All posts by Bob Brigham

John Burton to Use Latest in Campaign Tactics?

From an email John Burton sent, I have to wonder what year it is, 2008 or 1968?

The party should also provide the materials for a program to soften up Republican incumbents long before the election, such as draft letters to the editor around current issues, phone scripts for volunteer phone banks, and suggestions for radio call-in shows.

Uh, not to go all Jetsons or anything, but how about starting with a website? Which, ironically is the most efficient way for letters to the editor, volunteer phone calls (beyond banks even) and radio talk shows messaging. However, once you build a website you get into a “post-broadcast” potential where you find there are for more effective arrows in your quiver. Yet the overall return of investment is why for a few cycles now starting with a targeted website has been the most effective method to “soften up” incumbents. An online strategy helps in the following three key areas:


While the CDP can’t start raising money for Democratic challengers prior to the Party endorsement or nomination, it can raise money for local central committees and clubs in a targeted district through a “dump-so-and-so” or such website. Better yet, for federal races, the CDP can use ActBlue’s Democratic Nominee funds to turn candidate recruitment on it’s head. Multiply that by re-occurring monthly donations and nominees can leave the primary with more COH than they had going into the final push. I predict this will be the biggest game-changer in the 2010 cycle, but you need an internet organizing program to make it happen. And building this infrastructure in the off year will allow the fundraising for the candidate to be far greater once the Party can leverage the investment early.


For years it has made no sense to focus on the internet as an ATM, so let’s look communication. Unfortunately, the CDP went from a leader in online message dissemination in the 2004 cycle to junk in 2006, to constant but not that aggressive against Republicans in 2008. And now we have the expected next Party Chair not even mentioning the internet as a way to soften up Republicans. In short, communication is the biggest potential for setting up 2010 in 2009 and should be used to a degree against all Republicans (especially leadership and marginal districts). Plus, if you want you can easily do letters to the editor and calls to radio shows, but there is so much more to do it only makes sense once you are already using the more effective tactics.


In 2008, Barack Obama took organizing to a new level while the CDP utterly failed to take advantage of it for campaigns in California. Yet the tool kit is out there (including bankless phone banks), a great number of people of been trained, and the budget mess is the perfect vehicle to translate that energy into organization — with again the most efficient mechanism being to begin online.

While I totally agree with the goal of softening up Republicans, can we please remember which millennium this is when looking at the tactics to accomplish that goal? And I agree there is a strong role for the party, but it isn’t materials, it is organizing and communication infrastructure.  

Time to Get the Band Back Together

On a conference call with Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, I mentioned that the California budget is FUBAR and she laughed because she had heard the same term from her Chief of Staff just yesterday. And it is true, the Republicans have succeeded in driving California into the ground and if you read Calitics you know that our budget situation really is FUBAR. There is no more apt term to describe what the Republicans have done to California

The time is now to fight back.

In 2005, there was a great coalition to fight the Schwarzenegger Special Election. That coalition needs to come together again, set aside petty differences, and fight hard now on the budget. Right now.

Mormons Feal the Heat for Bigotry

The LA Times points out what everyone knows:

In June, leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made a fateful decision. They called on California Mormons to donate their time and money to the campaign for Proposition 8, which would overturn a state Supreme Court ruling that permitted gay marriage.

That push helped the initiative win narrow passage on election day. And it has made the Mormon Church, which for years has striven to be seen as part of the American mainstream, a political target.

You can’t claim to be part of the mainstream while trying to deny rights. When you tell your members they need to give to deny rights, you reminding people this is a cult at best.

And a raid on a polygamous breakaway sect in Texas last spring was a reminder of the church’s practice of multiple marriages in the 19th century, even though the Mormon Church has long renounced polygamy.

“That whole story in Texas was probably much worse for the church’s image than Proposition 8,” Monson said.

When the Mormons talk about marriage, you need to be laughing or the joke is probably on you. The bigots are getting what they deserve and I think it will be good for all to learn more about the true nature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I don’t think the Mormons want more people to know about their dogma.

The Long Tail and CDP Elections

Looking east from San Francisco or LA or even Sacramento, with the right kind of eyes, you can almost see this cycle’s high water mark, where the Obama tsunami peaked and crashed back towards Chicago.

Homages aside, the real lesson is what has happened since the election. The 20th century, focus grouped to not offend, top-down media campaign run by the No on Proposition 8 campaign will be in the same historical chapter as the Hillary “in it to win it” inevitability campaign. They had big money, but in a post-broadcast environment it was junk without strategy.

So with the California Democratic Party in desperate need of dismantling and rebuilding, let’s look at the the Long Tail which should have been the natural principle behind No on Proposition 8. Every candidate for the CDP should be focused on translating CDP strategy to take advantage of this dynamic in California.

Yesterday’s protests on a California initiative had larger crowds in a lot of places outside CA than in California. That is the Long Tail.

So apply that in state. Unfortunately we had a disaster of redistricting after the 2000 census to protect incumbents. So focusing on the “head” doesn’t compare to focusing on the “tail” to pick up seats. By definition due to the redistricting, you have far more allies outside of a district in play than within.

And for major issues like marriage equality and the gubernatorial campaign, we have more allies outside of California than within. The next leadership needs to realize that 350 cities in 8 countries and all 50 states held protests yesterday about one of our initiatives, put together in a week online. That is the Long Tail.

How do candidates plan to harness the Long Tail? How do they plan to be nimble enough to take advantage of it? How do they plan to nationalize the gubernatorial campaign (hint: it won’t happen if DiFi is the nominee)?

Now isn’t the time to do the same thing and raise more money — unless we want to lose. Now is the time to leverage the Long Tail and make big moves. It allows us the Obama model for field. And yes, we can take advantage of the Long Tail for redistricting.

I think Long Tail distribution is so important that I would hope everyone running for CDP office would explain how they plan to maximize the potential.

Albuquerque Join The Impact (with pics)

Over 1,000 people joined together in Albuquerque, NM this morning for Join The Impact.

On the drive there, I figured there might be a few dozen people, but really had no idea what to expect. I’ve been to plenty of marriage equality events in San Francisco over the years, but this was after the election about an initiative two states away.

When I arrived, there were hundreds of people. But it was eerily quiet, more like a funeral than a protest. As people stood around in the crisp winter sun, the loudest sound was a nearby repairman’s socket-wrench.

Then, there was a bullhorn and the mood rapidly became festive.

Albuquerque Join the Impact

Following some speeches, there was a march and by that time the crowd was over 1,000.

Gonna beat, back, the Mormon attack. Gonna beat beat back, the Mormon attack

Albuquerque Join the Impact

Also, there was the local angle with the protest of the famous Blake’s Lotaburger getting attention.

Albuquerque Join the Impact

CA-Sen: How Chuck DeVore Can Beat Barbara Boxer

Chuck DeVore discussed his senate campaign with Erick Erickson of RedState prior to his announcement. If you read between the lines, DeVore’s plan (loosely based on the plot of the movie Superman) is to have the left half of the state fall into the ocean. But instead of nuking the San Andreas, DeVore’s scheme is to drill enough offshore and throw enough red meat to the base inland to create an unnatural imbalance in California that results in a devastating earthquake.

“A plurality also favor offshore drilling,” he tells me, again pointing out Barbara Boxer disagrees. Boxer, he emphasizes, “is an unreconstructed extremist liberal.” That’s red meat rhetoric that will play well to the Republican base.

Devore is committed to picking off Boxer. In 2010, an political earthquake is coming to California. He is taking advantage of it.

Actually, DeVore as an evil mastermind is far more Dr. Evil than Lex Luthor, thinking he can win with minorities.

Devore and the conservatives in California are much more in line with Latino voters and black voters than Barbara Boxer and the urban white elites whose policies have made it even more difficult for poorer families to survive.

Clearly, DeVore resonates with the right-wing bloggers to the point they make even less sense than normal. He is their type of candidate and I fully expect them to Palinate DeVore through the primary and bring him to within 20 pts of Boxer when all of the voters are counted.

Barbara Boxer

Mormons Hurt Utah


Utah’s growing tourism industry and the star-studded Sundance Film Festival are being targeted for a boycott by bloggers, gay rights activists and others seeking to punish the Mormon church for its aggressive promotion of California’s ban on gay marriage.

It could be a heavy price to pay. Tourism brings in $6 billion a year to Utah, with world-class skiing, a spectacular red rock country and the film festival founded by Robert Redford, among other popular tourist draws.

“At a fundamental level, the Utah Mormons crossed the line on this one,” said gay rights activist John Aravosis, an influential blogger in Washington, D.C.

“They just took marriage away from 20,000 couples and made their children bastards,” he said. “You don’t do that and get away with it.”


The backlash against the church – and by extension Utah – has been immediate. Protests erupted outside Mormon temples, Facebook groups formed telling people to boycott Utah, and Web sites such as began popping up, calling for an end to the church’s tax-exempt status.

In my mind, John Aravosis and AmericaBlog are far more effective than the Human Rights Campaign. John Aravosis has more scalps on his lodgepole than most people have nails. Americablog doesn’t just blog, it gets stuff done. And an A.P. story is just the beginning, if history is any indication. Because Avarosis is known for fighting on something until he wins — and he isn’t known for losing.

In California, Democrats Lost

Going forward, California Democrats need to be doing postmortems from the acknowledgment that we lost. There is no way around it and everyone reading this probably has a bittersweet taste realizing Obama made history but California progressives flopped.

After 2004, Democrats nationally were in the same position and the reforms made then allowed us to win nationwide last night. Democrats realized the Terry McAuliffe was a disaster as DNC Chair (well, not all Democrats as Hillary Clinton let him take her from inevitable to junior senator and some nuts want him to run for Governor of Virginia). Regardless, the DNC was reformed and the 50 State Strategy has been proven to be the best investment ever.

We need the same fundamental reform in California politics. From the upcoming battle over the next leadership of the California Democratic Party to the need to invest heavily in lasting infrastructure to the need to institutionalize local progressive politics — all of the things that need to be done should be focused on from the realization that we lost despite the Barack Obama wave.  

Barack Obama Doesn’t Support Proposition 10

I’m proud to do some work against Prop 10; these are my own thoughts on today’s scandal

In California, Barack Obama is unbelievably popular and is going to win in a landslide. What isn’t popular, is Proposition 10 which is a blank check handout to the Texas oilman funding the initiative. Which is why you see the strange coalition of damn near everyone in the state opposing the initiative. A coalition where the California Labor Federation has teamed up with the Chamber of Commerce to oppose Prop 10. A coalition where Calitics is on the same page as the San Diego Union-Tribune. A coalition where the California Green Party agrees with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. And every major environmental group is opposed, including the Sierra Club, League of Conservation Voters, Natural Resources Defense Council, Environment California, Alliance for Responsible Energy Policy and the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Since all the Yes on Proposition 10 campaign has going for it is money, they have now taken to misleading Democrats into thinking the initiative has the support of Barack Obama. It doesn’t (for good reason).

The expansive No on Proposition 10 campaign has demanded a retraction. Full details after the jump.

The No on Prop 10 Campaign issued a strongly worded letter today to Yes on 10 Campaign Manager Marty Wilson and Chair Alison Hart demanding an immediate public retraction for an email they sent associating Proposition 10 with Senator Obama and his energy plan.

The email was sent this morning to Democratic voters by Ms. Alison Hart, Chair of the Yes on 10 Campaign, The subject line reads: "From One Obama Voter to Another - Yes on Prop 10"

The email then goes on to say, "On November 4th, we will go to the polls and make history. Senator Obama has called for a $15 billion investment in alternative energy. You can support the Obama Energy Plan by voting Yes on Proposition 10."

The letter issued by the No on 10 Campaign to Mr. Wilson and Ms. Hart states, "Senator Obama has not endorsed Proposition 10. This email is a deliberate attempt by your campaign to mislead voters by associating Senator Obama with Proposition 10. It was timed to mislead voters in the closing days of the election, making it almost impossible for the misinformation to be corrected on the public record before Election Day. We demand that your campaign issue an immediate public retraction of this email message."

Prop 10 is a $5 billion bond measure on the November ballot. The taxpayer cost to repay the bonds is $10 billion over 30 years. Prop 10 was written and paid for by Clean Energy Fuels Corp, a company owned by Texas oil tycoon T. Bone Pickens. A broad based coalition of environmental, consumer, business, taxpayer, labor and civic organizations opposes Prop 10. Nearly 40 newspapers have editorialized against Prop 10. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, State Treasurer Bill Lockyer, State Controller John Chiang oppose Prop 10. Prop 10 has not earned the endorsement of a single newspaper editorial board, independent environmental group, or statewide elected official.