May 26, 2010 Open Thread


* The San Luis Obispo county Board of Supervisors voted to oppose PG&E’s Prop 16 power grab, citing its monopolistic and anti-democratic goals.

* Reps. Gary Miller and David Dreier are facing primary challenges from the Tea baggers. Both challengers are underfunded, but both are showing signs of nerves.

* Shane Goldmacher looks at the Controller and Treasurer races.  Mimi Walters is running against Lockyer for Treasurer, but with Lockyer’s huge war chest, he should have no problems.  John Chiang has been praised both among the financial community and the labor community. Meanwhile, Tony Stickland has to love this closing sentence at a time of the worst oil spill in history: “Strickland said that, if elected, he would push for the oil drilling proposal.”

* The City of Dana Point and the Coastal Commission are in a big fight over access paths to the coast.

5 thoughts on “May 26, 2010 Open Thread”

  1. al giordano quotes a brookings institution study about the huge disparities in ethnic demographics in the under-18 and over-65 populations in several states.

    when one looks at the stats from metropolitan areas, it’s not hard to see a massive shift coming in the central valley, inland empire, san diego and ventura metro areas, with very diverse young cohorts and majority white elderly cohorts.

    no idea when this will start to really show up at the ballot box, but i suspect we’re not all that far off. when change comes, my guess is it’ll happen faster than people expect.

  2. It would be nice If the NO on 16 folks could get some money as I mentioned 16 to the Postal Lady at the Post Office and She had nearly bought the evil PG&E Propaganda and thought that It was the Right to Vote act, The Pro 16 forces have been running at least two TV commercials every time there’s a break on TV. If 16 fails to pass I’ll be happy, But I’m not so sure, As no one is hearing anything else.

  3. Why on earth would the California State Controller be pushing for oil drilling? Me thinks that Tony doesn’t really know what the Controller does in this state.

    4 years ago he was spouting similar nonsense by claiming he was going to open up the books on the LA Unified School District–another item that the State Controller has no business taking up.

    Can you make it rain too?!?!

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