Budgeting by License Plate

I was perusing through the Budget Committee’s proposal and noticed something interesting:


Approves an $8 increase in fees for the Environmental License Plate and rejects cuts to various resources programs proposed by the administration

I must say, I’m not really opposed to fees for voluntary license plates.  Of course, there is the question of at what point do people quit paying for them.  Right now, they are $41 for the first year, and $30 to renew.  Personally, I’m inclined to think that an additional $8 won’t kill the demand for personalized plates.

But, as I was reading this, it just struck me once again how truly messed up this budget process really is. We are relying on license plate fees from people who want to have “3PO N R2” on their license plates. Terrific.

One thought on “Budgeting by License Plate”

  1. I think they should have a $20/ticket lottery in each district and the winner gets to pen the personalized plate for the legislator’s state car.That would raise some bank.  

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