8 thoughts on “Gov. Brown Wants to Check in With Californians”

  1. JB all but admitted defeat today in his quest to find 4 Republican traitors that would give him his vote on a 5 year $55,000,000,000 extension of the temporary 2 year $24,000,000,000 taxes.  He concded an important victory to state Republicans and will be unable to sell extensions and must now sell the idea of tax increases.

    Old JB has elected instead to bypass the Republicans and get an initiative on the ballot to raise taxes.  He claims is will also include regulatory reform and a spending cap but most informed voters have been down that road before and will not fall for his fake reforms.  They will vote down the taxes just like they did prop 1A 22 months ago.

    Here come the cuts.  Here comes the IOU’s.  The teachers have already become receiving pink slips.


  2. He has taken his time and negotiated and built a coalition of business and labor support for his position. The Repubs are a one-trick pony- Taxes. They had a chance to get major concessions in exchange for a vote and blew it. Their refusal to let Californians vote on the tax extension will be hung around their necks like some nasty dead thing. They will take the blame for the all-cuts budget that will be enacted this July. When schools are closed, inmates released, highway projects frozen and fire services eliminated it will carry the Republican brand.

    The November election will be about service restoration vs tax increases. Service restoration will win hands down because the vast majority of voters will not notice any more money in their pockets when the taxes expire. The Republicans will maintain their ideological purity and as a result, be marginalized even further.  

  3. We the People of California got us into this mess by allowing the Legislature to draw safe districts so they could dilly and dally (hey is that Budget ready yet?), by voting our short-term benefits through propositions (and the long-term damage has come due) and by voting in anger for several foolish props.

    We the People should be able to come to our senses and fix our mess.  Let us vote.

    If given a chance I will vote to continue these taxes, initiate new ones, reform our prison system, reform our education system, reform our drug laws, commit to high speed rail, reform our public employee retirement system, and vote to provide Super Joker with something that will add happiness to his life…. oh and a decent biotech job in California for cali_girl_in_texas.  

    Let me vote.  

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