John Laird to become Natural Resources Chief

This is good news:

Gov.-elect Jerry Brown is expected to appoint former Santa Cruz legislator John Laird head of the state Natural Resources Agency, sources said Saturday — a role that will give the environmental advocate a powerful voice in oversight of logging, fishing, farming, parks and water policies. (Bay Area News Group)

While right-wing extremists and other non-relevant “leaders” like Ron Nehring complain about Laird’s record, it is really hard to argue.  He has been a leader on environmental issues, and fought for issues that the state cares about. At the same time, he has worked as Assembly Budget Chair to balance the budget, and understands the fiscal side of the issues.

It’s hard to think of a better appointment for the Director of Natural Resources than John Laird, if indeed that happens next week.

3 thoughts on “John Laird to become Natural Resources Chief”

  1. John is one of the original authors of AB32–the greenhouse gas law that Ahnold likes to take so much credit for. This was just one of the many, many environmental laws he carried in the Assembly during his tenure there. All of us who know and admire John Laird would have to say that, in addition to his serious budget cred, he was an environmental champion. This would be a great appointment.  

  2. It was everybody’s loss when John was termed out in the Assembly.  And it’s everybody’s gain that Brown is appointing him to this post.

    In Our Fair City And County Of Santa Cruz, we’re very proud of our John Laird.

  3. appointment.  In general, Laird does have a good environmental record and he definitely understands the history of water regulation in California.  However, my recollection of his past record is that the deferred to the water wholesalers…. aka water agencies… as if they were true public stakeholders.  Since I don’t believe that they are, I will with hold judgment.  However, he will surely be better that Lester Snow has been.

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