Núñez: Tax Oil for Schools

This proposal has been floating around for a while, but it now looks to be concrete. As reported by the SacBee, Speaker Núñez is proposing to raise taxes on oil companies to help reduce education cuts:

Núñez, a Los Angeles Democrat with close ties to education unions, is proposing a two-pronged approach by levying a 6 percent tax on all oil produced within the state, and imposing a 2 percent tax on windfall oil profits.

Together, the taxes would generate an estimated $1.2 billion a year for a cash-strapped state that still faces an $8 billion deficit for the fiscal year starting in July. Under the speaker’s bill, ABX 9, oil tax revenues would be dedicated for schoolteachers, who are facing potential layoffs under Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s across-the-board budget cuts.

This is basically Prop 87 again, and it’s a worthwhile proposal. The article goes on to note that the bill is likely to be opposed by Republicans. Which is probably the point here – to further expose the Yacht Party as out of touch, elitist, and defending the wealthy at the expense of schools.

Sure, this is low hanging fruit, and it’s not exactly a permanent solution to the structural revenue crisis. But I like the politics. Even though, as David notes below, we’re seeing a remarkable movement come together to protect education, the Republicans remain obstinate, and not as many Californians as we’d like see the need to raise taxes to finally fix our 30-year old revenue shortfall. Calling out the Republicans like this, and forcing them to make a public defense of unpopular companies at the expense of children is a great way to lay the groundwork for what will be a long struggle.

A misleading title moves along to the ballot

I do some web work for No on 98.

A while back, I mentioned a lawsuit against AG Jerry Brown regarding the ballot title for prop 98, “EMINENT DOMAIN. LIMITS ON GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY.” You see, that really doesn’t clearly articulate what Prop 98 does.  But, let’s just think about the amount of people this actually impacts. Eminent domain? A few hundred per year. Rent Control? Several hundred thousand.

So which one should be in the ballot title? Hmmm. Nonetheless, the judge ruled that Brown, while perhaps wrong, didn’t actually overstep his authority. Under the law, being wrong isn’t enough, but rather you must be super-wrong. So wrong that you didn’t have authority to be that wrong. So, when you get that June ballot in the mail, for prop 98 it will say “Eminent Domain. Limits on Government Authority.” despite the fact that it will impact far more people through its rent control provisions than through eminent domain.  

You know, the thing that I don’t get here is why Brown wouldn’t include it. After all, it’s pretty clear he has designs on reliving the 80’s by running for governor again. You’d think he wouldn’t try to intentionally mess with the tenants organizations.  But, alas, the enigma that is Jerry Brown continues.

Clinton Campaign Continues to Play Race Card

On the day Mississippi holds its presidential primary, Clinton supporter Geraldine Ferraro, former Vice Presidential candidate is stoking the race fire claiming that Obama has only achieved his pole position in the nominating contest because of his race.  

The Clinton campaign finance committee member and former New York congresswoman told the Daily Breeze, “If Obama was a white man; he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position.  He happens to be very lucky to be who he is.  And the country is caught up in the concept.”

So if a non-white male successfully campaigns for the presidency on the basis of hope, change and bringing the country together, than he is simply lucky to be who he is.  

She sounds like an anti-affirmative action activist.  

Ferraro is all too willing to discount Obama’s political ideology, ability to mobilize young voters, motivate independents and persuade Republican crossovers solely on account of his race.

Even worse, she is all to willing to assert that the 13,601,175 people who voted for Obama did so not because of his judgment on the Iraq war, or his pledge to withdraw from the war or his health care coverage plan.  

Apparently the majority of Democratic voters who casted ballots thus far have done so solely because they like the concept of an African American party nominee for President of the United States.  

Give me a break.

One can’t help but to assume that this racially charged rhetoric from Clinton supporters is a less than sophisticated appeal to white male voters in Pennsylvania whom their Governor, Ed Rendell (Clinton Supporter) believes will not vote for a Black man.

The Democratic Party establishment that Fannie Lou Hamer bravely fought more than 40 years ago to prevent an all white, anti-civil rights state delegation to the national convention is still standing in the door way of African Americans who seek to participate in the American political system.

I guess the Clinton campaign really does believe it is entitled to win the Democratic nomination.  She is the white wife of a former US President; Obama is simply a Black man lucky to be where he is.  

This thinking is not far removed from the despicable White Supremacy premise which asserts that WASPS are naturally better than Blacks and should therefore be given all positions of power in society over people of color.

This is extremely disappointing considering Ferraro ran on a presidential ticket with the classic liberal Walter Mondale.  

Perhaps all but two states in the union voted for Reagan because they were uncomfortable with Ferraro for reasons we can now clearly see.

Education Budget Fight Explodes All Over California

We don’t have a state that’s given to paying attention to policy debates in Sacramento.  The political media is woefully thin and getting thinner, people are simply distracted by struggling to stay afloat economically, and any politics that actually does penetrate the state consciousness is national, like what surrogate said what about what Presidential candidate.  So it’s something of a shock to see so many flashpoints on the California budget fight, with particular respect to the potential defunding of education.  As notices about imminent budget cuts go out to state teachers, and school boards set their budgets for the 2008-2009 school year, Californians are waking up – almost entirely at once – to the enormity of this situation.  The idea that we can give pink slips to tens of thousands of teachers without exploring the far more sensible option of reviewing the structural revenue model in the state and making it reflect current needs and collective responsibility has really enraged parents, teachers, administrators and students.

It takes a lot to get California residents and voters interested in state public policy. But we may be on the cusp of something big here-of the magnitude of what led to Proposition 13 on property taxes in 1978 and the recall election in 2003 of Gray Davis that brought us Arnold Schwarzenegger as our Governor. In fact, when it comes to 2003, some are suggesting that Arnold is the same as Gray. If you have a couple of minutes, take a look at this local television news report and see how unhappy the Governor is with the comparison.

California is earthquake country and sometimes the ground moves slowly with a series of barely detectable minor quakes, but sometimes it shakes violently and new fault lines are seen. As the San Jose Mercury News put it:

“…there’s no denying the emotional power generated by thousands of teacher pink slips in schools all over the state.

“It’s difficult for people to grasp a debate over something as abstract as the budget,” said Fred Silva, a budget expert and fiscal policy analyst at Beacon Economics. “But how much your public school is going to have for an arts program, or a reading program, is not abstract at all.”

Frank Russo details the number of protests that have broken out statewide, mostly from grassroots groups.  When they line up with the growing coalition of traditional interest groups (education, labor, public safety, environment, health care and social services), the pressure on the Governor and legislative Republicans to recognize that California is worth paying for and that the public would be furious at across-the-board cuts will be enormous.  Just yesterday school superintendents, parents and kids rallied on the Capitol steps, and Jack O’Connell found something else to emphasize (over):

By the time Jack O’Connell, California’s state Superintendent of Public Instruction, made his way through the crowd to speak, he was greeted with thunderous applause and a warm hug. He fired up the crowd, telling them what they already knew-but his words were clearly destined for those in legislative session inside the building and to Governor Schwarzenegger, who was in Fairfield, delivering a speech on carpenter apprenticeship programs. He charged the Governor with an “abdication of one’s responsibility to set values and priorities” in proposing a 10% across the board set of budget cuts and characterized the $4.8 billion of cuts to education as a “hostile suspension of Prop 98,” noting that the voters in passing that measure had supported educational funding and had confirmed that priority 3 years ago-a reference to their rejection of a ballot measure in Schwarzenegger’s special election of 2005 that would have weakened it.

O’Connell was just one of the speakers who tied education to our future, our economy as a state, to reductions in imprisonment and crime, and to moral values. He said: “If you want to invest in the future, you invest in public education. If you want to shortchange the future, then you shortchange education. The cuts being proposed would be devastating to education. It would be a great step backwards.”

He directly challenged the Governor and Republicans on the framing of this issue: “We don’t have a spending problem. Our problem is with our priorities. When you hear people say we have a spending problem, you tell them we have a values problem. We have a problem with or priorities. That is why we need to make sure that the public policy document for the state of California is one that invests in the future.”

This is an unusual moment, where street-level organizing and grassroots action is really dominating the news.  The last time we saw this was when the Governor’s special election initiatives were thoroughly defeated in 2005.  A more confrontational politics is a direct result of a more confrontational grassroots.  Lines in the sand are being drawn.  This is an interesting time to be covering state politics.

Education Budget Fight Explodes All Over California

We don’t have a state that’s given to paying attention to policy debates in Sacramento.  The political media is woefully thin and getting thinner, people are simply distracted by struggling to stay afloat economically, and any politics that actually does penetrate the state consciousness is national, like what surrogate said what about what Presidential candidate.  So it’s something of a shock to see so many flashpoints on the California budget fight, with particular respect to the potential defunding of education.  As notices about imminent budget cuts go out to state teachers, and school boards set their budgets for the 2008-2009 school year, Californians are waking up – almost entirely at once – to the enormity of this situation.  The idea that we can give pink slips to tens of thousands of teachers without exploring the far more sensible option of reviewing the structural revenue model in the state and making it reflect current needs and collective responsibility has really enraged parents, teachers, administrators and students.

It takes a lot to get California residents and voters interested in state public policy. But we may be on the cusp of something big here-of the magnitude of what led to Proposition 13 on property taxes in 1978 and the recall election in 2003 of Gray Davis that brought us Arnold Schwarzenegger as our Governor. In fact, when it comes to 2003, some are suggesting that Arnold is the same as Gray. If you have a couple of minutes, take a look at this local television news report and see how unhappy the Governor is with the comparison.

California is earthquake country and sometimes the ground moves slowly with a series of barely detectable minor quakes, but sometimes it shakes violently and new fault lines are seen. As the San Jose Mercury News put it:

“…there’s no denying the emotional power generated by thousands of teacher pink slips in schools all over the state.

“It’s difficult for people to grasp a debate over something as abstract as the budget,” said Fred Silva, a budget expert and fiscal policy analyst at Beacon Economics. “But how much your public school is going to have for an arts program, or a reading program, is not abstract at all.”

Frank Russo details the number of protests that have broken out statewide, mostly from grassroots groups.  When they line up with the growing coalition of traditional interest groups (education, labor, public safety, environment, health care and social services), the pressure on the Governor and legislative Republicans to recognize that California is worth paying for and that the public would be furious at across-the-board cuts will be enormous.  Just yesterday school superintendents, parents and kids rallied on the Capitol steps, and Jack O’Connell found something else to emphasize (over):

By the time Jack O’Connell, California’s state Superintendent of Public Instruction, made his way through the crowd to speak, he was greeted with thunderous applause and a warm hug. He fired up the crowd, telling them what they already knew-but his words were clearly destined for those in legislative session inside the building and to Governor Schwarzenegger, who was in Fairfield, delivering a speech on carpenter apprenticeship programs. He charged the Governor with an “abdication of one’s responsibility to set values and priorities” in proposing a 10% across the board set of budget cuts and characterized the $4.8 billion of cuts to education as a “hostile suspension of Prop 98,” noting that the voters in passing that measure had supported educational funding and had confirmed that priority 3 years ago-a reference to their rejection of a ballot measure in Schwarzenegger’s special election of 2005 that would have weakened it.

O’Connell was just one of the speakers who tied education to our future, our economy as a state, to reductions in imprisonment and crime, and to moral values. He said: “If you want to invest in the future, you invest in public education. If you want to shortchange the future, then you shortchange education. The cuts being proposed would be devastating to education. It would be a great step backwards.”

He directly challenged the Governor and Republicans on the framing of this issue: “We don’t have a spending problem. Our problem is with our priorities. When you hear people say we have a spending problem, you tell them we have a values problem. We have a problem with or priorities. That is why we need to make sure that the public policy document for the state of California is one that invests in the future.”

This is an unusual moment, where street-level organizing and grassroots action is really dominating the news.  The last time we saw this was when the Governor’s special election initiatives were thoroughly defeated in 2005.  A more confrontational politics is a direct result of a more confrontational grassroots.  Lines in the sand are being drawn.  This is an interesting time to be covering state politics.

What Brian Bilbray won’t admit: Cross-border flow helps the San Diego economy

Brian Bilbray really likes to grandstand on immigration. Heck, he was a lobbyist for an anti-immigration group. And last year, along with Bush Dog Heath Shuler, he introduced HR 4088.  A quick take on HR 4088 from NDN:

Unfortunately, H.R. 4088 is not a solution or even a stop-gap measure. If enacted, it would simply make a bad situation worse, providing a windfall to bad employers by making workers more exploitable, pushing them deeper underground and off the tax rolls. It would harm U.S. workers displaced by the flawed employment verification program, and waste even more U.S. tax dollars trying to detain and deport peaceful workers instead of focusing in on those who mean us harm.

Well, I bring this up because today the San Diego U-T has an article about how the decrease in cross-border traffic has hurt the economy of the border region:

The number of people crossing into the United States at San Ysidro has fallen 21.4 percent from a peak three years ago, a precipitous drop that economists and others attribute to frustrating border waits, dwindling tourism and a struggling U.S. economy.


“Between the border wait time and security issues, it is killing us,” said Jason Wells, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce in San Ysidro, where an estimated 85 percent of the retail customer base consists of shoppers who cross from Mexico. “We’ve lost the casual crosser, the casual shopper, the casual tourist. The only crossers we have left are forced crossers, people that because of family or work have to cross.”

But for so-called leaders like Bilbray, the politics is more important that the policy. And what does he care anyway, right? His donors aren’t border crossers, and likely don’t depend on the traffic for their livelihood. But the fact of the matter is that the increased scrutiny to cross the border hurts California’s economy.  Wait times easily exceed two hours, and in the end, crossing the border to save a bit of money or for higher quality products just isn’t worth it.

Somehow we need to get past Bilbray-esque demagoguery, and try to find solutions that are based on sound policy, rather than fear-based politics.

By the by, one such solution, a new form of the Dream Act, was recently reintroduced to the state Senate by Gil Cedillo.

Linky Time Open Thread

Mad Props to Dave on the WSJ story correcting the numbers. Here a few more quickies:

  • The LA Times restates the obvious: Civil unions do not equal marriage

    It may be, as Justice Carol Corrigan suggested at this week’s arguments, that evolving public attitudes will eventually lead to same-sex marriage — M-word and all — without intervention by the judiciary. As we have said before, we don’t think same-sex couples should have to wait. In 1948, the court was accused of thwarting the will of the people when it struck down the ban on interracial marriage; it would face similar condemnation if it ruled that “equal protection of the laws” requires the same treatment for heterosexual and same-sex couples. But, as in 1948, the result would be the just one.

  • There’s a new story on the Stop the Landlord Scheme Site about some people that would be harmed by Prop 98.
  • This is a really sad story. Two bicyclists were killed when a Santa Clara Sheriff’s Deputy accidentally hit them.

Anything else?

UPDATE (Bob): Scientists are excited by new photographic evidence of a wolverine in CA-04 where they were thought to have been extinct. The marrow eating animal may be a local descendant, could have been released from captivity, or could have recently migrated to the district…

UPDATE (Dave): First Meg Whitman, now former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina is being floated as a GOP gubernatorial candidate in 2010?  Are they that pathetic?

WSJ on the National Media’s CA Delegate Problem

The Wall Street Journal has a writeup on my findings of the discrepancy between the national media’s California delegate counts and, you know, the actual count.  

A California politics blogger has argued that Sen. Clinton won 36 more pledged delegates in the state than Sen. Obama, rather than the 44-delegate margin that has long been included in the news organizations’ tallies. A spokesman for the state party confirms the blogger’s numbers.

The shift, if validated once the state certifies its election results this week and the party chooses its delegates, is a reminder that the commonly reported delegate totals are mere estimates, subject to change as states finalize election results. It also highlights how a blogger with intense focus on the numbers may be faster than the established delegate counters.

David Dayden, who blogs at the site Calitics and serves on its editorial board, wrote last week that Sen. Clinton won 203 of the state’s 370 pledged delegates – and not the commonly reported total of 207. He relied on updated vote totals from the state, based on late counts of absentee and provisional ballots. Later, when he noticed that several major news organizations still were showing Sen. Clinton with 207 delegates, he wrote a follow-up post explaining his calculation and exhorting, “I know math is hard and everything, but get out your calculators, people.”

I’ve long since given up on trying to correct the misspelling of my name, the most misspelled five-letter word in the English language.  But the author did a good job describing the situation.  The “delegate counters” at the media outlets have pretty much ignored these states once Election Day ends.  As Bob Mulholland rightly points out in the piece, this count has been this way for at least two weeks.  There was ample time to catch up.  But it took public pressure to get them to do it:

The New York Times’s page for California results shows the 207-163 result, but a page listing delegate totals for each state showed the 203-167 margin. NBC and CBS still showed the 207-163 margin. An inquiry to New York Times polling editor Janet Elder wasn’t returned. An NBC spokesman told me, “Apparently, there are discrepancies between the state count and the individual county tallies.” Kathy Frankovic, director of surveys for CBS News, told me, “delegate allocation is a work in progress.” (UPDATE: Ms. Frankovic told me later Monday that CBS would update its totals to reflect the 203-167 margin. “Thanks for alerting us to the problem,” she said.)

NBC is spinning madly.  They just stopped paying attention.

The official canvass will be done on March 15, and we’ll know at that point what the final number is.  Until then, I wouldn’t trust anything on those “delegate scoreboards”.