Association
Aftab Dada, General Manager Hilton Palm Springs
Duane Rohrbaugh, General Manager Wyndham Hotel Palm Springs
Tim Ellis, General Manager Palm Mountain Resort & Spa
Dania Duke, General Manager Hyatt Regency Suites Palm Springs
Craig Blau, Owner Chase Hotel
Larry Pilcher, Owner Old Ranch Inn
Maurice Minno and Jim Moje, Owners of Hacienda Warm Sands
Matthew Lund and Doug Wylie, Owners of Warm Sands Villas
Ricardo Gomez, President of the Desert Gay Tourism Guild
Rick Erwin, Owner R&R Menswear
Aimee Lockwood, Owner Palm Springs General Store
Keith McCormick, Owner Palm Springs Exotic Car Auctions
Michael Estrada, Partner Falls Steakhouse and Matchbox Restaurant
Don Hill, Owner of Barber Don’s
William Robinson, Owner of Palm Canyon Insurance
Ian Danielski, Owner of Cafe 285
Wesley Cole, Owner of
Frank Tysen, Owner Casa Cody Hotel
April Hildner, Vice-chair of Tahquitz River Estates Neighborhood Organization
Catherine Marcy, Chair of Warm Sands Neighborhood Organization
Peter Moruzzi, Chair of Palm Springs Modern Committee
William Kopelk, Chair of Palm Springs Preservation Foundation
Claire Jordan-Grant, Community Activist
Jeanne Bourgeois, Community Activist
Carol and Mike Balasa, Co-chairs of PFLAG
Randy Roy, Owner Zephyr Real Estate
Andy Linsky, Windermere Real Estate
Sven Vennen, Windermere Real Estate
Ginny Foat, Palm Springs City Council Member
Greg Pettis, Cathedral City Council Member
Paul Marchand, Cathedral City Council Member

Rick Hutchseon for Palm Springs City Council: Campaign Updates

Rick Hutcheson for Palm Springs City Council Campaign updates:

3 days remaining before November 6, 2007, election day.

Permanent Vote By Mail voters – Friday November 2, is the last day to mail absentee ballots in time for them to be counted, according to the Riverside County Registrar of Voters! If you have not mailed your ballot by November 2, please take your ballot to City Hall – the City Clerk will accept ballots through Election Day. Or you may take your absentee ballot to any polling place on Tuesday, November 6. If you need assistance, please call 325-9094 and the campaign will be glad to deliver your ballot to the City Clerk.

Polling place lookup by zip code:


Help Hutcheson “get out the vote” on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6.  Volunteers are needed to make phone calls, drive persons to polling places and distribute door hangers.  Please call 325-9094!

Need a ride to the polls? Call 325-9094 – we will be glad to help!

March with Hutcheson and supporters on Sunday, Nov. 4 in the Gay Pride parade.  Gather at Koffi, 515 N. Palm Canyon, at 9:30am.  Free Rick Hutcheson for City Council t-shirts provided to all marchers

Hutcheson’s supporters and volunteers are invited to the Election Night Party at Dale’s Lost Highway, 125 E. Tahquitz Canyon @ Indian Canyon, starting at 8:00pm on Tuesday, November 6.

Watch Rick’s TV advertising:

Current television ad | First television ad

Greater Palm Springs Pride 2007: Tabling for Candidates and Voter Registration

The Palm Springs for Edwards Chapter of the One Corps is proud to join the Desert Stonewall Democrats (DSD) and other local progressive political groups at the Greater Palm Springs Pride 2007 Festival on November 3 & 4, 2007.

Seek me out at the DSD booth to discuss the local, state and National political scene.  DSD endorsed candidates include Steve Pougnet for Mayor of Palm SpringsPougnet has also been endorsed for Mayor by the Palm Springs Democratic Club, the only other club to endorse in the race, and by The Desert Sun.  DSD has also endorsed Rick Hutcheson for City Council of Palm SpringsHutcheson has also received the endorsements of the Palm Springs Democratic Club, the Democrats of the Desert Democratic Club, and The Desert Sun.  DSD also endorsed John Williams for City Council of Palm Springs who has also been endorsed by the Palm Springs Democratic Club.  Other candidates endorsed by DSD include Greg Ewing for Palm Springs Water Board and No on C.

Re full disclosure, BlueBeaumontBoyz is a supporter or the Pougnet, Hutcheson, and Williams’ campaigns for City Council of Palm Springs.

(Don’t forget to either mail in your Vote By Mail by Tuesday, November 6, 2007, postmarked November 6, 2007, drop off your Vote By Mail ballot at your local precinct, or vote on election day, November 6 at your precinct!)

I will be tabling at the Festival for the John Edwards for President Campaign and for the Palm Springs for Edwards One Corps Chapter.  I’ll have campaign materials, position papers, bumper stickers, and buttons.

Headliners at the P.S. Pride 2007 Festival will include Ari Gold, Martha Wash (of Weather Girls fame!), and Brian Kent.

Armistead Maupin (author of “Tales of the City”) will also appear at the Greater Palm Springs Pride 2007 Festival.

Off To The Empower Change Summit

I’ll be checking in periodically (Wi-Fi permitted) from UCLA at the Empower Change Summit, an event sponsored by the American Democracy Institute, a new-ish organization dedicated to youth engagement.  We know that the youth vote turned out in record numbers in the past two elections, and their activism and empowerment is crucial to creating a truly progressive society.  Today’s event includes a bunch of workshops and speakers, including a keynote from former President Bill Clinton.  I’m in as media, so hopefully I can realize my dream of yelling out at the press conference “Mr. President, Mr. President!” and being called on, and continuing to yell “Mr. President, Mr. President!”

Anyway, both Dante (hekebolos) and I will be there, so we’ll let you know what’s going on.

Dem Congress: What about ERISA

The Employee Retiree Income Securtity Act of of 1974 means that only Hawaii can legislate employer mandates (10 steps down from Single Payer). Hawaii is unique for a whole bunch of reasons, but they have done better for decades than the rest of the states due to their excemption.

When the Fed didn’t step up, Hawaii did. Now that the California has yet to step, San Francisco is trying (can’t wait to see the author — Tom Ammiano — in the Assembly). Yet the same old ERISA complaint.

And the Consolidated Omnibus Income Security Act of 1985 pretty much means health care will suck (despite out of the best intentions) until we get real primary care.

ERISA did a lot of great things, but it should be amended. Of minimum, common sense revision would still not bring about single payer, but it would give local governments some parlay room.

During the worst days of the Southern California fires…

(Because this situation really sucks, and because these people are really worthy. Politics is politics, but this is real life. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

…the Calitics community did a great job of providing news and constantly updated information, often from the front lines of the wildfires. As the immediate emergency has settled into recovery, there have been diaries about the need to properly fund public fire safety infrastructure and the ugly politics of disaster, among others. All very well done. Thankfully, we can sit in our homes and have the luxury of thinking about the fires, and talking about the fires, and seeing the fires in the abstract, without having it immediately and directly impact our own lives. It becomes harder to think of it in the abstract once you hear the stories of people who were personally affected. Just like anything else in the news or the political arena, there are people behind the stories.

continued on the flip…

On Sunday October 21, soon after the Harris Ranch fire started in eastern San Diego County near Potrero, long-time east county residents Thomas and Dianne Varshock, and their 15 year old son Richard, prepared to evacuate their Tecate ranch. They loaded one vehicle with their belongings and their dogs, and Dianne drove west, away from the approaching firestorm. Tom and Richard stayed behind loading the other car, and hosing down their property in an effort to control the burn, but when Tom called for Richard to come to the car, there was no reply. As he was looking for his son, four firefighters arrived and the five of them began looking for Richard. He was soon found unconscious by one of the firefighters. Immediately, as they used their radio to call for help, a wall of superheated gases and flames blew over the ridge and onto the Varshock ranch, where it overtook them all.  Amazingly, they were all rescued by helicopter, except for Tom who had become separated from the rest and perished in the flames. The firefighters and Richard were all critically injured, with severe burns to large percentages of their bodies and injury from smoke inhalation.

The Varshocks have suffered a tragic loss, and have a long and difficult road ahead. Richard has already had seven hours of surgery, and will have many years of difficult medical treatment in his future. Their health insurance is not expected to cover the costs of his care. They’ve lost their home, their business which was on the ranch, and most of their belongings, and there was no fire insurance since the 2003 Cedar Fires. Dianne will be unable to work for the foreseeable future while she cares for her son and her self. They had recently invested a significant amount of their savings into the ranch, and are now in an financially difficult position as that money will not be recouped through insurance. The family is in dire straits.

Tom was a high school wrestling coach and respected community member, and the Varshocks have many friends in Potrero and Tecate. I have heard nothing but heartfelt words for Tom, Dianne and Richard.

Gordon Hammers, chairman of the Potrero Community Planning Group and a close friend of Thomas Varshock, said father and son “were defending their home and trying to save it. The fire was moving so fast, they just got overwhelmed.”

“He was a sterling character,” Hammers said of Varshock.

Jan Hedlun, a former business partner of Varshock’s, described him as an extremely intelligent geologist and expert in evaluating construction defects. “He was an entirely generous person with a family spirit” who donated his time to build a local library, she said.

Richard is a high school wrestler, and Tom was a coach, so the local wrestling community has chipped in and rented an apartment near the hospital for Dianne. Others in the community are pitching in to help. There are several ways you can help too.

Tax deductible donations for Richard’s healthcare expenses can be made to:
Varshock Family Foundation
Post Office Box 3484
San Diego, CA 92163
Tax ID: 26-1307576

Non-Tax deductible gifts that may be used for living and personal expenses can be sent to:
Dianne Varshock
San Diego County Credit Union
312 West Main Street
El Cajon, CA 92020-3320

Burn Institute Fund
(credit cards accepted)
The Varshock Fund is designed to help Richard’s family cover basic needs and assist with rehabilitation and specialized care. Call Diane Sparacino at the Burn Institute at 858-541-2277 or donate online at the Burn Institute or by mail to:

The Varshock Fund
A UCSD Burn Institute
8825 Aero Drive #200
San Diego, CA 92123-2269

My personal beliefs and my political beliefs come from the same place. I believe one of our primary duties on this earth to care for one another, cooperatively and as a community. Corny? Maybe, but I truly mean it. When a disaster of this magnitude occurs it’s just so BIG that personal stories and struggles get lost or forgotten, and I don’t like to see that happen. Just so it’s clear, I don’t know the family, but they’re friends of friends and this is a devastating tragedy for many people in the Varshock’s community, and in their circle of family and friends. From one community to another, I want to help.

Schwarzenschnitzel: “No Interest” in Running for Senate

This is what I expected.  I would put the odds well below 50% that Arnold will opt to run for the Senate against Barbara Boxer.  Sure the polls show him to be competative, but actually being in the Senate is not something I see Arnold doing.  The man loves attention and 1 of 100 is exactly that.  He is not one for detail and proceedure.  Here is what he said today, note that he is the one calling himself Schwarzenschnitzel:

Despite a Field Poll this week showing Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in a virtual tie with Sen. Barbara Boxer if he were to run for her seat in 2010, the Republican governor said Friday he has “no interest in that at all” during an appearance at the Silicon Valley Leadership Group.

Schwarzenegger joked that he was fine with the growing speculation about what he would do after he is forced to leave the Governor’s Office in January 2011, implying that the rumors have been fueled by a desire by Boxer to raise money.

“This way she can raise more money when she says, ‘That Schwarzenschnitzel, he’s after me, he’s after me, oh my god, we’ve got to raise a lot of money!'” Schwarzenegger said. “That’s what this is all about. So, no, I have really no interest in that at all.”

She is raising money to try and scare him away.  Plus, he is a fundraising machine with all of those corporate backers and she would need boatloads of cash to defeat him.

Now obviously he could change his mind and come up with a reason to run.  But as I say, I just don’t see it happening.

Where’s the funding: Bush and Bono Lied Before, Will They Do It Again?

This is my Letter to the Editor in the Desert Sun, published on November 1, 2007:

There has been a pattern with President Bush and Rep. Mary Bono, one of neglect and incompetence. It is their attempt to manage government by downsizing. Eliminating and reducing government services, including fire services, is ill-conceived and absent of good judgment. It is a pattern begun with Sept. 11 and extends through the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

In Southern California, fire season is not news. In fact, it is planned on the calendar months in advance, and the news media informs the public of the beginning and ending of the fire season.

The fact that up to 50 percent of the National Guard and its equipment was not available for an expected disaster is more of the pattern of neglect and ineptitude of the Bush administration. And, Bono has been a rubber stamp for the administration’s plan to divert the Guard to Iraq and to underfund the fire services.

Bush and Bono promised New Yorkers billions in aid following Sept. 11 and failed to deliver. Bush and Bono promised New Orleans residents billions in aid and have yet to deliver.

Now, Bush and Bono have promised Southern California billions in aid. It’s a pattern of incompetence and false promises.

Palm Springs