All posts by wes

Dana distinguishes himself…. again.

(What’s up with with Rohrabacher?- Brian Leubitz…
Well, Brian, that’s a great question! Hopefully, THIS is a good reminder for all of us as to what the heck is in Crazy Dana’s head. : ) – promoted by atdleft

California’s Republican Congressional delegation has, once again, distinguished itself with it own mental obtuseness. Chris Mooney, blogging at Intersection. noted that

… once the hearing started, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher once again, er, “distinguished” himself, using up all of his allotted time to speechify rather than ask the witnesses questions, talking about solar variations and global warming on Mars (you know the talking point), and then [in]credulously repeating the claim that James Hansen has done 14,000 media interviews.

Faux News devoted much of a February 9, 2007 story to Rohrabacher’s highly (un)scientific pronouncements. But he eventually gets to his real issue.

“We’ve seen this over and over again, where they are trying to claim an almost unanimous consensus among scientist and it’s not true. Usually that tactic is nothing more than just trying to stampede people than answer serious criticism.”

Thankfully, we now have a Representative with real scientific understanding, Jerry McNerney.  It would seem to me that we need to organize the same kind of action targeting Rohrabacher that we managed to pull off against Pombo. It won’t be easy.  It took two elections to give Pombo the opportunity to become a well payed lobbyist.  Still, the same tactics that we used on Pombo should work on Rohrabacher. 

Anyone up to the task? 

A Nuclear Thaw

Just when you thought that California was going in the right direction on something… global warming for example… you get a couple of Pombo wannabes who try and sneak a new bill (AB 719) that would removed the current prohibition on new nuclear power plants in California, all in the name of “zero emissions.” 

I posted on this today at California Greening and even got a quick reply from the Assemblyman himself.. or some staffer pretending to be him.

We have a lot of stuff to keep a watch on and this should be near the top of the list.

Downfall of the California Republican Assembly

(Understanding their problems can help keep us from repeating their mistakes – promoted by blogswarm)

One can reasonably argue that the downfall of the California Republican Party began in the early 1990’s.  At that time, the California Republican Assembly was putting together a concerted strategy to gain control of each and every Republican Central Committee, and thus of the internal power structure of the California Republican Party.  From that base, they were able to determine who would run in local elections, who had the name recognition to win State Assembly races, etc.

Along with that organization came the ability to activate the most conservative, most idealogical, most enthusiastic members of the party and get them to the polls to win almost all state-wide primaries. The results have been self-destructive.

The most recent Republican Convention introduced a possible change in the political structure as Contra Costa County Party Chairman, Thomas Del Becarro was selected as the Vice-Chairman of the party.  The old guard, Republican Central Committee controllers, like Richard Pombo, tried to defeat Del Becarro, but were not successful. Remember, Del Becarro is the one who filed a lawsuit to prevent Jerry Brown from taking office as Attorney General on the grounds that he was “not qualified” according to a strict reading of the law.

We now have an increasingly polarized environment in Sacramento, played out daily in the press. A 2006 report released by the Public Policy Institute of California documents the fact that the California electorate is increasingly disassociated from either major party.

What is the lesson to be learned from this?  What have the parties of the “left” (Democrats and Greens) not produced gains equivalent to the losses on the Right?

Equally important, if the electorate is going to remain disassociated from the major parties, will we continue to be governed by those who, like Schwarzenegger, have managed to position themselves as being outside of either? 

I have a lot more questions than answers.

More Republican chicanery

One thing that we did really well with the anti-Pombo campaign was to coordinate between bloggers, share information and also feed a few selected members of main stream media.

I think that it is time to continue this mode of operation with particular emphasis on Duncan Hunter, Jerry Lewis & John Doolittle.  In particular, there is an obvious connection between the investigations into their actions and the forced resignation of Carol Lam, the US Attorney who prosecuted Duke Cunningham.

downwithtyranny has posted on this recently, as have I at California Greening.

In particular, we should pay attention to the news of progress in this case, as Lam has only until February 15 to finish what she started.


Pombo hates the blogs

(Poor Pombo, people don’t like him, and we dare to organize against him – promoted by SFBrianCL)

In a recent comment printed in the Manteca Bulletin, Congressman Richard Pombo (CA 11) gives blogs high praise by singling out their effectiveness.  Speaking of the Defenders of Wildlife, he said:

The group has a full-time office in Pleasanton with a full-time staff, Pombo said. They have drawn their activist workers from personal website blogs in the Bay area. They send them into the neighborhoods campaigning against him in his congressional district, he said.

“It’s a full-blown campaign,” he pointed out. “I don’t think there has ever been anything to this extent before.”

Just recently the campaign group had some six buses pick up the Bay Area activists they had searched out from San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley taking them to district neighborhoods for door-to-door contact.

When Pombo was home in the district during the months of August and September, the group showed up at every event he attended with their signs charging him with corruption, he said.

Those blogs are PomboWatch  and SayNoToPombo. The effectiveness of getting feet on the streets is one thing that the Internet does as as well as it helps raise money.