All posts by peterboy

obama tax plan

Putting goopers in a bad box, let the bush tax cuts expire, as they were intended to.

Create the Obama Tax Cuts, in a bill and put it to a vote before the election.

It cuts taxes beginning Jan 1 for those making less than 150k and couples at less than 250k. Everyone in that “poor cohort” gets the 20% dividend and long-term cap gains cuts, along with current marginal tax rates.

the rich, who arent doing their job by spending, get to pay what they were paying in 1999.

If the goopers want to vote against tax cuts for the middle class, the so-called little people (thank you very much sen. simpson) then let them do it and pay the price.

and let’s stop calling the new tax plan anything to do with Bush.

They are OBAMA tax rates.

What Really Happened in MA. Progressives stayed home.

Wanna know what really happened in MA on Tuesday.

The same voters who buried McCain didnt vote this time.

Almost million MORE folks went to the polls in MA in 2008 and all of them voted for Obama.

Scott Brown got the same vote total as McCain, but Coakley got 900k fewer votes.

Dem turnout and independent turnout just disappeared.

MA Election results  

2010 election  

1,168,000 brown  

1,059,000 coakley  

    20,000 others  

2,247,000  total

2008 election  

1,109,000 mccain  

1,904,000 obama  

  100,000 others  

3,113,000 total  

Brown wins with about the same vote as McCain got.  

Where were the 900k or so voters that didnt show up at all and who just a year ago gave Obama the win?

Brown ran identical numbers to McCain, but Coakley drew 900k fewer.  

Dems and independents just didnt turn out. It is as Howard Dean tried to say but then didnt have the data to support it–Progressives are mad at Obama for talking tough on Corporations, HMOs, Big Rx, and Wall Street. But then playing kissy face with them.

There are about 1.5 million Dems, .5 million Goopers, and 2 million no party in MA.  

Tell Democrats to vote no and demand a progressive tax system

What if California Democrats voted NO on the Big Five budget plan and instead of this cut-and-fudge budget, they demanded a progressive tax system?

Do you know that in California, someone earning $47k a year pays the same tax rate — 9.3% — as someone earning $1 million a year.

How did we come to this?

Here are the facts. The top two brackets in the CA income tax are:

If your income range is between $47,056 and $1,000,000, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 9.3%.

If your income range is $1,000,001 and over, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 10.3%.…

Call your legislators, as I have been doing, and do some educating. Quiz the staff. I have found that they do not know this simple fiscal fact about the state budget.

My guess is that most legislators have no idea of this incredible injustice in the tax code. And if they do, what is the harm in letting them know we are wise to their game.

Tell them to stop the class warfare. Restore a progressive income tax in California.

Ask your legislator if he or she supports class warfare. Demand that they vote NO and that they remake our failed tax system.

Dems dont understand unwritten scripts

Dems dont understand unwritten scripts

Every Dem in the Legislature should be given a book on tape of the Political Mind by George Lakoff, and a copy of his commentary yesterday at Kos.

the electorate was NOT saying cut cut cut, we were saying majority rule is the way to go.

I voted all NO, and I have voted for a gooper only once in my lifetime, and he was a personal friend.

link here:…

The Democratic leadership should listen to its grassroots.

They should immediately stop negotiating with the governor and other Republicans on how to destroy even more of what makes our state human. The Democrats, as a whole body, not just the leadership, should assert their majority, decide for themselves how they want to deal with the shortfall, and then invite the defeated Republicans publicly to join them and take their proposals to the public, first organizing serious grassroots support.

What is the point of doing this if the Democrats still don’t have the 2/3 votes to pass a budget bill? The point is drama! Most Californians are not aware of the minority rule situation. This could dramatize it and place the blame where it belongs. Drama matters. There might still be a later compromise. But the drama would set the stage for a 2010 ballot initiative.

The Democratic leadership should immediately take the initiative on a 2010 ballot measure, a supremely simple one-sentence measure. It would go something like this:

All budgetary and revenue issues shall be decided by a majority vote in both houses of the legislature.

teabaggers by the sea

They could’ve used some stimulus over at the teabagger rally in Hermosa Beach yesterday. As the video from the LAT shows, there were maybe two dozen folks there.

The Times put on its best Fox costume for Easter to celebrate the event with a print story and video, but the hyping couldnt cover up what was true about this made up news: no one was there.

and at this not so massive teabagging in LA, it was mostly chatter about the CA bgt mess and the coming proposition elections, not OB’s bgt and the stimulus.…

where is a fat drug addict when you need one?

Yacht Party bails on Stimulus funds for Unemployed

I read where Assembly Goopers by one vote blocked the extension of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits, which would be paid for entirely by federal stimulus money. The extension would have added 20 weeks for the very long-term unemployed, increasing the possible benefit period from 59 weeks to 79 weeks.

Recall that UI benefits are some of the most stimulative of all programs, returning almost $2 in impact for every dollar spent. The Yacht Party membership is all about talking about helping the state, but when funds show up that can help people stay in their homes and keep food on the table, they turn a deaf ear.

Will we get some leadership from Governor Arnold. He famously derided some other Gooper governors for saying they would refuse stimulus funds for UI benefits, but he is SILENT now.

California is among the top two or three states in the number of unemployed. Our unemployment is over 10% and hundreds of thousands more are out of work but simply not included in those figures because they no longer receive UI benefits.

Many of the folks hardest hit by the downturn are those who lost their jobs early in the recession; a year or more ago. They will run out of UI benefits in the next few weeks.

AP reports on it here:…