SEIU Local 1000 Agrees to Deal with Schwarzenegger

In an ideal world, labor wouldn’t have to spend their negotiations on the subject of givebacks of gains they have made in the past. But, this is far from an ideal world, and labor has been up against the wall to do just that.  However, for far too long the Governor has declined to negotiate in good faith, instead unilaterally declaring furlough days and otherwise attacking state workers.

But, of course, there is that first way. You know, where labor and the administration work cooperatively towards a shared goal of a functioning state government.  And while this isn’t necessarily the vision of a functioning government that we would like to see, at least there was some cooperation:

The contract includes a one-day-a-month “personal leave program” that amounts to a 5% pay cut for the union’s 95,000 members in the first year. It also lowers the pension levels for future employees and requires current workers to contribute an additional 3% toward their retirement.

Union workers would be exempt from furloughs or being paid minimum wage during any future budget impasses.

“This was a hard-fought negotiation but we proved that collective bargaining works,” SEIU Local 1000 President Yvonne Walker said in a prepared statement. “We reached an agreement that helps the state maintain services, during this unprecedented fiscal crisis, while providing stability for our members.” (LA Times)

The deal lasts for three years, and will clear up one of the bigger remaining sticking points for the budget approval process.

One thought on “SEIU Local 1000 Agrees to Deal with Schwarzenegger”

  1. As an SEIU 1000 member, I see that there is not much choice in the matter. The Legislature had already scored the savings in the budget and in the wake of recent court ruling it was going to be this or furloughs/layoffs. I just hope we can get Republican votes (they killed the last contract).  

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