4 thoughts on “Speaker Perez Reacts to the Veto”

  1. The budget he passed included many odious things, including the Schwartzenegger plan to sell off State Parks.  WTF?

    The Democrats in the Assembly and Senate were given a free pass to present a “wish list” budget, a totally Democratic budget, one which could inspire our constituencies, educate the public about the myriad budget choices outside of Repub talking points rhetoric, and establish our priorities for the public to understand.  Instead, we got a capitulation budget which violated our principles as a Party.

    Jerry Brown was right to veto the budget Perez approved. We have to do better, we have to set out our principles, we have to inspire our base.  It is crunch time for the State, so I think we should get our people fired up and get ready to battle for what we believe in.

  2. No one was very pleased with the budget our nonfunctional Legislature produced!  This budget was the same old same old. Brown is probably the wisest and most focused man in Sacramento.  Let’s all urge him to follow his instincts to bring an end to this very stale stalemate.

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