December 3 Open Thread

What’s up?

• The recall Anthony Adams recall proponents are thinking of suing their signature gathering firm. The firm got a 42% validity rate in San Bernardino County, and missed the goal.

• Given their responsibilites, the average salaries of legislative staff is right in line with private sector employees.

• W00t! I can finally have the genius that is Ronald Reagan on my iPhone. If you would like something a bit more useful, check the iPhone app store or the Android marketplace for the Calitics app.

• A city council member in Daly City, a SF suburb, has been indicted on workers comp fraud.

• SEIU Local 1000 carried out a strike of sorts in October, telling their members to stay home on Columbus day, despite the deletion of the Columbus day holiday. However, there’s no data on how many people stayed home from work and how much of an impact it really had.