We Still Need The Tax Extensions

With the additional tax revenue coming in, the Republicans are already calling the tax extensions unnecessary.  However, the numbers just aren’t anywhere near that point yet, and Gov. Brown has no plans on dropping his pursuit of that revenue:

Having failed to win enough Republican votes to put the taxes on the ballot in June, the governor is expected to ask lawmakers to impose at least some of the levies first and seek Californians’ blessing after the fact, said officials with knowledge of Brown’s plan.

The governor faces rough seas in his quest for billions of dollars in additional income, sales and vehicle taxes.

GOP lawmakers’ resolve to block both a legislative vote for the taxes and a public referendum has intensified with recent news that state revenue is outpacing projections. The uptick could continue, they say, erasing billions from a $15-billion deficit.(LA Times)

Now, realistically, the best option at this point is to try to get the votes and just pass the taxes.  Getting those four GOP votes, however isn’t exactly a walk in the park.  So, we’ll get some sort of vote if we are ever able to get the taxes through.  Of course, at the same time, it is clear that Democratic super majorities are really the only way to create sustainable governance.  And hey, it might be possible.

I have a really hard time believing that this game of chicken will really end with the corporate powers really letting their GOP puppets decimate California’s infrastructure and educational systems, putting aside our other moral imperatives.  That being said, this is a high-stakes game of chicken, with more than a few parallels to the debt ceiling crisis in DC.  It will get resolved, but meanwhile we are on the tracks with a freight train heading right for us.

3 thoughts on “We Still Need The Tax Extensions”

  1. Now that the open primary is starting to come into focus, lets look at a solid Republican district in which no Democrat can or will get elected.  Under a closed primary system, the only Republican that can get elected is one who swears on the life of his children that he will never support a tax increase.  

    Now with an open primary, you will have two Republican candidates squaring off in the general election. One will swear on the life of his children, the other will say, “I am a conservative on most things but I am willing to work with Democrats to assure that our schools and infrastructure are property funded.”

    It is not impossible to imagine the moderate Republican winning with the support of Democrats.  On the whole, I think we will be better off with the open primary

  2. Gee !!

    Republicans obstructing necessary tax extensions ??

    WHO KNEW they’d be so stubborn ??

    Circulate petitions out to get this on the ballot !!

    It will get things moving …… and …

    THAT will put pressure on the Republicans

    (they STILL wonm’t budge)

    Next ime around, get petitions for an Oil Severance Tax to fund Education

    Isn’t it about time ??

    All this time and momentum wasted waiting for Republicans to be responsible ?

    All this time wasted waiting for Republicans to be reasonable ??


  3. …if such a thing it possible?

    If there’s even a chance it seems like it might light a fire under a few vulnerable republicans and force them to try to justify their refusal to cooperate.

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