Yesterday, carpetbaggers Doug Ose, Tom McClintock and Suzanne Jones held their debate for the Republican nomination in CA-04. Naturally their carpetbaggery was topic #1 at the debate, which seemed to have pretty paltry attendance. The Bee reported only a few dozen in the audience.
Rep. Doug Ose touted his long ties to the Sacramento region and the 4th Congressional District, even though he never lived there.
Ose wants the voters to believe that living in the area is just the same as living in the district. Riiiight.
State Sen. Tom McClintock, whose Thousand Oaks district is 400 miles away, declared that he is answering the call of local voters for conservative leadership.
McClintock tries to argue that his carpetbaggery is cool because he lived in the district even though he was supposed to be down in So Cal, living in the district he was ostensively supposed to be serving. It makes you wonder if McClintock will just move his family to DC, like he moved them to Rocklin. In which case, the voters in the 4th district will be just as SOL as his current constituents.
And upstart GOP candidate Suzanne Jones of Citrus Heights stressed that her community was once part of the 4th District “but the district moved away from me – not me away from the district.”
At least this one makes some sense. It wasn’t her intention to live outside the district, even though it does make her a carpetbagger too. More over the flip…
These two paragraphs are really just classic.
McClintock accused Ose of being a champion of pork-barrel “earmarks” during three terms in Congress representing Sacramento’s neighboring 3rd District. Ose depicted McClintock as a career politician helping himself to regular pay raises and legislative financial perks.
But the most critical arguments they appeared to be making to voters had to do with what they were even doing in this race – and congressional district – to begin with.
So what McClintock is saying is that I will represent you in Congress, pick up my salary, max out my benefits, but I won’t bring money back to the district. Sounds like a good deal for the voters he is trying to woo. The both of them are just opportunistic serial seat hoppers. They could care less about the district. They just want to be Congressmen and are trying to establish residency in the first place that has an open seat.
Charlie Brown does not have to spend time convincing voters why he is in the race. He has been making his case to the voters for the past 3 years, not the past three weeks, not to mention living in the district with his family for the past 17 years.
The presence of the two highly touted GOP contenders seemed to amuse the spokesman for Democratic candidate Charlie Brown.
“Charlie will be here every day fighting for the people of this district as he has every day living, working and raising his family here for the past 17 years,” said Todd Stenhouse, who appeared at the forum on behalf of Brown, a Roseville resident. “… I also, of course, want to welcome our friends Doug and Tom to the 4th Congressional District.”
Good snark from Todd.
The contrast between the questions Ose and McClintock are facing are pretty stark from Charlie. Instead of talking about carpetbaggery, he has been making donations to local veterans charities. These carpetbaggers had the nerve to question him giving back to his own community. Pathetic really.