More Stupid from the Governor

Arnold thinks he’s a really hot businessman. But if that’s the case, why is the state thinking about selling the Supreme Court building in a sale that will result in a $1.5 billion net loss?

Democratic and Republican lawmakers on Wednesday sharply criticized Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s cash-raising plan to sell off and then lease back 11 state properties, including the Supreme Court building in San Francisco’s Civic Center.

At an Assembly hearing held one day after an independent analysis showed the sales would end up costing the state $1.5 billion over the next few decades, lawmakers slammed the deal as a shortsighted budgeting gimmick that will end up hurting taxpayers. The committee voted to pursue legislation that would either ban such sales or at least require legislative approval.(SF Chronicle)

Like his misguided furlough policy, Arnold seems to be set on inventing new and ridiculous ways to kick the can down the road. Rather than confronting the structural budget deficit by putting his weight behind an effort to raise new revenues, he is dead set on pursuing strategies that focus only on the short term.

The short-term thinking of the Bubble era tax cuts are what got us into this mess. Can we try thinking of beyond the 8 year horizon for once?

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