Glenn Greenwald has it on good authority that my Representative, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, is planning on letting the Republicans pwn the Constitution: (h/t FDL)
As has been expected for a week now, the House Democratic leadership has prepared and is now currently circulating (while trying very hard to keep it confidential) their so-called "compromise" FISA bill. Their soon-to-be-unveiled bill, unsurprisingly, is designed to give the White House exactly what it has demanded, with only the smallest and most inconsequential changes.
As I said to DiFi earlier this morning, not cool at all. The Democrats, save Chris Dodd and Russ Feingold, have been remarkably mute on this issue. It is an issue of basic seperation of powers and how much authority the President and his/her administration has. So, here's the president playing the fear card (via tortdeform)—> (flip it for more)
UPDATE (by Dave): TPM Muckraker has more and the details are quite different from what Greenwald reported. The compromise bill does not have immunity but there’s still a possibility that they’ll ping-pong the bill back and forth from the House to the Senate to get it back in. I’d have to look further, but the compromise bill does look to me to be “in the ballpark” of the RESTORE Act, which was a good bill. We’re not out of the woods on this and all your reps. deserve a call. But it’s not clear to me that this is a bad development… yet.
Basically, they are using this tired argument of they're going to get us, booogy, boogey, to force immunity through. And the basic question is should corporations require the government to get a damn warrant or at least have some visible authority. Sure, Mr. Bush is all honest about who he's spying on (uh-huh), but what happens if those rascaly Democrats decide they want to spy on some of the right-wing fringe groups. I mean, next thing you now, they'll want to spy on some of the crazy anti-choice groups, and the deity would surely frown. So, all this law is really requiring is doing what Qwest did (until they were threatened with a cut-off of their contracts) by demanding a warrant.
And, I'll leave more of this up to Robert and others who have followed this battle more closely, but telecomm immunity isn't about money. It's not the "greedy trial lawyers" who are suing the telecoms, but the EFF, and the ACLU. And by the way, Mr. Bush, trial lawyers protect the rights of American consumers from greedy corporations, that's a hell of a lot more than your administration ever did.
So, Madam Speaker, do not cave on telecom immunity. It's just too important. Contact Speaker Pelosi (or your own Rep here) and tell them to have a spine on protecting the Constitution, you know the thing they have sworn to uphold.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Phone: (202) 225-4965, Fax: 202-225-8259