Ending my campaign for Governor

(Worth a read. – promoted by Robert Cruickshank)

Friends, I’m ending my campaign for Governor of California today.

In a spirit of service, I stepped into this race in response to a widespread call for a stronger, more issues-based campaign than Jerry Brown was running at the time.  Since then, I’ve traveled up and down the state, talking with voters and making the case for strong leadership.

In that time, Jerry Brown has begun to do what it will take to win:

* He’s been speaking up on important issues, especially clean energy and green jobs.

* He’s reaching out more and more to regular voters, such as students at UCSB.

* He’s begun confronting the Republicans on their ties to Wall Street.

At the same time, the Republicans in this race are tearing each other apart.  They’re falling all over each other to attack immigrants in ways that will alienate latino voters, and help Democrats keep winning the votes of this crucial constituency.

On the policy front, there’s good news too, in the CA Senate’s move toward raising new revenues, as I’ve called for, along with recent polling showing that the voters support this move.

In short, things are now moving in the right direction.

In this new context, the best way I can be of service is by ending my campaign and endorsing Jerry Brown.  I’m doing that today.

It’s time for all of California’s Democrats to stand united behind our nominee.  Jerry brown will be our nominee, with my full support.  He’s an experienced Governor, and he’s been solidifying many of the key relationships that will help him win again in November.  Most importantly, he’s a Democrat, one who will work with, not against, our Democratic majorities in Sacramento and throughout the state.  The best thing we can do for California today is to support Jerry Brown for Governor.  Please join me in supporting him.

Thank you,

Peter Schurman  

4 thoughts on “Ending my campaign for Governor”

  1. Honestly, though I never thought Schurman had a chance, I also think Brown needs a push from progressives and was glad Peter was willing to try to provide it. I am not sure how Senate proposals to increase revenue–however welcome–have any bearing on Brown’s long drift to the right.

    I know it’s not easy to stand up to the political machine. Jerry Brown WILL be our nominee. That has been obvious to everybody for quite a while. But, since Schurman will still be on my ballot, he’ll still get my vote.

  2. Thanks for your candidacy, I’ve already filled in the arrow next to your name on my mail-in ballot.  I’ll support Jerry Brown in the general, but I sure wish you’d been more successful in pushing him to make his views clearer on the big issues facing California.

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