Bradley Whitford Video on Telecom Immunity: Call Senator Feinstein

(also up at Daily Kos.  full disclosure: I work for Courage)

Bradley Whitford, better known to many of you as Josh Lyman on The West Wing, took time out of filming a movie in Calgary to shoot this video for the Courage Campaign on the importance of opposing retroactive immunity for telecom companies.  Go watch the video and then do as he says, call your Senators.

Telecom immunity is scheduled to be brought up this week, last I heard Thursday.  It is extremely important that all of our Senators hear from us and hold the line against retroactive immunity.

Senator Dodd has promised to filibuster any bill that lets the phone companies off the hook for passing on our private information to the government without a warrant.  But we need 41 votes to sustain the filibuster and we need your help to get us there.

Here are Senator Feinstein’s phone numbers.  Report back on your call here.

202-224-3841 (Washington, DC)

310-914-7300 (Los Angeles)

415-393-0707 (San Francisco)

619-231-9712 (San Diego)

559-485-7430 (Fresno)

Courage Campaign teamed up with CREDO Action (from Working Assets) to send a message out to all of our California members today. (email after the jump)

Dear Julia,

Remember when President Bush looked you in the eye and told you there was no such thing as a warrantless wiretap?

Turns out President Bush was wrong. But Congress has failed to hold him accountable.

Remember when pundit Joe Klein recently told four million TIME magazine readers that Democrats were granting “terrorists the same rights as Americans” by attempting to restore the previous checks and balances provided by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)?

Turns out Joe Klein was wrong. But TIME has failed to hold him accountable.

Here’s the good news. It’s not too late to hold President Bush and telecom companies accountable for wiretapping Americans without a warrant and trampling on the Constitution.

The Courage Campaign and CREDO Action (from Working Assets) are teaming up with Bradley Whitford (“Josh Lyman” on The West Wing) to spread the word from coast-to-coast before it’s too late. Brad took time out of a film shoot in Canada to record this special YouTube video for the Courage Campaign. Will you take time out today to support his call-to-action?

Click here to watch Bradley Whitford’s new YouTube video. Forward it to your friends. Then ask Senator Dianne Feinstein to support Senator Chris Dodd’s promise to filibuster any Senate bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecom companies that violated our privacy rights:

As Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor under President Clinton, said in a commentary on NPR recently:

“You’d think anyone who remembered J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI and Nixon’s CIA, the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 — let alone the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution — might be concerned about the government illegally snooping on Americans. But executives at the nation’s biggest telecoms didn’t blink an eye when the NSA, America’s biggest spy agency, came knocking. You want records of domestic phone calls? Sure, help yourself. Emails? Yeah, we got tons — they’re yours.

… (The telecom companies said) they were only following orders. Only following orders? What if the government told telecoms to use their technologies to spy on American bedrooms, or turn over our bank accounts, or our personal photographs, home videos, anything else we store on computers or transmit through cables or over the Internet? The “only following orders” excuse would make telecoms extensions of our spy agencies.”

Now, the telecoms and President Bush want Congress to let them off the hook by granting them amnesty for breaking the law. For violating our privacy. For spying on us. For violating our fundamental constitutional rights as Americans.

It’s time to take a stand. That’s why the Courage Campaign is teaming up with CREDO Action (from Working Assets) to broadcast Bradley Whitford’s YouTube video across America. Together, we are calling on Senator Feinstein to support Senator Dodd’s potential filibuster against retroactive immunity for telecom companies. Will you join us?

This week, a Senate Intelligence Committee bill re-authorizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) will likely come to the Senate floor. This bill includes amnesty for telecom companies guilty of wiretapping Americans without a warrant.

Why amnesty? As our friends at CREDO Action explain:

“(President) Bush wants retroactive amnesty for the telecom companies to thwart civil liberties lawsuits that threaten to expose his own violations of the original FISA law. If these lawsuits aren’t allowed to go forward, we may never know the extent of the Bush administration’s illegal efforts to spy on American citizens without the required warrants.”

That’s just one reason why Senator Dodd, supported by Senator Russ Feingold and other Senators, is promising a filibuster. However, it takes 40 votes to uphold a filibuster, and Dodd will need every vote he can get — including Senator Feinstein’s support. Without it, the Bush Administration and telecoms may never be forced to reveal the scandalous history behind their sordid spying.

With our Fourth Amendment privacy rights hanging in the balance, there’s no time to waste. That’s why Bradley Whitford and the Courage Campaign filmed this special YouTube video. Courage and CREDO Action (from Working Assets) would like you to watch it, forward it to your friends, and call Senator Feinstein to ask her to support Senator Dodd’s potential filibuster today:

Why is Senator Feinstein’s support for Senator Dodd’s filibuster so important?

It’s not just about standing strong against telecom immunity. It’s about standing strong against President Bush’s “unitary executive” theory of power. Keep in mind that Senator Feinstein’s pivotal Judiciary Committee vote made it possible for Michael Mukasey to become Attorney General, even though Mukasey supports the interpretation of executive branch power that President Bush has used to wiretap and spy — without congressional approval or judicial review.

While Senator Feinstein voted to confirm Attorney General Mukasey, she can still do the right thing on FISA, the law the Attorney General is supposed to enforce.

Does Senator Feinstein have the courage to hold the Bush Administration and telecoms accountable by supporting Senator Dodd’s potential filibuster? Watch the YouTube video from Bradley Whitford and the Courage Campaign today. Then join Courage and CREDO Action (from Working Assets) in taking action:…

When corporate executives know government orders to spy on our phone calls and emails are illegal, they have a duty stand up for the Constitution and force the Bush Administration to obtain that information through FISA, a minimum level of judicial review. If these telecom companies fail to take responsibility, Americans need the legal option to sue them and — if these huge corporations are found guilty — force them to pay financial damages.

Otherwise, without the threat of serious financial liability, they will spy again. It’s as simple as that.

Thank you for taking action today. And a special thank you to all the Courage Campaign supporters who made Bradley Whitford’s YouTube video possible by responding to our call for financial contributions last Thursday. With your ongoing support, we can hold President Bush and the telecoms accountable.

Rick Jacobs


P.S. Last week, we asked Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party, to use his political and moral capital to persuade Senator Feinstein on telecom immunity, since he said it was an issue that was “very important” to him. Even though he represents Democrats across California and may be one of the few individuals who can convince Senator Feinstein to support a filibuster, as of today, he has not responded to your calls for accountability.

While we hope Chairman Torres takes the time to call Senator Feinstein before it’s too late, we can’t wait for him to respond. It’s up to you. Take action now by calling Senator Feinstein to ask her to support Senator Dodd’s filibuster:

What Dan Walters Said?? Restoring the VLF.

UPDATE: Well, I spoke too soon. Dan Walters apparently got some blowback on the re-enact the VLF theory.  From today’s Capitol ALert PM email:

Dan Walters backs away from an earlier column suggesting the governor could reinstate the vehicle license fee, because a deal with local governments prevents that. “The net effect of this complex deal was to punch a semi-permanent, $6 billion hole in a budget that was already dangerously out of balance. So while Schwarzenegger was still promising to end ‘crazy deficit spending’ and balance the budget, he was, effectively, making it virtually impossible to do so,” he writes.

Oh well, so much for another one of Dan’s brilliant ideas. Maybe he’ll retract his global warming denials soon. /update

I can’t believe I am writing this. I’ve not hidden my general distrust of Dan Walters. But, he makes a good point yesterday, and so…what Dan Walters said:

Rescinding the car tax cut would be both the easiest way for Schwarzenegger to close the budget gap because it wouldn’t require a legislative vote and, politically, the most difficult, given his vociferous advocacy during his 2003 campaign for governor.

He is, as the old saying goes, hoisted on his own petard – which literally translates into being hurt by his own gaseous emissions.(SacBee 12/9/07)

Of course, most of us understand that if the VLF had not been eliminated back in the day, we wouldn’t be dealing with a budget “crisis” today. It’s just that simple.  But, given his harsh rhetoric, it would be challenging for Arnold to pursue such a course.  But a bold course it would be. But let’s back up a minute:

Schwarzenegger has indicated in private conversations with budget stakeholders that new revenue would be considered in return for spending cuts. The conventional wisdom is that new taxes are politically impossible because Republican legislators would never supply enough votes to meet the required two-thirds margin.

Whoa, while Walters generally veers in bizarre directions on his analysis, his information is generally solid. So, at least the germ of considering increasing revenue is in his head. That’s a start.  But, it’s also true that Republicans in the Legislature will have nothing to do with increasing revenue.

The interesting thing about the VLF is that there is no vote required. You see, it was never really a tax cut, it’s a state backfill to local governments. And if the governor declares that we can no longer afford that backfill, municipalities can resume collection of the VLF.  And the state can hold on to their billions of backfill.  See, one stroke of the pen killed the VLF, and one stroke can bring it back.

The only question here: Does the action hero have the courage to look past his past bravado and see what’s best for the state. I wouldn’t hold my breath on this one, though.

Assemblymember John Laird on Reforming Term Limits

Disclosure: I’m quite proud to do some work for Yes on 93. Also in orange.

Last week, I sat down with Assemblymember John Laird of Santa Cruz/Monterey, to talk about Prop 93, the environment, and civil rights.  I’ll be editing up more of the video where we talk about these issues in more detail. However, I wanted to share this video first.

John Laird has a long history of fighting as both a progressive activist and now in the Assembly. He’s worked extensively on promoting a sustainable economy, and has spent much of his time in the Assembly by going through each of California’s non-discrimination laws to ensure that the rights of all Californians are honored. And given his experience as Assembly budget chair, few have the breadth or depth of knowledge about the priorities of the California government. After all, as he told me, the budget is the one document that represents all of our priorities, our hopes, and our dreams for the state. Flip it for more.

So, why does he think that Prop 93 is important? Well, I’m pretty sure he says it better than I ever could, so I’ll summarize it with this sentence. “The outcome depends on … long-term fights to take the knowledge we’ve learned and the relationships we’ve made to accomplish these goals.” See, beyond the personality conflicts of yesterday, today, or tomorrow, we still have the goal of accomplishing progressive action. Yet, as they say, Rome was not built in a day. And it certainly wasn’t built why Romulus was looking for a new gig in Sicily.

Take, for example, Assemblyman Laird’s efforts to resolve the civil rights bills in California code that I discussed above. Each bill requires a conversation here, a little shove there; in the end, it’s a lot of time. And if each legislator has got their eye on their next position up, down, or anywhere around in public service. Don’t get me wrong, I laud their dedication to public service. I simply suggest that we are best served when we have experienced legislators that are focused on accomplishments rather than the next rung.

So, check out Prop 93, and ask questions.  I’ll be around here for a little while or I’m always available at brian AT calitics DOT com. It’s a complicated measure, but it’s one that will help put California in a better position for the future.

Give It Up For The California Nurses Association

We need organizations who aren’t afraid of what is politically possible and talk about was is morally right.  Today the CNA placed a full-page ad in 10 Iowa papers arguing strongly for not-for-profit health care, Medicare for All, taking the example of Dick Cheney’s multiple heart problems, and noting that if he wasn’t receiving the finest in government-run health care, he’d be dead by now.

The patient’s history and prognosis were grim: four heart attacks, quadruple bypass surgery, angioplasty, an implanted defibrillator and now an emergency procedure to treat an irregular heartbeat.  For millions of Americans, this might be a death sentence. For the vice president, it was just another medical treatment. And it cost him very little.

Unlike the average American, the president, vice president and members of Congress all enjoy government-financed health care with few restrictions or prohibitive fees. They are never turned away for pre-existing conditions or denied care for what an insurance company labels “experimental treatments.”

The rest of us deserve no less.

We call on the presidential candidates to support HR 676, the National Health Insurance Act- an expanded and improved Medicare for all that:

• provides complete medical, dental, vision and long-term care

• eliminates deductibles, co-pays, hidden fees

• allows you to choose your doctor, lab, hospital, health care facility

• is completely portable and not tied to employment

• is free from interference or second-guessing by insurance companies.

We should have these conversations out in the open.  The vagaries of what it politically possible should never be the outer edges of the debate.  Let’s actually find out if America rejects a Medicare-for-all system; they certainly haven’t rejected Medicare.  It takes an organization like the CNA to jumpstart this debate.  Good for them.

Give It Up For The California Nurses Association

We need organizations who aren’t afraid of what is politically possible and talk about was is morally right.  Today the CNA placed a full-page ad in 10 Iowa papers arguing strongly for not-for-profit health care, Medicare for All, taking the example of Dick Cheney’s multiple heart problems, and noting that if he wasn’t receiving the finest in government-run health care, he’d be dead by now.

The patient’s history and prognosis were grim: four heart attacks, quadruple bypass surgery, angioplasty, an implanted defibrillator and now an emergency procedure to treat an irregular heartbeat.  For millions of Americans, this might be a death sentence. For the vice president, it was just another medical treatment. And it cost him very little.

Unlike the average American, the president, vice president and members of Congress all enjoy government-financed health care with few restrictions or prohibitive fees. They are never turned away for pre-existing conditions or denied care for what an insurance company labels “experimental treatments.”

The rest of us deserve no less.

We call on the presidential candidates to support HR 676, the National Health Insurance Act- an expanded and improved Medicare for all that:

• provides complete medical, dental, vision and long-term care

• eliminates deductibles, co-pays, hidden fees

• allows you to choose your doctor, lab, hospital, health care facility

• is completely portable and not tied to employment

• is free from interference or second-guessing by insurance companies.

We should have these conversations out in the open.  The vagaries of what it politically possible should never be the outer edges of the debate.  Let’s actually find out if America rejects a Medicare-for-all system; they certainly haven’t rejected Medicare.  It takes an organization like the CNA to jumpstart this debate.  Good for them.

Jane Harman: Making Iran the new Iraq

Rep. Jane Harman teamed up today with Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI) to editorialize in the Wall Street Journal on why Bush isn’t so bad The Limits of Intelligence.  Leaving aside the hilarious range of jokes afforded by the title, it’s a nearly letter-perfect exculpation for the Bush Administration.  To hear Reps. Harman and Hoekstra tell it, the information produced from the Intelligence community is inherently flawed and suspect.  As a result, any conclusion could be right or wrong at any given point and assigning a value judgment is just silly:

Still, intelligence is in many ways an art, not an exact science. The complete reversal from the 2005 National Intelligence Estimate on Iran’s nuclear-weapons program to the latest NIE serves as its own caution in this regard. The information we receive from the intelligence community is but one piece of the puzzle in a rapidly changing world. It is not a substitute for policy, and the challenge for policy makers is to use good intelligence wisely to fashion good policy.

Or in other words, sure it looks like Harman, Hoekstra and the President totally dropped the ball on this over the course of three full years of Iran-focused hawkish rhetoric that apparently had no basis in reality, but that’s just how it works.  And now that it’s been completely disproven, rather than admit an error, we’re simply going to blame the evidence.  It’s been said that a good craftsman never blames his tools, and this may be the best demonstration in quite some time.  Caught with their pants down the first time, it turns out that the assessment has always been correct no matter what the actual research or evidence might say, and we’re all best served just ignoring the inconvenient evidence and running with the stuff that we like.  I liked this outlook best when it was justifying the invasion of Iraq, but I guess the classics never really die.

After her primary challenge last year, I was hopeful that Harman’s hawkish tendencies would soften.  And in many ways, we’ve gotten that.  Despite protestations that “Jane Harman hasn’t changed” since declaring herself “The Best Republican in the Democratic Party,” her votes on the war have gotten better- in fits and starts- over the past year.  But lately she’s been trying to play thought police and now trying to justify a belligerent stance on Iran by legitimizing the same insanity that got us into Iraq.  In 2002, the selective application of intelligence and deliberate misinformation to support a pre-established policy goal went on behind closed doors and, eventually, really pissed people off.  Oh, and it also needlessly killed hundreds of thousands of people, bankrupted the country, further destabilized the Middle East and destroyed the nation’s international credibility.  But this time we’re going to tell you to your face that we’re feeding a predetermined policy and tell you that it’s the only reasonable way to decide anything.  Only the crazy irrational fringe would be swayed by actual evidence.

Perhaps the saddest part is that this whole article goes beyond political outrage and comes off as Rep. Harman’s “I drive a Dodge Stratus!” moment.  She got passed over to Chair the House Intelligence Committee after Democrats retook the House, getting the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence instead.  This sure does come off as a half-bitter, half-desperate attempt to reclaim relevance by grabbing a headline.  Maybe her tendency to undermine the party in support of hawking an antagonistic foreign policy is why Rep. Silvestre Reyes is chairing the Intelligence Committee today.  I’m just speculating there of course, but it’s tough to come up with a positive reading of this editorial, particularly when it finally boils down to “The government is telling you Iran is dangerous even though the government has established that Iran is not dangerous”:

Though the new NIE may be taken as positive news, Iran clearly remains dangerous. The combination of international pressure, economic sanctions and the presence of U.S. troops on Iran’s borders may have indeed convinced Tehran to abandon its nuclear-weapons program, as the NIE states with “high confidence.” Nevertheless, Congress must engage in vigorous oversight — to challenge those who do intelligence work, and to make site visits to see for ourselves.

This line of crap flew in 2002 and 2003 because Democrats like Jane Harman pushed it and there wasn’t a clear and recent debacle to prove how wrong-headed it was to its core.  There’s no excuse now.

Cross posted to DailyKos

LGBT folks are ALMOST equal

WooHoo! We are almost as good as everybody else. I suppose the key word there is almost.  Equality California released their annual scorecard, and a record number of legislators scored a 100 by voting for civil rights.  In fact, 61 of of the 120 legislators scored a 100, all Democrats of course.

You can see the full scorecard here (PDF), but interestingly there were only 4 0s in the Senate, and 8 0s in the Assembly.  A lot of that can be attributed to the seeming lack of controversy surround Sen. Carole Migden’s SB 105, which allows “Simplifies the process of filing joint state income tax returns for registered domestic partners. Creates a worksheet California registered domestic partners will use to file jointly beginning with the 2007 tax year. ” IN other words, it’s a tax clean-up measure for a right (filing joint taxes) that was bestowed already.

Also getting many pro-LGBT votes was AJR 29, which  encourages the federal government to pass hate crimes legislation, specifically the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.  I’m guessing that has to do with Republicans being ToughOnCrimeTM or something like that.

And the Governor, well he got an 88. It seems he mistakenly vetoed Marriage Equality, because I couldn’t possibly imagine our liberal, well-intentioned governor ever thinking that we don’t all deserve the freedom to marry the one we love.  Oh, right…he wants the “voters to decide”. Nice cop out, Arnold.  

New Nurse Ad: Cheney Would “Probably be dead” w/o Government Healthcare

One more irony about the healthcare crisis: the politicians in charge of fixing it…are guaranteed healthcare through a system that is not just “single-payer” (in terms of being financed by the government instead of insurance companies), but beyond is actually government-run.

Nurses are running ads today in 10 Iowa newspapers pointing out that this means that Dick Cheney, with his heart trouble, would probably be dead now if he were an ordinary American forced to search for cardiac care in a thicket of mercenary insurers and heartless HMOs.  Cheney gets guaranteed healthcare; we get squat.

We’ll take a look below, also at some recent highlights from the healthcare movement…cross-posted at the National Nurses Organizing Committee/California Nurses Association’s Breakroom Blog, as we organize for GUARANTEED healthcare on the single-payer model.

The Wall St. Journal notes:

Vice President Dick Cheney would “probably be dead by now” if not for his federally funded health care, according to an eye-catching ad calling for universal health care that will run Monday in ten Iowa newspapers. The ad is union-funded by the California Nurses Association and its national arm, the National Nurses Organizing Committee, which represents 75,000 nurses.

You know you’ve succeeded when this happens:

The vice president’s office said the ad isn’t worth more than a no comment. “Something this outrageous does not warrant a response,” said Megan Mitchell, a spokeswoman for Cheney.

MarketWatch noted that it is medical professionals who are giving the idea of guaranteed healthcare new life.

Among the good news this time, is that the American College of Physicians is calling for an examination of how a single-payer system would work in the U.S.  This is a great move forward for one of the nation’s premier organizations of Doctors.  

While health-care reform may play second fiddle to the war in Iraq among voters this election season, it appears that the domestic issue is taking on new life thanks to medical-industry professionals….Welcome to the 2008 elections, where medical professionals are turning up the heat in favor of a universal, single-payer system that represents a radical departure from what most of the major presidential candidates are proposing. They know that such a system is a long shot at this point, but the numbers in their camp are growing.

Elsewhere in the drive for guaranteed healthcare…

I’m not sure who Brad Warthen is–he blogs for The State newspaper in South Carolina-but he’s become one of the most eloquent voices in support of genuine healthcare reform.

The Charleston (West Virginia) Gazette continues its impassioned stumping for single-payer…

We are building a grand coalition.  Meanwhile, who really likes the insurance corporations except for the politicians whose pockets they line (to let them win office, and guaranteed healthcare).

This Week With Barack Obama, December 3-8, 2007

cross-posted @ One Million Strong & Daily Kos


                                                                   michelle, barack and oprah, des moines, ia


December 13, 2007 – Johnston, Iowa, Des Moines Register Democratic Debate

December 17, 2007 – Boston, MA

January 15, 2008 – Las Vegas, Nevada


                                                                barack in new hampshire

Obama Apperances and Campaign Events

December 10, 2007 – Study Break with Barack Obama, Las Vegas, NV

December 10, 2007 – Barack in L.A., Los Angeles, CA

December 11, 2007 – Generation Obama in Seattle, Seattle, WA

December 13, 2007 – Caucus for Change Precinct Parties, Iowa

The Caucus Center

Obama Action Center

Jesse, Jr. to Jesse, Sr. You’re Wrong on Obama

Obama Gains Show Volatility of Iowa Contest

Obama Campaign Launches Web Site, Documenting Clinton Attacks


                                                     npr debate, des moines, ia


NPR Audio Debate; Iowa City; NPR, Obama Talks Taxes, Trade at NH High School; Oprah in Des Moines, part one; Oprah in Des Moines, part two; A Call To Serve; South Carolina Rally, Video in its Entirety

Wall Street Journal, Op-Ed Piece, by Senator Barack Obama, Homeland Insecurity

Obama Ad Launch on Television in Nevada

Vote Obama

Hillary Losing Backers to Barack?

The presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, the Democrat frontrunner, is facing a wave of defections by supporters to Barack Obama, as an aura of “inevitability” about her nomination fades.

With Oprah Winfrey, the talk show host and Obama enthusiast, challenging former president Bill Clinton for star power on the campaign trail, the coronation of Hillary has been put on hold.

A few days ago, Helen Quarles peeled off the Hillary for President bumper stickers from her car and replaced them with Obama ’08.

“I didn’t think anybody could turn me away from Hillary,” said Quarles, who worked as a volunteer for Clinton’s first Senate election campaign in New York. “I liked her and was very fond of Bill.”

Quarles now lives in South Carolina, which holds its primary election next month. “In the South, a lot of people don’t like Hillary, so I felt it was up to me to turn things around for her. I really wanted her to win, but there’s something about Obama,” she said. “To me, he is the one who is going to make a difference.”  TimesOnline


Let the Fun Begin!!

Yes, this is what the Hillary Clinton Campaign, who I call affectionately, Team Clinton had to say about going after Barack Obama.

Well, we waited.  And we finally got the magnificent press release from  Team Clinton, last Sunday.  Among the explosive oppo research was the reference to Obama’s aspirations to become president, as early as kindergarten.  Yes, kindergarten.  Oh, and then it expounded on his refined penmanship in kindergarten and third grade with examples of his essays on  “I want to be President” topic.

Well, the media love fest was frenzy this week.  I mean who knew???  Who knew??? Obama wanted to be president in kindergarten!!!  Hell, I wanted to be Diana Ross, one day, then I wanted to be Cleopatra Jones (yes, throwback, y’all), meaning I wanted to be so many people, my parents would just say, “that’s wonderful, sugar.”  Oh, and then Team Clinton strategist, Mark Penn, tries to clean this up on Morning Joe, and said it was a joke.  Do they think people are stupid?  

Sigh, then Team Clinton gets caught up with a tempest in a tea pot.  Their own staff was found out emailing the muslim smear against Barack Obama.  Yes, good old Team Clinton who said, “Let the Fun Begin!!”, now looks sophomoric, at best, in handling all this through the week.

Isn’t Hillary Clinton the one who is vetted, tough, tested?   Yet, doing this stuff?  And is this the best they have on Barack Obama? We must be honest here, the Iowa Caucus is three weeks away and if you want to bring someone down, now is the time, not later.  But kindergarten papers?  Getting caught sending muslim smears?  Is this the tightly run campaign that everyone has bragged about all year?

They look very amateurish, to me.


                                         university of northern iowa, cedar falls, ia


Well with Iowa Caucus 24 days away, around that, the polls are fast and furious.  All these polls show erosion of Clinton, steady for Edwards and emerging for Obama.  So, it is safe to state that Obama is catching Hillary.

MSNBC/McCLATCHY/Mason-Dixon; Newsweek Poll; Insider Advantage South Carolina Poll; Rasmussen South Carolina Poll; ABC/Washington Post New Hampshire Poll; Strategic Vision Iowa Poll; Zogby Phone Poll; USA/Gallup Poll; Iowa State Poll, this polling data is considered old, by 3 weeks, but was released as new; Public Policy North Carolina Poll


                                                     michelle and oprah, des moines, ia

The Obama Newness

Clinton Should No Longer Worry About Just Iowa

Obama:  Expand National Service Programs

Democrat Barack Obama on Wednesday advocated a major expansion of the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps and other national service programs, declaring, “This will be a cause of my presidency.”

The Illinois senator said the government is not keeping pace with those who want to help. “We will create new opportunities for all of us to serve,” he said at a rally at Cornell College.

Obama evoked the memory of President Kennedy and his Peace Corps volunteers, saying, “JFK made their service a bridge to the developing world.” Despite growing anti-Americanism around the world, he said, “the American people are not the problem, they are the answer.”

Obama, a senator from Illinois, said he also would expand the all-volunteer military but would “never send them to fight in a misguided war.”

“The burden of service has fallen more and more on the brave men and women of our military,” he said, citing “tour upon tour of duty in a war with no end.” For returning troops, he said, “We will enlist veterans to help other veterans to find jobs, and to pitch in at VA hospitals and nursing homes.”  more


4 Rural Democratic County Chairs Endorse Obama; Obama Wins Kansas Straw Poll; Hampton Democratic Chair Endorses Obama; Iowa State Daily Endorses Obama; Illinois Education Association Endorses Obama; Obama Relentlessly Pursues Iowan; Clinton Co-Chair Switches to Obama; Obama Wins Townson Straw Poll; Stanford Professor Named Adviser to Obama

Michelle Obama Meets Women from Seacoast

Robert Reich on Hillary’s desperate tactics by nevadadem

D.C. Events by howardpark


                                           michelle, oprah, barack in columbia, sc

Obama on a Roll

A Princeton professor and outspoken expert on African-American culture said he believes U.S. Sen. Barack Obama’s candidacy for president is an important breakthrough for blacks — whether Obama wins the Democratic nomination for president or not.

But Cornel West believes Obama is going to win.

Speaking Monday night to thousands in the Joe L. Reed Acadome on the campus of Alabama State University, West said he believes the Illinois Democrat, after running behind U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York for most of the presidential race, has turned the corner.

“This man’s on the move, he’s out there running hard and sounding good,” West said. Recent polls show Obama and Clinton in a statistical dead heat.  MontgomeryAdvertiser

Obama Writes Essay for SC Legal Journal

Getting the Vote Out When Campuses Are Empty

Obama’s Musical Draw

Inside the Obama Campaign


                                                             new iowa ad, “our moment”

Obama on Iran by Shaun Appleby

Obama: Publicize Names of Bad Nursing Homes

Obama say Democrats Need Decisive Win to Make Wide Changes

Obama Seeks Consumer Credit Guards

Obama Gets Grammy Nod

While Barack Obama is battling Hillary Clinton in the Democratic race, he can enjoy a small victory from those who vote with ears more than hearts and minds: He is one of five contenders for the Grammy Award for Spoken Word, one of 110 categories this year.

If only nominations on the campaign trail were decided so easily and early in December, just as primary season continues and eyes remain fixed for the 11 months until Election Day.

Like many of Senator Obama’s targets on the trail, the musicians, producers, engineers and recording professionals who will decide this race are single-issue voters looking to improve “the cultural condition and quality of life for music and its makers,” according to the news release.  more, NYT

It Takes a Movement

Experts Praise Obama’s National Service Plan

Obama: PAC Contributions Violated No Campaign Rules

African-American Leaders Rally Behind Barack

Obama Rising Roundup: Iowa Edition Nov 28-Dec 5

Blogs and Websites

One Million Strong; This Week With Barack Obama; The Populista Report; Relentless Liberal; Washington State; Obama Dallas; NYC4OBAMA; NewYork4Obama; Texans for Obama; Republicans for Obama; Vermont for Obama; Independents for Obama; Seattle for Obama; Idaho for Obama; Asians for Obama; Bay Area for Obama; Sacramento for Obama; Families for Obama; Irish Americans for Obama; D.C. for Obama; Obama NH; Obama News Vine; Black Women for Obama; Obama Santa Cruz; Think on These Things; Iowa Republicans for Obama; Another Democratic Woman for Obama; RENObama!; Go Barack Obama

Vulnerable Democrats See Fates Tied to Clinton

Obama’s Ancestral Village Cheers on its Favourite Son

Obama Fits the Bill for President

As is the custom in New Hampshire this time of year, I recently asked a woman in a coffee shop who she was supporting for president. Her answer: “The last candidate I heard speak.” The point is we have a remarkable group of candidates, so it’s no surprise most voters remain undecided.

As the date gets closer, and more and more people ask who I’m with. After many months consideration, I’ve finally made my choice.

Kucinich deserves to do well in New Hampshire. His bold and uncompromising vision needs to be heard.

Bill Richardson would make a great chief executive, with his unmatched experience. But inspiring personal presentation (also called charisma) is a job requirement which is not his strength.

Chris Dodd is consistent on every issue, and is a terrific speaker. I wish his numbers were at least as high as Kucinich. Same goes for Joe Biden – great on the issues, a captivating speaker too. Just not connecting enough.

That leaves the “top three.” Before the Republicans have laid a glove on her, Clinton starts out with 50 percent of Americans saying they would never vote for her. She’s relied on an engineered aura of inevitability. She buys into the all-things-to-all-people style, the course laid out for Kerry by his political director Jeanne Shaheen. Straddling everything doesn’t win.

Some people say it’s time for a woman. Martin Luther King hoped we would judge people by the content of their character, not by their color, or by extension, their gender.

A new direction? What about support for the war in Iraq, her prideful refusal to accept that she made a mistake, her unconscionable vote declaring part of Iran’s government to be a terrorist organization (giving Bush the carte blanche to attack)? Her commitment to keeping combat troops in Iraq and her refusal to say she’d get them all out by 2013? Her blatant pandering to the right on flag-burning, and on late term abortions?

And then there’s planting softball questions for herself to answer.

Experience? Aside from spouse of the president, I can’t seem to remember her cabinet post.  more

Obama:  Keep Americans Warm+Action by Populista

Obama Rising–New York Edition by casperr

Michelle Obama Emphasizes Family Life


                                     lining up in manchester, nh for obama and oprah

icebergslim’s last word:  oprah.  dirty campaign tactics.  change.

This was another weird week for Barack.  It was.  

First it was Team Clinton’s hilariously, funny press release last Sunday.  The cincher was that Barack has had aspirations, ambitions to become president in kindergarten and third grade.  And the witness to his third grade papers, promptly waved for everyone to see.  Oy!!!  Nothing is nicer than to be in a tight race in the early states and folks laughing at the front runner’s pettiness.

Then Barack had to deal with the on-going muslim email circulation.  Obama is not a muslim, he is a Christian and now his name is being used against him.  Well, guess what popped off?  Team Clinton’s staff caught sending and spreading this rumor.  Of course, the culprits were dismissed but the damage is done.  One cannot do anything but view Team Clinton as desperate and will do anything to win, even if it means spreading a lie.  Oh, yes, Team Clinton denounced it, but the damage is done.  It really is.

Then we have Oprah Winfrey.

I am one who has repeatedly said endorsements mean nothing.  It does not.  The candidate must seal the deal him/herself, no endorsement can do that.  But as this week has progressed, so did the energy of the Obama/Oprah weekend.  Suddenly, everyone was talking about it and when Columbia, South Carolina had to move the venue to an 80K stadium, well what else could one say.

I was more interested in what Oprah had to say than Barack.  What was she going to say?  Would it be quoted?  Will people listen?  Well, she gave a home run speech and no one can denounce or argue that point.    This phrase has stayed with me:

“When you listen to Barack Obama, when you really hear him, you witness a very rare thing,” she said in Des Moines. “You witness a politician who has an ear for eloquence and a tongue dipped in the unvarnished truth.”

Yes, a politician who is so eloquent but will not mince words.  He will tell it to you with a tongue dipped in the unvarnished truth.  That statement said it all for me.  It is about time we got a statesman in the White House.  It is about time we got someone who is honest and unafraid of the truth in the White House.  This has been missing so long, we forgot how it sounds.  Since the 90’s to now, we have had to deal with untruth in the White House.  Yes, we have had to deal with it.  And we are tired.  Just sick and tired of it.

Change.  This battle is about change.  It is.  It is not about electability because the three top runners are electable.  No, this argument is change and what kind we want.  After seeing over 18K in Des Moines, over 10K in Cedar Rapids, over 30K in Columbia, SC, what do you think?

People do not go to political rallies for anything.  They go searching and seeking an answer to the question.  And as Oprah Winfrey said, “I am here to tell you, Iowa, he is the one. He is the one!”

Yes. He is.


If you appreciate the weekly Obama Roundup, then Tip My Obama Jar!!  Minimum five dollars.  This contribution goes directly to the Obama Campaign.  We are in the last stretch of fundraising, Quarter 4, it ends December 31st.  Remember to make your contribution.


well, as we see the 30K crowd out to hear barack, oprah and michelle, in columbia, sc, things are moving and evolving at break neck speed.  we are in ties or slightly ahead in many of the early state polls, which shows we have the momentum.  people are showing that they want change and barack obama is that change.  as we move into the holiday season, remember the nastiness and sheer jealousy will continue to increase.  rise above it.  keep your eyes on the prize.  focus on obama and not the drama.


contact me @ [email protected]

This Week With Barack Obama

One-Sided Negotiations

Boy, if you managed to stumble upon pages M8 and M9 of Sunday’s LA Times yesterday, you sure picked up a great deal of information.  On M8 was our buddy Robert’s excellent critique of the Times’ coverage of tax policy.  And on M9 was a column by Anthony York of Capitol Weekly, which seeks to explain why legislative Democrats appear to be negotiating with themselves on health care reform.  We learn that the Governor is basically holding his endorsement of Prop. 93 hostage in exchange for getting his way on health care.

Nuñez is scheduled to be termed out of the Assembly in November. If Proposition 93 passes, however, he could serve in the Assembly — and presumably as speaker — for six more years. If the measure fails, Nuñez would immediately become a lame-duck speaker, and talk of a successor would begin Feb. 6.

That’s why he desperately needs Schwarzenegger’s endorsement of Proposition 93. Most observers believe that voters will defeat the measure if it lacks the governor’s seal of approval.

But Schwarzenegger’s support comes at a price. The governor has consistently used Nuñez’s desire to change the term-limits law as leverage in his negotiations with the speaker about healthcare reform, and it seems to be paying off.


We all suspected this was the case, but this appears to be more informed than opinion.  So now we have a negotiation that’s going to affect millions of Californians being predicated on the political career of one man.  Nuñez is completely compromised, not only by needing to get a legislative victory to tout to the electorate, but by receiving the Schwarzenegger endorsement.  Personally, I’m unconvinced that his endorsement is such a slam-dunk; it sure wasn’t in 2005.

We see the direction that the negotiations have taken.  First the Democrats were fully opposed to an individual mandate.  Then they agreed to a mandate with cost controls (exemptions if coverage costs more than 6.5% of income).  Then they’ll drop that number.  First the plan was that businesses would pay 8% in fees; then it became a sliding scale up to 6%; then it’ll be down to 4, or 3, or really whatever the Governor wants.  This is no way to negotiate.  The Governor has absolutely no reason to budge off his numbers.

The Governor clearly cares about leaving a legacy on healthcare reform, and a smart negotiating strategy would tie that legacy to specifics that could not be compromised.  But that’s clearly not how it’s being waged.  And York even explains how a savvy negotiator could turn this right around.

If a (health care funding) plan ends up on the ballot, it would be a tough sell. All previous healthcare initiatives have been defeated. And with current budget forecasts for 2008 putting the revenue shortfall at $10 billion, an expensive reform plan — some estimates put the price tag at $12 billion — would face even more trouble. To win passage, Schwarzenegger will need help from unions and Nuñez. But if Proposition 93 fails in February, the lame-duck Nuñez could be ousted as speaker, losing his bully pulpit to campaign for reform.That would leave Republican Schwarzenegger as the face of a campaign relying heavily on unions and other Democratic-friendly groups while confronting stiff opposition from many business groups.

The Governor actually needs the Legislature as much as the Legislature needs the Governor.  But that’s not how the battle is being fought, because the Democrats have decided to put themselves in a position of weakness.