All posts by Bob Brigham

Proposition 10 Blasted by Proposition 10 Actor….Ooppps

Remember how the little girl from Hillary’s 3AM ad turned out to have grown into a young woman who was working her ass off for Obama? Well, there is now a California version. The girl from the Yes on Proposition 10 ads has a simply devastating response ad blasting the initiative.

She goes through it all. How the Sierra Club and every major environment group oppose Proposition 10. How the League of Women Voters says Proposition 10 misspends $10,000,000,000. How the Chair of the Air Resources Board says Proposition 10 increases global warming. And bonus points for pointing out how the wasted money will probably go out of state.

No wonder a Texas oilman has dumped $19 million into the Yes campaign — it is but a small investment. Vote no on Proposition 10.

Text the Vote with the CDP

Like many of you, I am increasingly worried about how an early call in the presidential race will affect turnout in California during the critical hours before the polls close. And I’m not encouraged by a giant No on 8 party starting at 6 PM and the email I received this morning that Jackie Speier’s election night party will start at 7:30 (polls don’t close until eight). When it comes to GOTV, volunteer all the way until the end, regardless of what went on in the east coast. That is why I love this new program by the California Democratic Party (from email):

Finally, think about all your friends and family in California who will share that joy with you. Is there a chance, even a small chance, that if they hadn’t voted by 6pm, people you know just might not vote at all? Maybe they’ll just be tired after a long day at work. Maybe they won’t be quite sure where to vote. Maybe they’ll see a long line at their polling place and figure “Obama’s gonna win California, so why bother?”

Help us make sure that your family and friends don’t give into temptation. Help us make sure your friends and family vote to defeat Propositions 4, 8 and 11 by sending them a quick text message.

Research shows that one of the easiest and most effective ways to get someone you know to vote on Election Day is to send a text message reminding them to vote. There is no better person to remind your friends and family to vote than you!

Use our free tool today to write an Election Day text message to your friends and family in California and we will send it to them for you on November 4th.

Take a minute and set it up today. And spread the word.

The State of the Races in California

Howie Klein has a look at the state of congressional races in California as voters are heading to the polls in what should be a tsunami year for Democrats.

Over the flip…

The most likely district to go from Republican to Democrat this year is CA-04 where corrupt Republican incumbent John Doolittle– along with the equally corrupt Mrs. Doolittle– will soon be headed for prison and the GOP is trying to slip in an ideological doppelganger in the form of L.A. right wing extremist Tom McClintock. First McClintock, widely seen as an interloper and carpetbagger, will have to get by the Democrat who came close to beating Doolittle in 2006, local boy Charlie Brown, a retired Air Force Lt. Colonel known for standing up for working families.

There are two other Blue America candidates running strong races, Russ Warner in CA-26 and Debbie Cook in CA-46, both awakening red districts represented by entrenched rubber stamp Republicans David Dreier and Dana Rohrabacher. No one ever mentions the two most glaring anomalies about the two Republicans: Dreier is a hypocritical, self-loathing closet queen who takes his lover/overpaid chief of staff on exotic vacations all over the world at taxpayer expense; and Rohrabacher is out of his mind and the biggest– probably onlysupporter of Taliban terrorists in Congress. Instead, battles in both districts are being fought on familiar turf– both incumbents have taken massive amounts of “donations” from special interests like Big Oil and commercial banking and insurance and have always voted for their interests instead of the interests of the working families in their districts.

Three other California Democrats are making credible cases to displace out of touch incumbents. Up near Sacramento, far right extremist Dan Lungren is facing his stiffest challenge ever from Bill Durston. Meanwhile Mary Bono Mack, who doesn’t have any connect to her district any longer, is getting a run for her (big corporate contributors’) money from Julie Bornstein. The sixth challenger with a real shot at winning is Nick Liebham who’s taking on corrupt rubber stamp lobbyist Brian Bilbray in Northern San Diego County. This afternoon Nick talked with me about Bilbray’s shameful record concerning veterans. “Bibray’s voting record as it concerns veterans really speaks to his distorted priorities and values,” said Nick. “Irrespective of how you feel about the war, and I have called for a timeline to withdraw our troops, we as a nation have an obligation to provide for our heroes when they return home.  Brian Bilbray will send them to a war into perpetuity but wont send them to college.  He is a disgrace.” Nick’s campaign got a tremendous boost in the last couple of weeks when a local hero, former Marine Gen. Joe Hoar not only endorsed Nick, but started campaigning for him and cut a devastating TV commercial as well.

As Howie notes, the disgusting decision by Democrats to focus on an incumbent protection redistricting following the 2000 census means that we are in the second cycle in a row where it is unbelievably difficult for Democrats to take advantage of a nation that has realized Republicans are an awful choice. While it is important to talk to your parents about voting Republican, it is quite difficult to beat them in California. So if you live in a competitive district, please do all you can to help out. And since it is likely you don’t live in a competitive district, sending money is helpful. And hopefully, following the 2010 census, Democrats will follow a Burton redistricting model that is far more Phil than John.

Steve Schmidt as the McCain Campaign Embarrasses McCain

( – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

For some unknown reason, Sunday’s New York Time begins a puff piece on Steve Schmidt with this anecdote:

ST. PAUL – It was what aides to Senator John McCain describe as probably the worst night of his campaign. As Senator Barack Obama claimed the Democratic nomination before a cheering sea of faces on national television, Mr. McCain countered with a lackluster speech in a half-empty hall, posed in front of a pea-green screen that became fodder for late-night comedy.

Steve Schmidt, a senior adviser to Mr. McCain who worked on President Bush’s campaign in 2004, could barely hide his fury in the coming days, as he announced – to anyone who would listen – that he would personally make certain the McCain campaign would never again embarrass Mr. McCain.

“Fun Steve is dead,” Mr. Schmidt said.

Unbeknown to NYT scribes Adam Nagourney and Jim Rutenberg, fun lived on, in fact in far funnier terms just last Thursday as the McCain campaign embarrassed McCain even better — during the largest audience of his career. Fun Steve made many laugh. According to Politicker CA the, “Democratic side of the California political blogosphere exploded with delight Friday afternoon as word of an embarrassing gaffe in Sen. John McCain’s acceptance speech Thursday at the Republican National Convention spread.”

Hell, even the NYT Times headlined (Friday), “McCain and the Green Screen” while The Oregonian headlined, “GOP oops?: McCain’s rematch with the green screen”, and CNN went with, “Seeing Green during McCain’s speech”. It was also picked up from The LA Times to Contra Costa Times to Hartford Courant to Boston Globe to friggin Agence France-Presse. Ouch all around.

Steve Schmidt Has Lost the Media Game

(Why does the media hate Palin? That must be what it is! – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

When Steve Schmidt stopped working for Dick Cheney to come back to California and manage Arnold Schwarzenegger’s re-election, Carla Marinucci had a page B1 story on Schmidt which quoted Garry South as saying, “He’s been sitting on Karl Rove’s lap for the last five years.” And Bob Mulholland offered, “This guy has Cheney tattoos all over him.”

Yet by the time Schmidt went on to be the latest to take over John McCain’s campaign, he seemed to be walking on water with the press. The story announcing the move, again by Carla Marinucci, appeared on the front page. This time, the first quote was from his business partner saying it was a “good move” followed by quotes from a Republican. Finally, a token Democrat was quoted as saying all Democrats “respect his ability.” It was pure puff, no mention of him lying about taxes all through the gubernatorial campaign. No mention this time of his engineering of the Martha Alito crying stagecraft. No mention of the disarray in the McCain campaign. Just puff.

However, that relationship with the press went to hell the past few days.  

According to Joe Klein, Schmidt’s strategy is disgraceful:

Steve Schmidt has decided, for tactical reasons, to slime the press.


But the media coverage of the Palin story has been well within the bounds of responsibility. Schmidt is trying to make it seem otherwise, a desperate tactic.

There is a tendency in the media to kick ourselves, cringe and withdraw, when we are criticized. But I hope my colleagues stand strong in this case: it is important for the public to know that Palin raised taxes as governor, supported the Bridge to Nowhere before she opposed it, pursued pork-barrel projects as mayor, tried to ban books at the local library and thinks the war in Iraq is “a task from God.” The attempts by the McCain campaign to bully us into not reporting such things are not only stupidly aggressive, but unprofessional in the extreme.

How bad was this decision? An “insider and longtime friend” of Talking Points Memo said:

Campbell Brown isn’t the story – people are underestimating her, as they always have. No, the story is that Tucker Bounds went on national television without material to answer what is maybe the simplest, most straightforward follow-up question any reporter can ask: “What’s your evidence for that assertion?” And I suspect that the reason they canceled Larry King is not to punish CNN (it doesn’t work that way) it’s that they still couldn’t come up with an answer to the question by the time his show aired.

Now look at this comment from McCain honcho Steve Schmidt to Katie Couric last night: “Members of this campaign went to off-the-record lunches with reporters today, and they were asked if she would do paternity tests to prove paternity for her last child. Smear after smear after smear, and it’s disgraceful and it’s wrong. And the American people are going to reject it overwhelmingly when they see her.”

First of all, that’s the first time I’ve heard anyone in the campaign/political press throw out the notion of paternity tests. So Schmidt is to blame for bringing that issue into the mainstream. If anyone is smearing the candidate, it’s Schmidt. This is as cynical a tactic as I’ve ever seen in politics.

Secondly, how can it be a “smear” if it was during an off the record lunch with McCain campaign aides?

Thirdly, hey, colleagues, you’re on notice: Steve Schmidt does not respect “off the record.” Watch your backs, my friends.

Will the press do their job, or cave to Schmidt?

UPDATE: Brian Williams read part of Joe Klein post cited above in the post-game show on MSNBC. Seems like a clear choice for the press, will be interesting to see who does what.

UPDATE II: Tomorrow’s New York Times:

The convention has already included some of the most intense attacks against journalists by a campaign in memory, with Mr. McCain’s aides accusing them of biased, sexist and generally unfair coverage of his running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska.

In the first three days here, Mr. McCain’s aides have sent out news releases criticizing individual reporters for their coverage. They have canceled an interview with Larry King of CNN to protest what they viewed as unfair questioning of a spokesman by Campbell Brown. They have dismissed as “fiction” an article in The New York Times about the process of vetting Ms. Palin. And Mr. McCain’s chief strategist, Steve Schmidt, has accused journalists here of pursuing a “mission to destroy” Ms. Palin with “a new level of viciousness.”


A former McCain strategist, Mike Murphy, agreed, saying, “The greatest of McCain is no cynicism, and it is cynical.”

Will the corporate media roll over?

Republicans Trot Out David Dreier to Defend Failin’ Sarah Palin

On so many levels, this is a rich statement by the RNC Convention’s Parliamentarian:

California Rep. David Dreier said Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy demonstrates her connection to other families who have similar issues.

Ah, empathy from an unmarried congressman who is trying to connect with voters instead of answer the questions about McCain’s vetting process for who he thinks should have their finger on the trigger if his cancer catches up with him.

But it isn’t about the daughter of Palin (who will probably join the Harriet Miers club faster than you can say “troopergate”). It is about McCain’s reckless recklessness. Here he goes again, the polls showed that if he put Joementum on the ticket he’d be hated by everyone but Joe Klein so instead he over-reacted to his advisers and put on somebody with literally no qualifications and obviously zero vetting as troopergate is more than enough for her to look less mentally unbalanced than Eagleton.

But here in California, once again we have David Dreier working against the facts. Nobody thinks an abstinence-only/creationism debate is going to help the GOP, yet David Dreier sticks out his credibility once again to be a Rubber Stamp for the Bush Administration. This time, the Third Bush Administration.

Art Torres Hijacks CDP Position to Push for Dianne Feinstein for Governor

On so many levels, this is totally uncool:

Most political observers expect that if Feinstein were to run, she would be the overwhelming favorite, since she is the best known and has been popular in the state since her 1992 election to the Senate.

“If she decides to enter the race, it’s cleared,” California Democratic Party Chairman Art Torres said.

Over the flip are reasons why I think this is uncool:

Here are a few of the reasons why this is uncool:

  • Either Art Torres is a fool when it comes to media or he is intentionally trying to clear the field.
  • Either Art Torres hasn’t been paying attention to why Hillary and Lieberman lost or he is lying to the press about DiFi’s inch deep support carrying her through.
  • Either Art Torres is out of the loop with the campaigns that are going forward or he is making assumptions against the evidence that the other campaigns realize DiFi can and will lose.
  • Either Art Torres doesn’t care that he made an ass of himself when DiFi lied to him about retroactive immunity or he is willing to burn what little crediblity he has left in the hopes of trying to get the California Democratic Party to have a crappy nominee.

Why doesn’t Art Torres want the CDP and Democratic voters to have a choice?

Gustav: Global Warming to Blow RNCC Off the Front Pages?

Few events have proven the folly of letting people who hate government run government like Hurricane Katrina. Everyone predicted the flooding of New Orleans was one of the “three likeliest, most castastrophic disasters” along with a terrorist attack on NYC (Bin Laden determined to strike US) and a San Francisco earthquake, yet the Republican Party’s focus on hating government has already crossed off 2/3 of the worst case list.

Is Karma getting getting involved in the news cycle?

NEW ORLEANS (AP) – On the eve of Hurricane Katrina’s third anniversary, a nervous New Orleans watched Wednesday as another storm threatened to test everything the city has rebuilt, and officials made plans to evacuate people, pets and hospitals in an attempt to avoid a Katrina-style chaos.

Forecasters warned that Gustav could grow into a dangerous Category 3 hurricane in the next several days and hit somewhere along a swath of the Gulf Coast from the Florida Panhandle to Texas – with New Orleans smack in the middle.

Taking no chances, city officials began preliminary planning to evacuate and lock down the city in hopes of avoiding the catastrophe that followed the 2005 storm. Mayor Ray Nagin left the Democratic National Convention in Denver to return home for the preparations.

This is looking to hit on the eve of the GOP Convention. Yet I doubt Republicans will change the program to talk about global warming and effective government and protecting America. And speaking of the RNCC, are any obstructionist legislators planning to go to the convention while still holding the state hostage to the tyranny of the minority?

Spot.Us to Fact-Check Political Ads in San Francisco

Sunday’s New York Times had a big article on David Cohn’s community funded journalism.

“Spot Us would give a new sense of editorial power to the public,” said David Cohn, a 26-year-old Web journalist who received a $340,000, two-year grant from the Knight Foundation to test his idea. “I’m not Bill and Melinda Gates, but I can give $10. This is the Obama model. This is the Howard Dean model.”

Those campaigns revolutionized politics by using the power of the Web to raise small sums from vast numbers of people, making average citizens feel a part of the process in a way they had not felt before. In the same way, Spot Us hopes to empower citizens to be part of a newsgathering enterprise that, polls show, many mistrust and regard as both biased and elitist.

Other enterprises have found success with this approach, which, in the Internet age, has become known as “crowdfunding.” This financing model takes its name from crowdsourcing, a method for using the public, typically via the Internet, to supply what employees and experts once did: information, research and development, T-shirt designs, stock photos, advertising spots. In crowdsourcing, the people supply the content; in crowdfunding, they supply the cash.

Right now, they are six, $25 donations shy of a major test case to fact-check initiative mail in San Francisco. This concept has received a great deal of attention, especially as big thinkers try to figure out the future of investigative journalism. It will also be great for San Francisco voters to get the benefit of knowing the truth about the initiatives (PG&E has already mailed me multiple pieces that are lies, not misinformation, but lies). Check it out and help push the funding over the top.

Moveon is Not Greenwashing Gavin Newsom’s Corporate Party

When San Francisco blogger Sasha McGee noticed that Gavin Newsom was being feted by PG&E and AT&T at the Denver convention, it wasn’t much of a surprise to see a DLC candidate running for governor of the largest state. What was a surprise, was that Moveon was also listed as a sponsor.

But fear not, Moveon hasn’t sold out, their logo showing up was a mistake.

In addition to the somewhat unseemly relationship between Newsom and PG&E, it seemed strange that MoveOn would cosponsor an event with one of the big drivers behind the move to preemptively absolve the nation’s biggest telecommunications companies of any consequences from their spying on Americans. MoveOn was a strong champion of the idea that these companies broke the law, and should suffer the consequences. That much of AT&T’s involvement took place in San Francisco only added particular irony to the situation.

Well, MoveOn now calls their being listed as a sponsor “a mistake” (they’re apparently sponsoring an event at the same time), and swears they’re going to get their name taken off the publicity for the event.

Indeed. And there is a huge gulf between the people-powered progressive side of the Democratic Party and the corporate-powered, DLC side represented by Gavin Newsom. For instance, compare how Moveon and Gavin Newsom responded to Al Gore’s push to go to 100% clean energy. Moveon issued a challenge to sign on that they would deliver, “to elected leaders and candidates across the country.” Gavin Newsom apparently didn’t get the memo as he opposes San Francisco turning on 100% clean energy:

When I approached Newsom at Netroots Nation after he gave a well-received speech on climate change, I asked him if he supported the Clean Energy Act. His initial response was “yes,” but he added that he didn’t think it was all that substantive. Eric Jaye was standing next to us at the time – and as I started to walk away, Jaye said something to Newsom. The Mayor then called out to me and asked, “did you mean the one about PG&E?” I said “yes,” and he then said: “oh, it’s horrible. I don’t support it.” Newsom wouldn’t explain why, and denied that Jaye working for PG&E had anything to do with his position.

And moveon plays well with other, while just last week Gavin Newsom’s taxpayer funded press secretary used the term, “lunatic fringe” to refer to the Democratic Party. Moveon works in solidarity with progressive blogs, while Gavin Newsom crossed the local netroots picket line and hired former Lieberman-consultant Garry South, whose idea of listening to online feedback can best be summed up in his own words (directed at calitics publisher Brian Leubitz:

Here’s my final word: When you have actually run and won a campaign electing a Democrat to any office at any level, instead of just sitting at your computer composing bile and bilge and hitting “send,” come back and talk to me.  Until then, you can kiss my . . . baby.

If Gavin Newsom wants to publicize AT&T and PG&E buying his ass, that is his decision. But he can’t hide behind moveon. And to have two of the worst corporations pay for him to have a party during the speech of the VP nominee is selfishly uncool. As for moveon, always cool. Please spread the word so people don’t get the impression moveon has any association with the awful corporations trying to elect Newsom governor.