2011 Bills Complete

Gov. Brown vetoes high percentage of bills.

by Brian Leubitz

Every year, legislators from each house get a certain number of bills they can carry. It varies from year to year, depending on leadership, but can vary from as little as 10 to well more than double that number.  Every year, legislators basically go shopping for bill ideas. Some of them come in through the normal constituent relationships. Others from lobbyists of sponsoring organizations, and well, various other sources.

The interesting part of this is that legislators typically want to get their total up to the line.  Whether that is to make it appear that they have a lot of accomplishments, or to look busy is a matter of perspective.  However, every year we get a slew of bills at the end of session, many very important. Others, well, less so.

Gov. Brown prefers a less is more approach, and when it has come to vetoing bills that have come across his desk during this bill frenzy, it has shown.

From mid-September to late Sunday night, Brown signed 466 bills and vetoed 97, his office said.

Brown’s veto rate for the year overall was slightly lower, at about 14 percent. In the first year of his third term, Brown signed 760 bills, vetoed 128 and allowed one bill to become law without his signature, his office said. (SacBee)

Now, the 17.2% veto rate isn’t astronomical, as it is far lower than Gov. Schwarzenegger’s rate. However, given that his party is in control of the Legislature, you would expect that number to be slightly lower. But, again…less is more in Jerry’s world.

There were a few bills on the recent action pile that are worth a bit of note.  Sen. Juan Vargas’ bill against supercenters, SB 469, got the veto stamp.  The bill would have required supercenter developers to conduct an economic impact report to disclose impacts upon local economies prior to being approved to build in a local jurisdiction.  But, with the false notion that we don’t want to slow Wal-Mart from “creating jobs”, nobody has really sat back and thought of the real economic toll on the economy.  And apparently, it won’t be happening in 2012 either.

Brown also vetoed a bill regulating “debit card paychecks”.  These debit cards are targeted at low income workers and carry some pretty onerous fees, as part of the high cost of being poor.  But banks generally get their way when their lobbyists are involved, and they were able to get Gov. Brown to kill the bill while saying that he wants to work with the institutions and the Legislature to find a “compromise” for the debit cards.

Finally, in case you didn’t hear, the Governor signed the shark finning ban, at least one bill that environmentalists and progressives could count as an accomplishment.

6 thoughts on “2011 Bills Complete”

  1. None of the leading Democrats even bothered to challenge Brown in the primaries — as voters we were faced with a fait accompli by the California Democratic Party.

    This state desperately needs a progressive leader — where is the next governor?  

  2. Any word on why he vetoed SB914? It passed the Assembly 70-0 and State Senate 32-4. This veto is insanity. Smartphones are like a filing cabinet of our entire digital lives. Guess he needs the support of the police unions for reelection. My advice, put a password on your phone.

    More on Wired: http://www.wired.com/threatlev

  3. on these 760 bills that J. Brown signed in a 2-year session, but does anyone think that California had 800 problems that could or should be fixed by 800 different laws.

    I doubt it.

  4. …Sen. Juan Vargas’ bill against supercenters, SB 469, got the veto stamp….


    I don’t like WalMart, either

    But, this jsut seems like a nuisance bill to make developers spend more money

    Any economic impact report funded by developers is going to point with pride

    One funded by opponents is going to view with alarm

    This is really a case where Democrats are being obstructionist just for the sake of it

    In SF, we had a Supervisor reccomend that the SF Muni study letting school age children ride for free

    GREAT !

    Where’s the money gonna come from ?

    He and hiis cosponsors don’t care

    We’ll find it somewhere


    Muni is already deferring maintenance

    We already have enough graffitti on the trains

    It’s just SF Democrats being irresponsible

    Democrats should try to be a little more responsible

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