All posts by Open Thread

September 15 Open Thread


* Meg Whitman dumped another $15 million into her campaign, breaking the all-time record in self-funding for a campaign, previously set by Michael Bloomberg in his 2009 reelection. She plans to spend $150 million.

* Meg also got an earful at Yelp while talking to their employees.

* And oh yeah, she is telling the cops what they want to hear. Apparently, cops and firefighters aren’t subject to her pension plans…just because. Teachers? Yup.

* Jerry Brown is investigating a legal consultant for taking big payouts from public coffers.

September 14 Open Thread


* UC Berkeley’s Institute for Governmental Studies is having a panel discussion on the governor’s race on Sept 20.

* Dr. Ami Bera is hitting Dan Lungren on his pension.  There’s a lot of grist with Lungren.  Hopefully we will see something that focuses on the pension rather than the ethics issues and Lungren’s poor positions on the issues.

* Lots of discussion about Jerry Brown’s apology to Bill Clinton. According to CalBuzz, Clinton was going to campaign for Jerry before the bad joke. Also, Clinton endorsed Brown later in the day.

* Speaker Pelosi’s GOP competitor has an ad up. Verrrry classy.

September 13 Open Thread


* No preliminary injunction for the top-two primary.  The trial moves forward, however.

* Conservatives are going after St. Abel Maldonado to get him to appeal Judge Walker’s Prop 8 decision. Setting aside any feelings about prop 8, such a move would bring a gun to the relationship of the Governor and his legislative puppet.

* Speaking of the Governor, he delivered a speech in China that gave the Chinese a lot of credit for their work on green tech.

* The AP fact checks another misleading Whitman TV ad.  

September 10 Open Thread


Over Anchorage, AK. Looking everywhere but can't see Rus... on Twitpic* Well, Arnold hasn’t lost his sense of humor. He made fun of Sarah Palin as he was flying over Anchorage.  He tweeted this photo to the right and said “Over Anchorage, AK. Looking everywhere but can’t see Russia from here. Will keep you updated as search continues.”  

* John Myers looks back at the first 8 years of Jerry Brown, Governor, and does a little fact-checking of recent ads.

* The ACLU of Southern California is suing school districts across the state for the fees they are charging as unconstituional. Under the California constitution, students haver the right to a free education.

* The supporters of Prop 23, decided that they are going to lose on the issues.  Well, that is basically the only possibility given their attacks on the 89-year old George Shultz, a co-chair for the No on 23 campaign.

* Robert was KALW’s Your Call Radio this week to talk about the California election. You can listen to the MP3 here.  

September 9 Open Thread


* Carly Fiorina did so well the first time, she wants another debate! The two major party candidates for the Senate race have scheduled another debate on September 29.

* As China welcomes the Governor, there is a lot of unfinished business in Sacramento.

* Wow, that was short. We wrote about GenM, the Young Professionals twitter account for eMeg, and now they went and talked smack about Carly Fiorina’s HP.  Well, big surprise, the twitter account has now been deleted.

* Jerry Brown rolled out a new radio ad.

September 3 Open Thread


* The Chamber of Commerce endorsed Meg Whitman. Not surprising really, other than it was done on the Friday before Labor Day, and that they don’t normally officially endorse.  But, they’re letting their freak flag fly this year, not without controversy of course, as Jack Scott, the chancellor of the Community College System and Mark Yudof, the president of UC quit the chamber.

* More strangeness in the Bell story: the former city administrator had his email subpoenaed as he was conducting city business on his personal account and personal on his city account.

* The California Conservation Corps got a bit of love from Govs. Davis, Brown and Deukmejian.

September 2 Open Thread


* The “Big 5” met again today with still no resolution. Are you holding your breath?

* Meg Whitman finished 2nd behind Al Checchi in $/vote in the primary for all time in California.  In the top 6, there is nary a winner in the group…

* Debra Saunders, in her own way, praises the President’s record on Iraq

* California Watch has a breakdown of the 98 bills passed in the closing hours of the legislative session.

August 31 Open Thread


* Senator Boxer laid out some thoughts on the economy at a speech in San Francisco.

* Rep. John Campbell is getting investigated by the House Ethics Committee for taking a bunch of money from the banking industry right before he voted against the financial regulation measure.  Stay classy Campbell.  Beth Krom is running against Campbell.

* A bill regulating papparazzi passed out of the Legislature and will land on the Governor’s desk. The Governor had been strongly pushing for the measure.